The Judge Dismissed Valve's Defence, Now Steam Is Different. [Valve's can't tell you that you can't class action them]
  • nik282000 nik282000 Now 100%

    In 19 years I have never been burned by Valve, in the same period I have lost access to software (and hardware) from Microsoft, Sony, Nintendo and Epic. They are a money making business and will always act in their own interest but so far it seems like their own interests includes not stomping on customers (in my experience).

  • The Judge Dismissed Valve's Defence, Now Steam Is Different. [Valve's can't tell you that you can't class action them]
  • nik282000 nik282000 Now 100%

    What monopoly? Microsoft, Sony, Nintendo, and Epic all make money hand over fist selling videogames.

  • Man, 81, sentenced to 6 months in prison for trying to create giant hybrid species of wild sheep
  • nik282000 nik282000 Now 100%

    the need to impose a sentence that would deter anyone else from trying to “change the genetic makeup of the creatures” on earth.

    Dogs, cats, cows, pigs, chickens, horses, sheep, literally every domesticated animal has had it's genetic makeup changed either indirectly or directly by humans. Is there no way to get a sentence thrown out if your judge proves themselves to be totally ignorant on the subject?

  • Number of orphan wells in Alberta will soon double as controversial oilpatch bankruptcy settled
  • nik282000 nik282000 Now 100%

    Find the guys who signed the paperwork to build the well, chain them to it. Make them spend a year cleaning up by hand before we have to start paying for it.

  • Fortescue’s 6MW electric vehicle charger stuns the EV and mining industries
  • nik282000 nik282000 Now 100%

    That's going to murder the battery lifespan. Why not make swappable batteries, you get a 10min turn around while also greatly extending battery life. On a machine that size you have the room to make things more serviceable :/

  • Major music companies send letter to Canada’s CRTC, urging it not to regulate streaming as if it were radio
  • nik282000 nik282000 Now 100%

    There are streaming services that already are not available in Canada because we are too small of a market to be worth the hassle. Increasing that hassle will not make the situation better.

  • Your smart TV (probably) sends screenshots to advertisers
  • nik282000 nik282000 Now 100%

    No they wont.

    There is no demand for dumb-TVs. People are stupid, people don't know what they want, people don't know that their TV is broken because the manufacture made it broken. People will buy what they are told to buy.

    At best you can buy a smart TV, hobble it, and use your own video sources.

  • After we “dig a big ass tunnel,” here are 5 simple ways we can reduce congestion without asking people to drive less
  • nik282000 nik282000 Now 100%

    Has anyone noticed that the Ford family is the Quimby family from the Simpsons?

  • A lithium battery fire sent toxic gas over Montreal. Are we ready for such emergencies?
  • nik282000 nik282000 Now 100%

    Enforce shipping regulations.

    Train firefighters and give them the tools they need to put out self oxidizing metal fires.

    Stop making battery fires into a boogyman so oil and gas can say "look, we're safer!"

  • Major music companies send letter to Canada’s CRTC, urging it not to regulate streaming as if it were radio
  • nik282000 nik282000 Now 96%

    Does the CRTC do anything to help Canada at this point? They've allowed all telecoms/media to be merged down to 2 and a half entities. They've allowed cell and internet service prices to be the highest in the western world. They've forced CanCon rules that subsidize media monopolies while driving viewers to non-Canadian platforms. And now they are going to drive other services out of Canada at the request of those same media monopolies.

  • Thinking the 'unthinkable': NATO wants Canada and allies to gear up for a conventional war
  • nik282000 nik282000 Now 100%

    It only takes one ICBM reaching it's target to fuck up a lot of people in Europe or America.

  • Thinking the 'unthinkable': NATO wants Canada and allies to gear up for a conventional war
  • nik282000 nik282000 Now 100%

    Go ahead, draft me. Thanks to the lack of availability of family doctors I have a number of chronic health issues! At best you pile 300 other guys like me up to block a road.

  • Canadian provinces seek to treat more drug users against their will
  • nik282000 nik282000 Now 60%

    allow a family member, police officer or medical professional to petition to force treatment when a person is deemed an imminent danger to themselves or others because of addiction or drug use

    As long as there are some seriously strict requirements that need to be met then it's better than what we have at the moment.

