Two birds one stone!
  • mathchu2 mathchu2 Now 100%

    good. two nazis with one punch.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • mathchu2 mathchu2 Now 88%

    I definitely favor keeping guns out of the hands of fascists, and just loosening gun control or keeping the status quo almost certainly gives more guns to petty bourgeois fascist vigilantes than actual revolutionaries. Reform is not a replacement for revolution, but the band-aid of gun control can at least mitigate the worst effects of rampant fascism and the violence of capitalism. Opposing gun control in our current state, as unready for revolution as we are, is not materialism, it is accelerationism, and works directly into the hands of the capitalist class, who would be more than happy to use an armed populace to launch a fascist takeover, as propagandized as they are. Why do you think a significant portion of the rich and powerful are pro-gun? It is because the people who are getting guns are not the people who are threatening them. They are the people who will defend them.

  • Fede or anarchists?
  • mathchu2 mathchu2 Now 100%

    NATO is an instrument of U.S. power. Of fucking course US imperialism needs it as it provides not only partners in (war) crime but also because it creates states subservient to US interests. You might as well say the same shit about the U.S. military, or U.S. governmental institutions. Yes, they are the problem. Yes, I am a tankie.

  • Countries where porn is legal.
  • mathchu2 mathchu2 Now 100%

    I don't know what the source is, but the facts seem to vary; IMO even this map is clearly just not the "same map" as US-aligned countries like Iceland, Ukraine, Bulgaria, South Korea, and the Iraqi puppet government all have it banned. Most other sources also seem to agree that Cuba, Venezuela, and Bolivia have either only some restrictions(yellow) or "totally legal"(green), and are very much anti-imperialist. The restrictions on porn seem to be very much a product of local circumstances rather than how "capitalist" or "imperialist" or "US-aligned" a country may be. There's definitely a lot of European homogeneity generally, and not every instance of that is an instance of "always the same map".

  • Comrade Biden creating the multipolar world at record speed
  • mathchu2 mathchu2 Now 100%

    ngl, while american fascists will remember him as the worst president in history, Biden might inadvertently end up being a fantastic president for the purposes of blunting U.S. global power. I just worry that after he's done, his replacement will be much, much more violent and insane, rather than just simply incompetent.

  • Freedom of thought 😂
  • mathchu2 mathchu2 Now 100%

    I hate the idealistic western mindset of "freedom of speech is more important than living conditions". they will literally admit that it's ok for people to be poor and starving for their twisted ideal of freedom. they make it sound so sublime, as if people literally dying en masse is just the fair price to pay for a few sentences in the constitution that totally has any effect on how "free" speech really is. The USSR and even to some extent China provide for their citizens much better than the USA ever did or will, and had a net positive impact on the lives of all but the greediest capitalists. I'm not convinced I even care if they had to censor some reactionary political attitudes to achieve this, honestly.

    the other one that really pisses me off is the "free speech absolutism" folks who claim that nazis should just be allowed to do and say whatever tf they want as long as they don't commit crimes. If nazis have grown and organized to the extent that they are able to commit crimes its already too fuckin late my friend, how the hell do you think hitler even happened

  • ...
  • mathchu2 mathchu2 Now 100%

    I never understood the glorification of "NATO" specifically as a propaganda tactic, it's a large group of countries that differ on many things, and the alliance hasn't done anything with respect to the conflict(THANKFULLY). I honestly think even the libs have realized that NATO means US puppet and are too afraid to say it out loud

  • I have a group of friends who all know I'm a communist and sometimes they agree but I feel like the liberal propaganda machine is desensitizing them whenever I prove them wrong. The group's de facto leader's beliefs are like libertarianism with socdem characteristics?? They do agree that America is a terrible shit country, they recognize racism and international terrorism, they recognize climate change, they recognize the American oligarchy and corporate power, but they only see bourgeois politics as the only way or have just given up. I'm able to prove that the USSR and China were successful in much more ways than the US is but they still don't think that communism will work. Should I even try to convince them? What should I do?

    *Permanently Deleted*
  • mathchu2 mathchu2 Now 100%

    let them eat cake in 2022

  • The Red Scare is alive and well
  • mathchu2 mathchu2 Now 100%

    all im going to say about this is that one of the core tenets of fascism is unrelenting anti-communism, even against made-up communist threats(think Reichstag fire). This is just part of the national trend towards being proud of fascism instead of hiding it.

