Tanks are being put on the streets in China to protect the banks
  • xanthespark xanthespark Now 100%

    The watermark in the second pic says "Inconvenient Truths by Jennifer Zeng". A quick Google search shows that she's a Falun Gong cult member (because of course she is) who has a YouTube channel where she posts videos whose topics encompass the usual liberal nonsense about Chinese society/the economy and the evil CCP ("China's on the verge of collapse" type shit). She "fled" the country in 2001, and has been slandering China ever since. Also, LOL

  • Comrades have you ever thought about moving to an AES county? If so which one?
  • xanthespark xanthespark Now 100%

    I plan on doing exactly the same thing. Live in China for a few years, if possible, but eventually come back to fight reactionaries in my home country.

  • Fuck Joshua Wong
  • xanthespark xanthespark Now 100%

    At 5:43 the interviewer babbles like an infant and strings together the most nonsensical, triggerword-loaded sentence I've ever seen when asked how he defines a dictator. Jiang Zemin is noticeably and understandably confused. Beyond embarrassing.

    Also, holy shit the interviewer said "Many [Chinese] scholars believe the president has, in effect, made a deal with the Chinese people: to increase their economic and social freedom, to work and live as they please, and, in return, the people give up any right to challenge the authority of the Communist Party" like it's a polemic.

    If this is considered true for a thought experiment, and Jiang Zemin/the Party held up their end of this "deal", why would the people feel the need to challenge the authority of the Party? "Oh no my government is setting goals, and meeting them, and raising everyone's standard of living, and remaining committed to peace and stability!"

  • Is Dialectical Materialism "Unfalsifiable"?
  • xanthespark xanthespark Now 100%

    But, of course, if someone did contrive an engine which ran without fuel, or which was one hundred per cent efficient (it would be a kind of fairy-tale engine), that would falsify the laws of thermodynamics—and technologists would have to undertake some new and very fundamental rethinking of their concepts. No one expects this to happen, but it is imaginable (i.e. it can be described in fairy tales). The laws of thermodynamics are thus falsifiable but not falsified. That is, no doubt, why they are considered to be such very “good” laws.

    I think this was the only part that confused me a bit.

    Sure enough, this other planet (now named Neptune) was observed when telescopes were directed in the right direction—so Kepler’s laws were “saved”, since they did not “forbid” there being another planet but allowed for its existence. It is just the same with Marxism, when social “irregularities” (such as the Russian Revolution or full employment in Britain) take place—we look for and find the causes of these “irregularities”.”

    I think I get it. The most important framework from which to understand the validity of a theory is what it forbids, not what it doesn't account for. So if a prediction is made with a theory serving as a base, and that prediction is proven to be false, it doesn't mean the theory as a whole is necessarily untrue. It just means that the prediction was untrue. Whoever made it did not account for certain factors that, when further examined, could be perfectly consistent with the theory as a whole.

    Anyhow, this was an excellent read, comrade. Thank you for sharing.

  • Is Dialectical Materialism "Unfalsifiable"?
  • xanthespark xanthespark Now 100%

    Is the proposition that every scientific hypothesis or system needs to be falsifiable itself falsifiable?

  • Do you reckon buying old communist badges and stuff off eBay is too larpy?
  • xanthespark xanthespark Now 100%

    Buying this statue is like one of the Top 10 Ways to Get on a Three-Letter Agency List

  • What is a Patriotic Socialist (Patsoc)?
  • xanthespark xanthespark Now 100%

    No yeah that makes sense, and I am certain some displacement/eviction is bound to occur (especially regarding the most reactionary forces who refuse to comply with indigenous governance or violently lash out). I am just iffy about some takes I've heard from people, mostly anarchists or libs, who propose literally removing all "colonizers" from the US, which is frankly impossible to do.

  • New Sub Announcement: ShitPatsocsSay!
  • xanthespark xanthespark Now 27%

    I'm not sure I agree with everything saddamhussein is saying regarding patsocs and Israeli settler colonialism, but I do agree a mountain has been made out of a molehill here.

  • What is a Patriotic Socialist (Patsoc)?
  • xanthespark xanthespark Now 100%

    Genuine question, because it is something I have been curious about whenever I hear of landback; this just means the lands will be in control of the indigenous peoples, right? i.e. they will have control over laws passed, how private property is managed or lent, etc.

