
A complete^[I think? ![emilie-shrug]( "emoji emilie-shrug")] guide to Lemmy's supported markdown formatting. ___ # Heading 1 `# Heading 1` ## Heading 2 `## Heading 2` ### Heading 3 `### Heading 3` #### Heading 4 `#### Heading 4` ##### Heading 5 `##### Heading 5` ###### Heading 6 `###### Heading 6` --- **Bold** __text__ using `**Bold text**` or `__Bold text__` *Italic* _text_ using `*Italic text*` or `_Italic text_` ***Bold and italic text*** using `***Bold and italic text***` ~~Strikethrough text~~ using `~~Strikethrough text~~`^[[whoops]( ![phoenix-bashful]( "emoji phoenix-bashful")] *** > This is a blockquote using `> This is a blockquote` >> Nested blockquote using `>> Nested blockquote` ___ - Unordered list item using `- Unordered list item` - Another item using `- Another item` 1. Ordered list item using `1. Ordered list item` 2. Another ordered item using `2. Another ordered item` --- `Inline code` using `` `Inline code` `` Unspecified code block: ``` #include <stdio.h> int main() { int x = 10; if (x > 5) { printf("This is a test!\n"); } return 0; } // **Wow! How neat!** ``` Using \`\`\` `\n` code `\n` \`\`\` C code block: ```c #include <stdio.h> int main() { int x = 10; if (x > 5) { printf("This is a test!\n"); } return 0; } // **Wow! How neat!** ``` Using \`\`\`c `\n` code `\n` \`\`\` Same, but designated as markdown code block: ```markdown #include <stdio.h> int main() { int x = 10; if (x > 5) { printf("This is a test!\n"); } return 0; } // **Wow! How neat!** ``` Using \`\`\`markdown `\n` code `\n` \`\`\` *** [This is a link]( "") using `[This is a link](` This is an image: `![](` ![]( This is an emote: ![this-is-not-an-emote]( "emoji this-is-not-an-emote") using `![this-is-not-an-emote]( "emoji this-is-not-an-emote")` Quotations after second part of links/images are alt-text, which appear when moused over and help w/rt screen readers. ___ Footnote reference`[^3]`[^3] [^3]: Footnote definition using `[^3]: Footnote definition` Inline footnote`^[citation needed]`^[![citations-needed]( "emoji citations-needed") with Adam Johnson and Nima Shirazi] --- | This | is | |-|---| | how | to | make | tables | ```markdown | This | is | |-|---| | how | to | make | tables | ``` *** ~Sub~script using `~Sub~script` ^Super^script using `^Super^script` ___ {text|ruby} using `{text|ruby}` --- ::: spoiler spoiler This is hidden content using `::: spoiler spoiler \nThis is hidden content\n:::` ::: *** Horizontal rule using `---`, `***`, or `___`: ___ Two spaces and a newline` \n` to single-space your text ```markdown Otherwise it looks like: ``` Otherwise it looks like --- If you know anything else that works, let me know and I'll add it. Asked too many times to not try and compile a reference for people, and I sometimes forget myself so it's nice to have the reference. Here are the footnotes, by the way! hello footnotes! ![kirby-wave]( "emoji kirby-wave")^[hello! ![koishi-wave]( "emoji koishi-wave")]


cross-posted from: Screens from Patlabor on TV ![fedposting]( "emoji fedposting")![pete-eat]( "emoji pete-eat")![funny-clown-hammer]( "emoji funny-clown-hammer") > ![]( > > ![]( > > ![]( > > ![]( > > ![](


We've seen an uptick in people posting dunks in here that belong in dunk_tank, as well as low-hanging fruit that gets removed from or isn't allowed in dunk_tank anymore. For context, rule 8 of dunk_tank: >Rule 8: The subject of a post cannot be low hanging fruit, that is comments/posts made by a private person that have low amount of upvotes/likes/views. Comments/Posts made on other instances that are accessible from hexbear are an exception to this. There's a reason that dunks are cordoned off to their own comm, some users rightfully don't want to see reactionary nonsense all the time, even if we're making fun of the person who said it. /c/cth is a general-purpose comm but it's NOT for posting some random nobody asshole twitter user's bad takes, the absolute best course of action to take when you see that stuff out in the wild is to either directly shit on them yourself, or ignore them and don't give them more attention. From this point on I'm going to be more stringent about moderating this. I get it, it's fun to dunk on the libs and the blue checks and the ![frothingfash]( "emoji frothingfash") and that's why **we have a whole dedicated comm for that**. Any post that's obviously meant to be "hey look at this piece of shit, let's laugh at how bad their opinions are, upbears to the left and emojis in chat" belongs in [the_dunk_tank]( And any super low-hanging fruit doesn't belong on this site, period (see TDT rule 8 above). We have better things to do with our time than give unearned attention, time and energy to low-follower-count nobodies yelling into the void. Thanks for your discretion comrades, stay sicko ![sicko-jammin]( "emoji sicko-jammin") edit: as others have pointed out, [/c/]( is a good place for any and all dunking content not allowed here. Post that ragebait to our comrades at the 'grad, they'll make good use of it. Also, per rule 9 of TFT **dunking on fediverse users is still explicitly allowed** so it's still open season on those in our own backyard.


