To start off, thank you for this community to give me some comradeship through my toughest of time and I feel like that is also good enough sometimes. I know a lot of people might not know me. Maybe some do. I know a lot of people might not like me for not being political anymore or share the same ideas. But I really just want to live and stop worrying about politics too much. I have sometimes good take and sometime dogshit horrible takes. I understand we are all just trying to fight for a peaceful world and a beautiful world. I need to say goodbye because I feel like I no longer going to be active on lemmygrad entirely anymore and it been a blip on and off randomly for months on end here me checking on update and sometimes giving horrible takes. I will have to admit that sometimes I do lack knowledge and need to read more books lol. Because I originally not from the West, this community have given me an opportunities to not feel alienated and I can relate to a lot of things this community said. Anyways, I don't know what else or what more to say... I know a lot of people might hate me for this because it might seen that I have given up on the cause, but I really need to focus on my life. P.S. Also thanks @Eat_Yo_Vegetables69 for the sick ass pfp, it been nice knowing you comrade!

Redditors glorify and defend a child porn advocate
  • specialistdevicet34 specialistdevicet34 Now 100%

    Least obvs racist anti Sinophobes on reddit be like.

  • The same guy who make that 'Chinese Censorship song' that contains so much racism is shocked seeing so much Xenophobic comments. its always Anti-Communism to Racism Pipeline, Imagine my shock.
  • specialistdevicet34 specialistdevicet34 Now 100%

    If you talk to an American about any other Asian it is fine, but when you just need to mention Chinese, they have a heart attack. Also they end up couldn't tell the difference between Asian and when they attack a random Asian for thinking he is Chinese. They don't love Asia at all, it is out of convenient to support their imperialistic cause, the only reason why everyone love South Korea and Japan was because they are both USA puppet. It to show that look guys, if you are puppet like South Korea or Japan you can be the good Asian that everyone like.

  • I am curious about what is your guys thought on Infared or Haz, I notice he shared all the view we have here. But I always wonder what is your guys thought on him?

  • specialistdevicet34 specialistdevicet34 Now 90%

    Bro these Westerntard where I live give me so much shit for just talking good thing about China. Like bruh, is China live rent free in your brain that you have a problem when positive are said about China?

  • It have been a while, you guys know what happen to r/Genzedong sub on Reddit? Did it ever got deleted? Or did it just stay quarantine?


    Vietnam–China (Friendship Song)


    Basically I am studying in America right now. My principle of Democracy teacher talk about how it is okay that the bridge near Crimea exploded because Russia strike Ukraine and Ukraine have more more death. She even talk about how Azov didn't deserve to get torture despite they are Nazis...

    Q&A, opinion on Vietnam?
  • specialistdevicet34 specialistdevicet34 Now 100%

    Haha, it been a rough year for me. I am glad you still remember me comrade! I thought everyone here forget me already. Anyways, nice to see you again brother!

  • What is your opinion on Vietnam?

    Okay hear me out. Social credit system is actually good.
  • specialistdevicet34 specialistdevicet34 Now 100%

    Wait, what I mean is that the credit is not being control by individual but the government, vanguard party, would that work?

  • I might get flame for this but. Social credit system might be a way for us to get rid of money and achieve a classless, money less society. People can work hard and get a good social credit score. With a good social credit score, the benefit will be free housing, free healthcare and free food, water and electricity... etc. If you have a low social credit score, you can always improve by being a better person and contribute.

    March of Steel Torrent / 钢铁洪流进行曲 - PLA - Chinese Military Song
  • specialistdevicet34 specialistdevicet34 Now 100%

    Also somehow I got down-voted lol... For a comment about phrasing music... Libs lurker are here.

  • March of Steel Torrent / 钢铁洪流进行曲 - PLA - Chinese Military Song
  • specialistdevicet34 specialistdevicet34 Now 90%

    It was one of the best song ever, I listen to it for several hours on repeat lol.

  • Vietnam and Western media
  • specialistdevicet34 specialistdevicet34 Now 90%

    I used to, but yes, what I said is true. I don't know what happen. That is why I said the CIA have something to do with this. There is so many pro US people. It is concerning, horrible crime commit by the US get swept under the rug in school and history textbook. The history book that was taught in school talk about the "Heroic American" who try and stop the My Lai massacre which is stupid, because it not suppose to happen in the first place. I don't remember a lot but I still remember the education don't cover crap about the horrible thing the US have done or did(All it said was the US was strong and stuff and we win blah blah blah) it might cover some but as far as I remember the textbook was pretty pro US and anti China. It mostly are Sinophobic teaching and how China try to invade a lot of times. Fucking disappointed now that I look back. If the government don't so something I afraid the government going to be overthrow by the CIA and become an US puppet if it weren't already an US puppet.

