
There's been an influx of content surrounding lemmy here. Some of it is open ended: - "What kinds of things from reddit would you like to see Lemmy avoid as the user base grows?" - "Lemmy, what do you call users of Lemmy?" And these are a-ok! There's also been a lot of questions like - "How do I block a user?" - "How do I join a community on a different instance" These aren't open ended (at least, relatively). They are objective based, and just need a resolution, rather than discussion. These sort of questions are more relevant to [!]( I know there's also questions like "What are you guys doing when there’s multiple communities for the same thing across instances?". I'm inclined to let those stay, there is lots of opportunity for discussion. It's a game of discretion from a moderation perspective, but I assume most can easily guess what is cold hard support. At least from me, moderation of support posts has been sporadic at best, despite the long standing rule. I will begin redirecting these questions to [!](, however I'm of course willing to listen to the community here if that's not what is wanted, as well as other feedback. edit: support posts will now be removed, not locked


You are going away, to some place isolated... in space, of course. You will only be around one other person. You can take an allotment if 1GB of personal media with you (text, video, music, games, pics, etc.) that you will be able to access in your free time indefinitely at will. The other person will also take 1GB with them, but you won't be able to talk to them until you're on the journey. You will have access to any knowledge resources to perform your function and keep you alive. You will never return to a point where you can get new external media. Any additional media you ever access would have to be created by you and or your travel partner with what you have access to. You will also not know the sex of your partner, but they have willingly taken the same risks to embark on the journey as yourself, and will have a similar mission.


I have a hundred chokers for my fashion, and I cycle them every single day. Currently, They are all stored in their original plastic sleeves. This means my routine is as follows. - Pick up pile of sleeves - Select a choker by shuffling through the sleeves like they are cards. - unpack choker - place choker on for the day - remove choker - put choker back in sleeve - place sleeve back in pile I find the task of sleeve management to be frustrating. And would rather have them all organized in such a way so that I may be able to view them, and choose them out as warranted. What do you say is the best way to store them? (Product, Idea to make, anything) **Edit 1:** A limitations I have is that I cannot install anything permanently to the apartment. 😖


This happened to me recently, there's a group of people confusing me for a humanitarian artist because I stood up for her in front of the wrong people, and now I notice my copyrights/trademarks are intertwined with hers because the misconception is socially innate.


I was reading a post about unique things you wouldn't want, such as a nasty medical condition named after you. That got me thinking. What is the most unique thing. Being the tallest person doesn't count, because there is always a tallest person... I thought maybe units of measure, there are not really that many units named after people. Newton, Pascal, ampere etc... Turns out there are quite a few. Next thought was atomic elements, there are 19 named after 20 people. That is fairly unique 20 people out of the ~110 billion to have ever lived, have an element named after them.


I'd like to test my PC a bit It must also run on Linux, either natively or through proton


So I'm having a pizza craze so I'd thought I'd ask you fellow pizza enjoyers what your preferences are. For the crust - I prefer this to be deep pan as I find it more filling and a hearty meal. stonebaked and thinner crusts are okay but if it's too hard and crunchy and in the middle then I'm not a huge fan. Stuffed crust? That shit is a luxury for me and is my 2nd fave. Toppings - It's either the classic reliable pepperoni pizza or you razzle dazzle ham, mushrooms and slice of pepper for me. Chicken and sweetcorn is nice, but I'd have it with a BBQ base rather than a normal tomato base. Cheese layer - Don't really care, just don't make it cheap wax Frozen/Fresh - I enjoy Morrisons "Market" range of pizzas, you get a hearty and decent sized pizza for not a bad price. Frozen? It's either ALDI, Chicago and Icelands "NY" range for me as it does its job as a cheeky treat. Fast food - Local pizzeria takeaways tbh, I like our local pizza takeaway who never, NEVER skimps out on the toppings. Absolute chad of a man I assure you. So what are your preferences in these categories?


EDIT: I'm interested in how a free Palestine would play out in terms of what that would mean for women, gays, children, people of non-muslim religions, in terms of personal freedoms, etc. For the average citizen/denizen what would that look like?


Folks with vaginas, I'm conducting some family comparative analysis and I'd like to know how many standard pieces of toilet paper do you use when wiping after a pee. I posted some comments with options to upvote if you like.