This is on my mind, since I had to temp-ban someone from c/vegan for it in the past week, and another example of it went unmoderated for hours after being reported in another community (though it was eventually dealt with). It doesn't matter how much the person you're responding to deserves it. Odds are, they will not care. But you know who will care? Any comrades who happen to read the thread and who struggle with suicidal ideation and/or self harm. You could ruin their day. You could be the push that sends them over the edge. Even in the unlikely event that you cause grief to the person you're responding to, no amount of collateral damage is worth it. Don't make suicide bait posts or comments. Don't upvote suicide bait posts or comments. Report and denounce them wherever they show up.


[!]( [!]( [!]( [!]( [!]( [!]( [!]( [!]( [!]( [!]( [!]( [!]( [!]( [!]( [!]( [!]( [!]( [!]( [!]( [!]( [!]( [!]( [!]( [!]( [!]( [!]( [!]( [!]( [!]( [!]( [!]( [!]( [!]( [!]( [!]( [!]( [!]( [!]( [!]( [!]( [!]( [!]( [!]( [!]( [!]( [!]( [!]( [!]( [!]( [!]( [!]( [!]( [!]( [!]( [!]( [!]( [!]( [!]( [!]( [!]( [!]( [!]( [!]( [!]( [!]( [!]( [!]( [!]( [!]( [!]( [!]( [!]( [!]( [!]( [!]( [!]( [!]( [!]( [!]( [!]( [!]( [!]( [!]( [!]( [!]( [!]( [!]( [!]( [!]( [!]( [!]( [!]( [!]( [!]( [!]( [!]( [!]( [!]( [!]( [!]( [!]( [!]( [!](


Wanted to get a thread together to highlight aid groups that can be donated to to help Palestinian aid - - - - - - Hasan fundraiser ( ( ~~That's the only one I know of but leaning on y'all for help to spread the word. Lots of medical aid needed so let's direct our energy toward those helping in Gaza~~ Keep em coming and I'll try to continue to add them here


cross-posted from: > 2/4/2021 Update: In light of chucklefuck TERF shit with Giggle, I am once again demanding the rest of you liberals educate yourselves on trans issues with Trans Liberation as a starting point. And you better believe more literature on minority struggle is in the pipelines. We're doing some reading this month, libs. Get ready. > > *** > > AUDIOBOOKS HAVE BEEN RECORDED FOR ALL 8 CHAPTERS. YOU LITERALLY HAVE NO EXCUSE FOR LIBERALISM. > > > > Follow that link and you'll find a free download of the book in pdf and comrade [@EugeneDebs](/u/EugeneDebs)'s epub, comrade [@futomes](/u/futomes)' audiobooks for all eight chapters, and notes and discussions from the book (and don't you ***dare*** just read the fucking notes you god damn liberals, read the fucking book or listen to the audiobook). > > I spent an entire weekend night scanning the whole damn book so y'all could educate yourselves on the fucking struggles we've been screaming about for the past six months and hardly any of you damn cissie libs participated. Had you participated you'd probably have a better understanding of the struggles we face and we probably wouldn't be in this situation where trans people are heading for this damn hills because you're all shit libs driving us away. > > Fucking read it or listen to the audiobooks and I won't ask again. It's all free. The book is only 147 pages - that's ***7*** pages per night for exactly 3 weeks. I wipe my fucking ass with 7 pages, that's nothing. People put genuine effort into this to ensure you could educate yourselves and you have no reason not to outside of fucking liberalism. > > It reads quick. Drop whatever the fuck you're reading and read this. Now. :leslie-shining: > > ~~Edit: I'll be throwing up a discussion thread at some point in the next week or so for you damn shitlibs to comment on with things you find meaningful so I'll know if you actually gave a shit. I swear to God I better see y'all in the comments.~~ > > If you're having trouble downloading, there are links in [this]( comment by u/hexaflexagonbear that seem to work.


