by Adam Hillman
  • ultrahamster64 ultrahamster64 Now 100%

    Tasty and nutritional breakfast

  • Posts disappear when I log in
  • ultrahamster64 ultrahamster64 Now 100%

    Oooh I see. Thanks! Deselected all of them and now I can see all posts!!

  • Posts disappear when I log in
  • ultrahamster64 ultrahamster64 Now 100%

    I'm a bit confused, because there is like a yellow box that says

    Warning: If you deselect Undetermined, you will not see most content.

    So if I deselect all languages am I going to see everything or nothing?

  • Posts disappear when I log in
  • ultrahamster64 ultrahamster64 Now 100%

    Yeah I didn't block them for sure

    Hmm so undetermined only shows "undetirmined"-language posts, not all of them?

    Edit: thank you so much!! It worked like a charm

  • Upper screenshot is looged in - last post shows up in ! as 10 days old. Next one is 6 months old!! Lower screenshot is logged out - there's a bunch of new posts dating a couple of hours ago. I picked 3dprinting community just as an example - it happens all the time (sometimes communitys have number of posts displayed but they load as empty) I changed language in profile settings to "undetermined", tried some other stuff but nothing seems to do anything. Please help!



    6 Rule Srimp Special
  • ultrahamster64 ultrahamster64 Now 100%

    Ultrakill? More like ultrashrimp

  • Pasta Carbonara
  • ultrahamster64 ultrahamster64 Now 80%

    God damnit that looks so delicious

  • my blocked communities on Lemmy
  • ultrahamster64 ultrahamster64 Now 100%

    I clicked it

  • Soeaking is against the law here buddy
  • ultrahamster64 ultrahamster64 Now 100%

    I cannot spoek again and I must scream

  • Come rule me
  • ultrahamster64 ultrahamster64 Now 100%

    Yeaah so true. Like something along the style of trailers/public announcements would've been great

  • Love yourself
  • ultrahamster64 ultrahamster64 Now 100%

    Yes, this is absolutely the truth - you need to be comfortable alone to be comfortable with others. I also think that, that is an acquired skill. Not everyone can do it right out of the gates - but through self reflection, analysis and self improvement you can acquire it.

  • Source:

    How artists feel. [Roonie the Rabbit]
  • ultrahamster64 ultrahamster64 Now 100%

    Nooo don't give up so easily!! :(

  • It isn't worth it
  • ultrahamster64 ultrahamster64 Now 66%

    Well, certanly not with that attitude

  • It isn't worth it
  • ultrahamster64 ultrahamster64 Now 86%

    Yes, ai is a tool. And the person in the screenshot is criticizing a generative gpt-like and midjorney-like ai, which has a massive impact on the climate and almost no useful results.

    In your examples, as I can see, they always train their own model (supernovae research, illegal fishing) or heavily customize it and use it in close conjunction with people (cancer screenings).

    And so I think we talking about two different things, so I want to clarify:

    ai as in neural-network algorithm that can digest massive amounts of data and give meaningful results - absolutely is useful and, I think, the more the time will pass (and more grifters move on to other fields) the more actual useful niches and cases would be solved with neural-nets.

    But, ai as in we-gonna-shove-this-bot-down-your-throut gpt-like bots trained on all the data from all the internet (mostly reddit) that struggle with basic questions, hallucinate glue on pizza, generate 6-fingered hands and are close to useless in any use-case are absolutely abismal and not worth it to ruin our climate for.

  • Love yourself
  • ultrahamster64 ultrahamster64 Now 100%


  • Love yourself
  • ultrahamster64 ultrahamster64 Now 100%

    Yes, I agree that self-hatred can be used as motivation sometimes, and it can be a good one too. But it is a somewhat dangerous path.

    I myself struggled with my body - I hated looking in a mirror and even more I hated going in public with even remotely tight/revealing clothes. In my case the rational decision was to go to the gym and get a diet, and this is where self-hatred failed me - it always told me I wasn't good enough, why do I even try, I always gonna look like shit this doesn't work. Only when I noticed it and started actively pushing against it, cutting myself some slack and, in a sense, just loving myself, it allowed me to start getting slow but steady progress.

    but there's always a way to work with what you're given and turn it around, even if just to make a little bit of progress each day

    Yes, I completely agree. And I also think that you need to have some level of self-love and self-compassion to know and understand that, and to allow yourself to grow in that way.

    Also, on the other note: Congrats on the progress, man! Keep up the good work! :)

  • Source:




    Cross-posted from:





    Hi everyone!!!! It was recently brought to our (mine and pencilnoobs) attention that our community need rules. So I thought it would be fair if everyone could take a part in making a new (and bright!!!) future of hopeposting! So, here's a ruleset, provided for you by an amazing and revised/expanded by me: 1. Posts must inspire hope or highlight the beauty of existence 2. Posts and comments harassing or antagonizing a real person will be removed 3. Posts mentioning religious topics are allowed but religion should not be the main point of the post. E.g. “God’s beautiful world” is fine because of the “beautiful world” part, but “God loves you” isn’t because religion is the focal point 4. Posts and comments judging group of people in negative way based on stereotype will be removed. 5. No posts with toxic positivity. All human emotions are valid. I also think there shoud be a rule about format of the posts themselves (to prevent turning into cutsie/deep-quotes group), but I'm having a hard time defining it to be not very restrictive. Please feel free to discuss and give your feedback!!!!! (you are a very valuable asset to our company) Edit: New rules are now implemented!

    ultrahamster64 Now
    39 105



    Fuck it we ball