  • Picture of 4,000 dead birds in Toronto wins international photography award
  • nik282000 nik282000 Now 100%

    Not pictured: the billions of flying insects missing from the GTA.

  • Trudeau accuses Conservatives of making homophobic comment during rowdy question period
  • nik282000 nik282000 Now 87%

    He really is speed running the Trump story arc from 'Hero of the Right' to raving lunatic.

  • Couple on the hook for over $500K say 4-year-old Ontario home is a teardown, so they're suing the builder
  • nik282000 nik282000 Now 100%

    Fuck everyone involved, the dickheads involved should be held personally responsible for this. Fine the project manager, inspector, foreman, even the tradesmen who actually did the work.

    But they were just doing what they were told

    Bullshit, when your foreman tells you to build a subpar house, a house that you know someone is going to have to live in, you tell him to put it in writing. Your foreman would literally sell you by the pound if the opportunity ever came up. If enough guys wave down inspectors and get this shit caught before the house is sold it will no longer be profitable to build shitty houses.

    Bias: I am an electrician, I worked for 7 years in commercial/industrial construction and 12 years in industrial maintenance/service. If I do sub standard work people can get hurt or killed. Sometimes I have to remind the bean-counters that a dead employee is a lot more expensive than the vital part I need to make a machine safe.

  • Using a vinyl cutter and mini-sand blaster I made some alternate universe corporate schwag! I like the idea that someone might have swiped these during an interview before both companies had their 'accidents.'


    I got my hands on some really weird EL panels and did a little dive into how they work. I still have no idea where to get more but I think they may be DIY-able.


    I was gifted an unused Ender 3 Pro two weeks ago and managed to model and print an adapter to connect Sony E-Mount cameras onto a 42mm dovetail used by microscopes. Bed adhesion, leveling, stringing, clearance issues, blobs and permanently welded supports, I got to battle it all but thanks to the massive volume of community support I worked my way though.


    I was given an Ender 3 Pro last week and after a few bumps managed to successfully CAD, slice and print a booster seat for my phone. The caddy as it was would grab the volume down button on my phone, this little wedge solves the issue!


    I learned this week that many high speed CD-ROM drives used balancing balls on the spindle to stop discs from vibrating at 10Krpm. Between the platter that supports the CD and the motor there is a puck with a toroidal void containing a few ball bearings. When an out of balance CD is spun up the spindle and disc together rotate around their common center of mass, some point between the spindle and the edge of the disk. This means that the void containing the balls no longer rotates around it's center, it spins like a hula-hoop around the spindle/DC center of mass. With the "lighter" side of the system being farther from the center of rotation the balls roll 'down hill' towards the side of the void that is experiencing more centrifugal force. Eventually enough balls will collect on the light side to perfectly cancel out the heavy side. If there are too many balls they will distribute themselves inside the void until they cancel out each other's weight! The link leads to a scaled up demo of this using an empty water bottle and steel BBs.


    // Randomly spawn drops // Take a random fraction of each cell move it down, or down and to the left or right // The remainder of the fraction stays where it is // Subtract a constant small value from all cells to prevent rain from accumulating


    // Randomly spawn drops // Take a random fraction of each cell move it down, or down and to the left or right // The remainder of the fraction stays where it is // Subtract a constant small value from all cells to prevent rain from accumulating


    I found a box of CD-Roms and floppy disks in my mum's basement and damnit, I want to play them! I could use emulators, DosBox or VMs but it's never quite the same as having the real thing, so between an eBay mobo and a box of old parts I managed to build my new gaming rig to cover 1990-2005. Its running a P3 at 1GHz, 512MB of ram, and an ATI Xpert98 with 8MB of memory. As I didn't want to run an old IDE drive with a million hours on it, I tried an SATA-IDE adapter, it caused some issues during the install but that just felt like the standard Windows experience. Though unpopular, I went with ME for 2 reasons, the first was Dos support, the second is that I went from W95 to ME as a kid, 98 wouldn't have felt the same. The install bricked twice with video drivers but I finally got it up and running with the default drivers and an 18" Samsung flat CRT (runs up to 1600x1200 at a nauseating 60hz). So what were your favorite games from the 90's and early 2000s?