  • Vietnam and Western media
  • specialistdevicet34 specialistdevicet34 Now 100%

    USA will get away as usual just like with all the crime the US committed.

  • Vietnam and Western media
  • specialistdevicet34 specialistdevicet34 Now 89%

    Because the CIA is doing a good job in Vietnam, there are so much pro US mf now. The government is good but not authoritarian enough that lead to corruption and people being pro capitalist. I hope Vietnam won't fall into another US puppet. If the government were strict like China or North Korea, shit like this would never happen. There is so many anti-China narrative being push on the news and South China sea. I hope China help stop this. But right now China have it own hand tied up trying to stop the CIA in China. The country is slowly changing into a capitalist state and I am concern tbh. If we end up a fucking Western lapdog, I would be piss. I would be much happier if Vietnam become part of China. There is so many shit in history books that are being changes. Vietnam is like Taiwan, it used to be part of China until it got separated and after a long time, it become a separate state.

  • new genocide human rights 'claim' just dropped by our classic uyghur terrorist supporter. this time is vietnam doing the thing
  • specialistdevicet34 specialistdevicet34 Now 100%

    LOL WHAT? Okay this is straight up just stupid. Watch the backlash this going to get lmfao.

  • La Baguette
  • specialistdevicet34 specialistdevicet34 Now 100%

    France the imperialist, always take but never give.

  • What would you pick?
  • specialistdevicet34 specialistdevicet34 Now 100%

    The Sino-Soviet split didn't happen, Sino-Vietnamese war won't happen because of it. Vietnam and China can be close or form the States of the Socialist Asia Republic and then spread influences and then the world can have an USSR and Socialist Asia Republic. Which will liberate the rest of the world from imperialism.

  • I am fucking convince that reddit is 99.99999% Neo-Nazi at this point. I seen post that support the Vietnam war and say that America action is justify. I seen people blurt out racist shit and get away with it. Shit talk about all the other minority accept for white people. I am just done. I think I will save my mental health by not fucking visiting this ass place anymore.



    *Permanently Deleted*
  • specialistdevicet34 specialistdevicet34 Now 100%

    Fucking White worshiping diseases. Have you ever tell your school to take it down? It is your right since you play for that fucking school.

  • Liberate Taiwan!
  • specialistdevicet34 specialistdevicet34 Now 100%

    Yeah, I know. I am just using that question as an answer. Since American use hiragana for username sometimes too, so it doesn't make sense to ask that question.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • specialistdevicet34 specialistdevicet34 Now 100%

    Sorry, that is a no for me. Europe need to split up. Those imperialist country like England and France and etc..., aren't getting away with it. They better repay all the destruction they cause. England need to return northern Ireland. France need to repay. The country that haven't done any imperialism can be together but best to let those imperialist pay consequence for their action. They aren't getting away with it.

  • Liberate Taiwan!
  • specialistdevicet34 specialistdevicet34 Now 100%

    Why do American use Japanese name?

  • DEFEND THE MOTHERLAND IN R/PLACE it should be the top left of the map ![](

    Yo reddit just added r/places, someone help me create a giant ass Z next to the Ukrainian flag please.
  • specialistdevicet34 specialistdevicet34 Now 100%

    Let show how strong we are with our numbers.

    I afraid it might be the final thing before r/Genzedong get ban lmfao

  • Only after the fall of the Soviet Union that we have stupid skinheads and Neonazi. Remember that, Communism help unite and bring together humanity. My father agree that Soviet was one of the greatest time ever. He have to witness it fall as a Vietnamese studying in Russia at that time. That is why I love Communism, we treat each other like brothers and sisters.


    ![]( I meet this self hating Russian. He support the West and been really racist. He even said the N word. He said that he hate Russia and want to move to the West. He said that he hate Russian. Needles to say, I am fucking disappointed. ![]( ![]( ![](


    Yeah yeah, socialism and communism is good whatever... The true question is... How do I stop being so horny? This is a big problem communism and socialism will have to solve.


    ![]( ![]( ![](




    ::: spoiler spoiler If a imperialist country are getting a taste of their own medicine. :::

    specialistdevicet34 Now
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