For me it has to be Malcom X, I'm not American, but I read his autobiography when I was young and it left a life long impression on me about justice and resiliency. He grew up in an extremely oppressive society, his dad was murdered and his mother was sent to the loony bin and he was clearly lost and traumatized. When he went to jail he was smart enough to be like what the hell, why am I here? Educating himself and channeling his energy into caring about others and justice transformed him into one of the most powerful and well respected leaders of his time. He is often denigrated by Americans as violent and contrasted with King Jr. but by all accounts whenever he was in a position to project violence he chose de-escalation like during the Harlem riots and saved lives as there were people in the US in positions of military power who would have loved an excuse to do to them what they did to the indigenous across the entire country. He was angry but principled and really set a template for me about how to be a leader and help me process my own anger and channel it into something more positive.


**Overmorrow** refers to the day after tomorrow and I feel like it comes in quite handy for example.


Have been keeping half an eye on framework laptops as a potential next daily driver as and when I'm ready for one. Just wondering what people's experience of using them on linux has been, particularly nixos I'm assuming all the drivers are in the kernel given the way the company is Have been using a 2016 thinkpad for the past year or so and have had a decent experience with it, with the way lenovo have gone with their newer thinkpads it seems like framework is now the best for maintainability/upgradability (not planning to upgrade in the immediate future as this machine is doing fine, but frameworks are a strong contender in my mind right now and I'm curious as to people's experience)


When I get fast food, I don't eat the fries until I get home.


Building on my previous question, it is also allowed to use video game gameplay data to improve an AI? (I decided to split this into a separate question, but I don't know if this question is identical to the previous one.)


I was gonna include a third option about how money is easier to achieve without considering the morality of your actions but that's not really a philosophy as much as it is an objective fact.


[Legal question] It is allowed to use actual video games for training AI that can play them?


When composing music, how to be influenced by a soundtrack (of films, video games...) without copying?


I'm not too bad at casual writing but when it comes to sales, especially to sell my skills, I keep feeling like I lack a certain grace or flair with words. Chat gpt can help with suggestions but I always find anything I write with its assistance feels, well, robotic in a way. Awkward. So I'm reaching out to you for your inspirational word material out there. English isn't my native language so I'm hoping to improve it further with your suggestions. Authors? Websites? Perhaps eloquent YT creators I can learn from transcribing what they say? Thanks


After what seems like a year of near constant stress, disappointment, and loneliness, I decided to stop sitting at my computer all day and start making better choices for myself. This was a really hard thing to do for me since I work from home about two feet from my entertainment area. I would end up sitting at my desk all day and neglecting things that I wanted to do and I wasn't sure why. This month I have: Set up the Ender 3 V2 that was sitting in my closet for two years and printed out a bunch of cool shit with my kid. Exercised every other day to try to help myself with some vicious joint pain that has developed recently. Kept the dishes from piling up on my desk. Made doctor and dentist appointments. Don't get me wrong, things are still stressful and disappointing, but I feel a lot better than I have in a long time. What have you done to care for yourself lately? Digging yourself out of depression is hard and I want to hear your successes, no matter how small they are.


I'll start with: medical conditions, everyone would prefer to have an average well known and curable disease than a special case or a unique one


Sometimes I’ll run into a baffling issue with a tech product — be it headphones, Google apps like maps or its search features, Apple products, Spotify, other apps, and so on — and when I look for solutions online I sometimes discover this has been an issue for years. Sometimes for many many years. These tech companies are sometimes ENORMOUS. How is it that these issues persist? Why do some things end up being so inefficient, unintuitive, or clunky? Why do I catch myself saying “oh my dear fucking lord” under my breath so often when I use tech? Are there no employees who check forums? Does the architecture become so huge and messy that something seemingly simple is actually super hard to fix? Do these companies not have teams that test this stuff? Why is it so pervasive? And why does some of it seem to be ignored for literal years? Sometimes even a decade! Is it all due to enshittification? Do they trap us in as users and then stop giving a shit? Or is there more to it than that?


Andrew Rakich's The Time Machine: Knows how to capture numinous horror, into history enough that he'd do stuff with the protagonist's Victorianness, would probably have thoughts about the book's politics in general, esp regarding a vegan reading, which would be really interesting to see