  • General Discussion Thread Juche 111 Week 19
  • mathchu2 mathchu2 Now 100%

    Lech Wałęsa update: apparently my lib history teacher went to see him give a talk. The way I understood it was he was advocating essentially the balkanization of Russia by turning it into a sort of European Union where the large and unified country of Russia gets broken up into a bunch of pieces in a loose union. Not that the libs haven't been begging for this for ages but it was surreal hearing it so close to home, I guess.

  • General Discussion Thread Juche 111 Week 18
  • mathchu2 mathchu2 Now 100%

    Any sources on Lech Wałęsa and/or "Solidarity"? I recently heard about this supposed great hero of anticommunism alongside other "greats" like Ronald Reagan and instantly became suspicious(especially of CIA involvement). Does anyone know more about the fall of the Polish People's Republic, and what factors caused it(other than the Western explanation of cOmmuNisM BaD!!!)

  • Celebrate or instantly lose all your FICO points 🇺🇲 🇺🇲
  • mathchu2 mathchu2 Now 100%

    Today I learned that in the state of Texas(where I live) "Celebrate Freedom Week" is part of the required world history curriculum:

    freedom is requiring students to take a week out of their world history classes to read founding documents like religious text, btw

  • Libs aren't left, but they should leave.
  • mathchu2 mathchu2 Now 100%

    A teacher of mine(a self-proclaimed "libertarian") was complaining about how the Democrats' "hidden racism" was worse than the Republicans' "overt racism". He was right to some degree, but the point he was trying to make was more a "Democrats are even worse, so vote for Republicans" kind of thing.

    I couldn't help but think: what if we just had. no racism?

  • mathchu2 mathchu2 Now 100%

    I'm pretty convinced that the western anarchist pipeline is just the "sanctioned leftism" the ruling class doesn't attack so that leftists become terminally online anarchists who pose no threat to them

  • Trotskyists following the tradition of supporting facists
  • mathchu2 mathchu2 Now 100%

    Though this meme is actually based on something that happened in real life, I probably made it seem much more like a general statement about Trotskyists with the title in particular, which it evidently is not. I'll try to be less mindless about this sort of thing next time, seeing that I misunderstood the general situation.

  • ![](

    CIA+Wall Street = the bedrock of the US Empire
  • mathchu2 mathchu2 Now 100%

    It's so obvious that the only reason wall street should celebrate the CIA is because the CIA protects wall street from any threats to its global influence. it's not like there's any independent reason to celebrate the CIA's 65th birthday at a financial institution, most countries would just. do it at their analogue of the pentagon?? how blatantly obvious does it get??

  • Crowd in Manhattan chanting "Azov"
  • mathchu2 mathchu2 Now 100%

    tbh with this "evacuate mariupol" nonsense I wonder when they'll start rehabilitating the nazis encircled at stalingrad

  • General Discussion Thread Juche 111 Week 16
  • mathchu2 mathchu2 Now 100%

    The other day someone at school was talking about how "socialism" (aka socdem policies) was laughable(like they were literally laughing about it) because "the companies will no longer be profitable" or "they'll just raise prices" or whatnot. one of those "the poor starve because they deserve it" kind of people. It was kind of terrifying that they had absorbed so much capitalist propaganda that they sympathize more with the companies than the people fucking dying?? not to mention they had no idea how socialism actually works. god i hate libs

  • [rant] I hate STEM bros so much
  • mathchu2 mathchu2 Now 100%

    STEM should never have been a "privatized" thing. ML countries tend to be strong in STEM, but the way STEM is treated there is nothing like the way it's treated here in the US. it's a way to improve the world, not to enrich yourself. Let alone the dangers of letting people like Elon Musk run away with tech development without anyone limiting the consequences of his actions; technology is dangerous in the wrong hands.

  • What would you pick?
  • mathchu2 mathchu2 Now 100%

    a weird one is the communists gaining power in France right after the war, they almost had the support and weren't a revisionist party(at least at the time). just imagine how much less power the USA/Britain would be able to exert in Europe and leading to a lot of other historical developments (e.g. immediate decolonization, Vietnamese unification not being delayed by 20-30 years of war, possibly even stuff like German reunification into the DDR) as much as we shit on France they were that close to being based

  • I've been reading *The State and Revolution* and Lenin repeatedly describes how the State will ultimately "wither away". Does this just mean the State as a means of one class suppressing another, or does it mean any form of government at all? Will there be some central planning and organizations to continue e.g. medical research? How do the people ensure that no reactionary elements reemerge?

    mathchu2 Now
    3 32


    he/him, retired math olympian, ML with the misfortune of living in America.