I bet he'd give 'em out for free
  • veniasilente veniasilente Now 100%

    I seem to be pretty good at breathing. Where do I send the invoices?

  • World's first ovarian cancer vaccine being developed in UK 'could wipe out the disease'
  • veniasilente veniasilente Now 66%

    "could wipe the disease out"

    ..."but won't, because thanks to Capitalism it will be non-affordable."

  • Mozilla will become an ad company
  • veniasilente veniasilente Now 100%

    It actually feels newer and fresher (kinda 2000-2002-ish) despite it technically being limited to a modeling and rendering of documents in the style and paradigm of about 1994 1974.

    Credits where it's due, tbh.

  • Mozilla will become an ad company
  • veniasilente veniasilente Now 100%

    Oh I didn't recall that part, might have to relearn some things of Ye Olde Gooden Times, but if so, that's wonderful!

    Perhaps there is something like mount.gopher in the AUR already....?

  • Mozilla will become an ad company
  • veniasilente veniasilente Now 100%

    Mostly that even for something three decades newer, it does nothing with the newness except bad things: it doesn't allow for more than one (1) link per paragraph, if at all. Doesn't have a concept of text alignment, text weight, spacing, italics, underline or any of the other stuff CSS 0.1 inherited from the historical printing press. To my recollection, doesn't even allow you to use any alphabet set that is not English's one (so stuff like math equations are out of the question), and you can't post a link that has international characters (like the wikipedia page for "Ñandú") without hideously percent-escaping them. In 2024.

    In exchange, Gemini seems to require SSL and a certificate of all things, which means it's a lot costlier to implement on low-end hardware and it's noticeably vulnerable to tactics like domain seizure because you need a valid cert which means you need an external "naming authority".

    Looking at it from a distance, it feels like someone looked a Gopher and went "I wonder how would this feel in the format of a brutalist buttplug".

    On the plus side tho, thanks to the lack of anything even resembling formatting, Gemini does realize one thing that I don't recall Gopher realizing in full: rendering of the document is under control of the viewer, not of the author. For good or bad.

  • Mozilla will become an ad company
  • veniasilente veniasilente Now 100%

    I tried Gemini once, honestly found Gopher to be noticeably superior, and on several fronts.

    Gemini feels like someone was throwing a tantrum at the modern web and decided to overcompensate by rolling progress back like 45 years to Web 0.0001255 Standards.

  • “Hell Is Breaking Loose in Lebanon”: Israel Rejects Ceasefire Proposal
  • veniasilente veniasilente Now 93%

    It's impressive. Any other country in the world that was bombing two (2) (Dos) countries at a time nowadays would get hell of flack.

    But not the 21st century Nazis, not them!

  • Deleted it.
  • veniasilente veniasilente Now 100%

    Talking news and sharing links? There's lemmy for that!

  • Mozilla hit with privacy complaint over Firefox user tracking
  • veniasilente veniasilente Now 100%

    No hope, no cope. Just a basic understanding on how the HTTP infrastructure and time dilation work.

  • Wilds PC System Requirements
  • veniasilente veniasilente Now 100%

    Oh that's a fair point, better to wait until the Complete Experience(TM) is available!

  • Mozilla hit with privacy complaint over Firefox user tracking
  • veniasilente veniasilente Now 100%

    You can have one or two execs, as a treat; but certainly they don't need to be paid crazy figures like what has been the case with Mozilla as of late. It's not like they're that important, in particular for the kind of project something like Firefox is (which could do with eg.: coop governance).

  • Wilds PC System Requirements
  • veniasilente veniasilente Now 100%

    It's quite sad that the lowest graphical settings don't allow even for 720p, let alone 540p/480p ("DVD"-like quality).

    Come on, the 3DS games did wonders with 244p!

  • Wilds PC System Requirements
  • veniasilente veniasilente Now 100%

    Already gave my thoughts on the situation.


    Fortunately the stuff that I like the most about MH, such as the music and the monster deisigns and behaviours, most of it I can enjoy vicariously from a Lets Play.

  • Mozilla hit with privacy complaint over Firefox user tracking
  • veniasilente veniasilente Now 100%

    Okay, but what if after all this legal action Mozilla decides that it’s no longer worth serving the privacy conscious crowd? Which browser will you use then?