    > In the ruling, the judges argued the application could not be successful because of a new law, Rebuilding Ontario Place Act, 2023, that the government passed days after the court application was filed last November. wow


    Repaired some broken solder joints, sanded out the biggest scuffs and polished most of the scratches out of the screen. Oh yeah, and the paint job.


    I tried to go for an 80's NES theme. Not perfect but not bad.


    The two hemispheres are electrically connected to each other and to an AC power supply, the ring is connected to the same AC supply but 180 degrees out of phase. Particles are charged and then injected into the trap, they are then alternately attracted to the ring and hemispheres causing them to oscillate and become trapped! As the voltage is increased lighter particles pick up more speed until they are finally thrown free from the trap. In ideal conditions ions are all charged the same amount allowing the trap to sort the ions from lightest to heaviest, allowing you to determine the atoms that make up a particular substance. In this model I can not control the charge on the particles but it is possible to roughly sort them from smallest to largest. Notes: This trap is scaled WAY up, the ring had a diameter of about 24mm. I'm trapping non-dairy creamer not individual ions. The frequency this trap runs at is WAY lower frequency than that of a real ion trap. This trap runs at a much higher voltage than a real trap. Otherwise them mechanism of operation is identical to the real thing.


    So I bought 2 sets because it looked like one set was briefly lost in the mail and this past week I got an email from Amazon that said one set I bought were “fakes.” - Both sets have printing that matches legitimate manufactures. - The “legitimate” set have all black filters (not the metalized filters I am used to like Thousand Oaks Optical) the “fakes” have the metalized filters. - Both sets of glasses have the same transmittance as the Thousand Oaks filter material I use on my telescope and cameras. - The build quality of the “legitimate” glasses is quite a bit worse than the “fakes” with the two layers of paper being misaligned So, what I suspect is that I actually received a crappy set of “real” glasses and a well made set of counterfeits, this seems in line with the press release made by the American Astronomical Scociety.^[0]^ > Some of these newly identified counterfeits are indistinguishable from genuine Qiwei products and appear to be safe. Others look like Qiwei’s eclipse glasses, but when you put them on, you realize they are no darker than ordinary sunglasses. So, these products are not just counterfeit, but also fake –– they’re sold as eclipse glasses, but they are not safe for solar viewing. So, did anyone get unlucky enough to get some ‘real-fake’ glasses? An did anyone get a set of legitimate glasses with the non-metalized filter? ^[0]^


    So I bought 2 sets because it looked like one set was briefly lost in the mail and this past week I got an email from Amazon that said one set I bought were "fakes." - Both sets have printing that matches legitimate manufactures. - The "legitimate" set have all black filters (not the metalized filters I am used to like Thousand Oaks Optical) the "fakes" have the metalized filters. - Both sets of glasses have the same transmittance as the Thousand Oaks filter material I use on my telescope and cameras. - The build quality of the "legitimate" glasses is quite a bit worse than the "fakes" with the two layers of paper being misaligned So, what I suspect is that I actually received a crappy set of "real" glasses and a well made set of counterfeits, this seems in line with the press release made by the American Astronomical Scociety.^[0]^ > Some of these newly identified counterfeits are indistinguishable from genuine Qiwei products and appear to be safe. Others look like Qiwei’s eclipse glasses, but when you put them on, you realize they are no darker than ordinary sunglasses. So, these products are not just counterfeit, but also fake –– they’re sold as eclipse glasses, but they are not safe for solar viewing. So, did anyone get unlucky enough to get some 'real-fake' glasses? An did anyone get a set of legitimate glasses with the non-metalized filter? ^[0]^


    In the ten years since I took this photo the trail has been abandoned and the tree has rotted away.


    This will be the only chance I will have to see a total eclipse so I slapped together all the gear I own and made a dry run today. There were some wispy clouds that made things a little soft but it's better than the 400mm I used in 2017.


    > To prevent the possibility of being attacked in your home, leave your fobs at your front door, because they're breaking into your home to steal your car. They don't want anything else.


    Totally unrelated to the Boeing that lost a wheel last week or the Boeing that had "a strong movement" today, injuring 50.

    nik282000 Now
    32 1K