    I assume, for instance, that in states/areas where there is a greater presence of indigenous people, but whose boundaries still have many non-indigenous people living on them, those non-indigenous people may remain in those areas if they decide not to leave, but they must abide by the laws put in place by the indigenous people.

  • Most self-aware anarchist
  • xanthespark xanthespark Now 100%

    If they highlighted Russia on the map, I'm assuming they meant historically ML states. I'm just wondering why Burkina Faso was left out 😞

  • Building on Comrade Rose's earlier meme
  • xanthespark xanthespark Now 100%

    Me leaving all the permissions/location services on for the Chinese apps I have on my phone and turning them all off for the American/Western apps lol

  • Anti-Communism in the American Classroom
  • xanthespark xanthespark Now 100%

    The article states what we know to be true: a state cannot be impartial, no matter how much that lie is pounded into young students' heads in the West, and any illusion of American education being "moderate", "unbiased" and "balanced" is a result of purposeful liberal deception, or delusion.

  • ![](https://lemmygrad.ml/pictrs/image/4053bf6b-d07e-4c92-8e94-7c827b85ef63.png) ![](https://lemmygrad.ml/pictrs/image/e3dde5e0-c097-4916-8f38-5a1da229cb1b.png) ![](https://lemmygrad.ml/pictrs/image/8a22eec0-8ec9-493f-934c-492d41fd8df2.png) ![](https://lemmygrad.ml/pictrs/image/f21b033a-134c-4a4b-8ddc-6b37e2504fc7.png) ![](https://lemmygrad.ml/pictrs/image/d60aea16-248e-40db-b898-c8b24cd16c69.png) Fidel eating all the fritters with his giant toothpick > Stalin eating all the grain with his giant spoon

    Underrated food?
  • xanthespark xanthespark Now 100%

    Plantains and green bananas. They are superior to the potato, imo, and can be prepared in just as many ways (fried, pickled, boiled, mashed, in a salad, in soup, served hot, served cold etc etc) and usually need nothing except salt, and maybe a little vinegar or garlic if the recipe calls for it, to bring out their flavor. Very versatile.

    There is also fried cheese, but of a specific kind. The kind with little water, that is crumbly, without lactose, and is mostly just curds seasoned with a little salt, which I think is common here in Latin America. It's low melting point means it retains this wonderful, spongy-but-not-quite-airy texture when shallow fried, and keeps its shape. Little cubes of these, on a Friday night, cure my soul.

  • Underrated food?
  • xanthespark xanthespark Now 100%

    noodles feat. peanuts is sooooo good

  • Underrated food?
  • xanthespark xanthespark Now 100%

    Critical support for @kig_v2@lemmygrad.ml and their GF's pasta salad

  • Theory Reading (sort of a challenge)
  • xanthespark xanthespark Now 100%

    I'm gonna read "The Foundations of Leninism" by Stalin

    Edit: I'm glad you've posted this. It gives me a little push to read. I am just weirdly specific about stuff and get this weird feeling when considering reading new theory, like I can't move on to reading a different author until I'm well versed in the author whose work I'm currently reading. Just need to put that perfectionism aside and jump right in, screw it, I've never read Stalin's work but I'll never start to if I never just do it, regardless of I feel like it's a bit out of my depth

  • “Immigrants are poisoning America with socialism!!”
  • xanthespark xanthespark Now 100%
    • claims to love freedom
    • YouTube campaign video has the comments turned off

    If they would just be honest, I'd respect them more, though not by a lot 🙄

  • Look inside a match factory
  • xanthespark xanthespark Now 100%

    The sheets of wood were so satisfying to watch, they must have a very fun texture/pliability.

  • idk if this has been posted here before but its still legendary
  • xanthespark xanthespark Now 100%

    A kid made a last-minute Halloween costume mocking the US state, he went as an American soldier from WW3

  • I'm curious about this. I've seen the typical figures thrown around about how "there will be X many people in X many years but production will not match the growth", but I'm skeptical because I don't know if that's based on the continuation of current levels of production (overproduction) or what, and its also skewed towards the whole narrative eco-fascists like to use that there will be too many people and not enough resources in the near future.


    Banner that was sent through the institutional email announcing a conference that was held, headed by the FBI no less, about identifying extremism lol. So now the terrorist organization is gonna preach to us

    xanthespark Now
    5 47



    Puerto Rican Marxist [still don't know enough to consider myself ML], cis girl, goth thot, average histology appreciator