    Just because the execs decide to stop serving the software, doesn't mean the copies (and source code!) already out in the wild will automagickally stop functioning. You'll still be able to visit websites the day after, the month after, the year after... And there's still the devs, since they're not the execs.

    By the time there's issues, there'll still be the forks. Someone will have already step up to fork and keep the work on their own, too; the name just weighs enough that someone will want to be "the next Firefox" (not "the next Mozilla"). Or even better, the devs (obvs not the execs) will have jumped ship into any one of the various alternative projects such as ladybird, or might even have started a new project from scratch, hopefully intending for it to be a leaner and better browsr.

  • "Anne Frank" Copyright Dispute Triggers VPN and Geoblocking Questions at EU's Highest Court.
  • veniasilente veniasilente Now 100%

    Nothing screams "capitalism!" louder than a geofencing over Anne Frank of all things.

  • Telegram Removes Z-Library Posts 'Due to Copyright Infringement' * TorrentFreak
  • veniasilente veniasilente Now 100%

    Eh, I don’t know if it was illegitimate or not considering he allowed abuse to carry on on the platform for years and due to no encryption it was well known about.

    Knife makers absolutely know people are using their tools to commit crimes, up to and even murder. Are they going to be held up until they do Something(TM) about it?

  • Mozilla hit with privacy complaint over Firefox user tracking
  • veniasilente veniasilente Now 100%

    NOYB would’ve done much better by talking to Mozilla directly and advocating for them to do the right thing going for a legal complaint as the final nuclear option. I

    It has been already vastly demonstrated by Mozilla, that going to them and talking to them about how they shouldn't do shitty things doesn't work.

    If it takes legal action to even try and save the browser, I'm all for it.

  • https://i.imgur.com/Le6YdU4.png

    Con todas las noticias sobre el cambio climático y ahora los "nuevos términos" (never has been) como el "río atmosférico" y otros misceláneos, para qué estamos con cosas - uno *debería* sentirse preocupado. Pero para suerte mía, vivo como 100 km fuera de la zona que pega estos sistemas frontales, igual llueve su harto pero me salvé. Y cuando veo que en los noticieros ahora se pegan con el "río informático" como nueva muletilla, que nos falta agüita, que nos volvimos flojos con la sequía, que el niño no que la niña etc etc, pues yo me acuerdo de esta escena de una película vieja de Pokémon. (Parece que el próximo finde las voy a ver negras eso sí) Y eso feddit, ¿cómo están con el agüita?


    More or less title. The idea is, one can already excise the corporation social media somewhat, or limit their reach into your content, if you self-host your social media (or at least if you participate in the Fediverse, say on Mastodon Lemmy etc) and instead link or cross post to corporate ones such as say Twitter or Discord. But I'm looking for something to self-host that is better geared to do this with small *snippets* of text that (mostly) stand by themselves. Something that would fit in a original!tweet or even smaller and would not have much use for the "conversation workflow" UI of corporate social media. The two use cases I'm aiming for are: * instead of posting something creative directly on eg.: Reddit or Discord (by which in the latter it would get locked and lost in that blackhole), I just post it in $THINGY and then link it on Reddit / Discord. That way I also retain license. * having a "local" archive of my comments on various stuff that I can tag, query or consult on, or even easily share with other people. At first I thought "maybe what I'm looking is micro-blogging" but on second thought it feels like I'm looking for something even smaller than that? I'm not at all sure, so I thought to ask around here what would you guys self-host for this kind of thing or if it's even a Thing. Cheers.


    publicado de forma cruzada desde: https://zerobytes.monster/post/1397624 > ##### This is an automated archive. > The original was posted on [/r/earthporn](https://redir.zerobytes.monster/url/https://old.reddit.com/r/EarthPorn/comments/166pzck/licancabur_volcano_atacama_desert_chile_oc/) by [/u/Siriema_do_pantano](https://redir.zerobytes.monster/url/https://old.reddit.com/u/Siriema_do_pantano) on 2023-08-31 23:00:08+00:00. >

    veniasilente Now
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    Venia Silente

    veniasilente@ lemm.ee

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