Lookin for it? Leave ![hentai-free]( "hentai-free")


![timmy-pray]( "emoji timmy-pray")


[Other winners here](


Commies have always done this kind of thing, but it's long been a core of Anarchist thought - Small affinity groups, ad hoc organizing, mutual aid networks within the decaying corpse of the state. I'm not talking about nihilistic ecofash crap like "Desert" or whatever, but rather how to work in these small, nimble, and responsive groups and organizations. I think that as global warming rips nation states apart and capitalism continues to fuck everything this kind of organizing is going to be very important. There may not be an industrial proletariat to organize by mid century if global warming puts enough pressure on the world to cause widespread logistical and economic collapse. I think that's likely enough to merit serious consideration, including working out what communist organizing would look like, and how it would work, in a post free-trade, post-international just in time logistics world. There's that old story where an old man is walking down the beach after a storm. The storm has washed up thousands of starfish who are stranded now. The man sees a little girl throwing starfish back in to the ocean. He says "Why are you bothering, you can't save all of them." and without looking up the girl says "I can save this one" and hucks another starfish in to the surf. The man thinks about that for a second and then joins the girl in hurling starfish. As global warming continues to worsen, as the neoliberal state continues to auto-cannibalize, all these disasters are going to add up. Things that are destroyed won't be repaired. There will be knock-on effects as the collapse of infrastructure in one region accelerates the collapse in surrounding regions. Flexible, relatively small scale organizing groups doing on the ground relief, repairs, or even outright replacing infrastructure will likely be vital for the survival of many communities. A lot of us are already involved in projects like this in one way or another. Pooling theory, personal experiences, and other resources to apply our dialectical magic to the problem can only make us stronger.



I wasn’t aware that cats engaged in agriculture. My ignorance was showing, and I want to apologize to all the cats who farm. Sincerely, Comp4



![]( > Dealing With October 7: 'Trauma Is Like a Scar, or a Tumor, and It Ripples Out to Friends and Families' > > Ilana Kwartin talks about setting up a space to help traumatized victims of October 7 and the war with non-traditional, mind-body methods: 'This is a huge change in our Israeliness. It's not for nothing that the Shin Bet, the Mossad and the police send us their people'

2 ![](


I keep seeing Harris ads with this line about Americans "not just getting by, but getting ahead." Ahead of who? ![honk]( "emoji honk") Ahead of who! ![big-honk]( "emoji big-honk") USians don't even bat an eye at this. Their ideology has created a mass delusion that causes them to believe "everyone can get ahead" in the competition of all against all. But "getting ahead" necessarily neans someone is behind! Libs will deny this if confronted. They can live with this dissonance because they fundementally do not see the people behind as human beings. People behind have moral failings and therefore could never be ahead - no matter what you try to do for them. The people ahead obviously deserve it and are the only real people anyway so they can't even see how obviously anti-social the entire concept of "getting ahead" is. Deeply psychopathic culture.



So many people back home who've been smeared thoroughly as being poor because of their own weakness or vices who absolutely could be like this awesome guy if only they had the opportunity. So many people robbed of the opportunity to excel and contribute to humanity's advance held back because less than 0.1% of the population have to have all the wealth and to keep people down. Every poverty stricken addict, every homeless person, every hopeless poverty stricken drunk, every angry starving person, every victim of natural disasters; these people are all victims of injustice by a self destructive system that cons the people mere steps above these victims into waiting just a little longer, just another presidential term, just another four more years, just a little wee bit longer, telling them it'll all be okay soon, and if it just gives the appearance of leveling off, then this is the new reality and people are crazy for thinking it could be better; a system that gaslights people into accepting life as a disposable battery for the ultra wealthy. We smear third world countries and yet there are so many third world countries that offer infinitely more for their people than ours does; we watch as so many more of our people, considered expendable, get expended. How many people back home could've been phd holders? How many people back home could've become our greatest scientists? The addict who can barely stand up, addicted because life is miserable and he has no hope for a future, could've been one of our country's brightest. Where is our Mao?


Called manager saying "I have been subject to a biological incident. I am requesting a 90 minute unpaid break." Chat am I getting fired? Civil servant btw.


And that isn't going to last, take advantage of it while you can, America. You can build domestic industry and jobs without this dumb shit. It's just going to reduce the purchasing power.


Vid -\ article -


Well the main crux of the dream was that I was in a family member's car as we were driving up some snow-covered mountain path. There was sad music playing because I guess the mountain had major "plot significance" But the mood completely shifted when we drove by a cliff by the sea, and there was Hillary and Bill Clinton, who were so full of fucking hubris that they decided to go hang gliding in the middle of a snowstorm, out at at sea. Unsurprisingly, it goes horribly wrong for them, and Hillary ended up falling into the water and started drowning. Idk wtf Bill was doing at that time.

1 Literally the whole media switched spelling around this time. iRaq and iRan are silly but the "Kyiv" stuff is different.


![morshupls]( "emoji morshupls") ![so-true]( "emoji so-true") ![dumpster-fire]( "emoji dumpster-fire")

