Capeshit is about to get even worse
  • FunkyStuff FunkyStuff Now 100%

    woman enters frame

    Superfan test group (bunch of 40 year old redditors): I don't think this is gonna play well with most of us fans dawg

  • Sputnik 1 - New General Megathread for the 4th-6th of October 2024
  • FunkyStuff FunkyStuff Now 100%

    We're parktuah civilization guys, of course we jump on that thing!

  • Anybody remember this Obama speech?
  • FunkyStuff FunkyStuff Now 92%

    Obama had connections to the CIA before being president anyway, it was all a show. They didn't show him anything he didn't already know is my top guess.

  • Meta Movie Gen
  • FunkyStuff FunkyStuff Now 100%

    Everybody responsible for this should be sent to a CIA blacksite and never heard of again.

  • On March 21st, 2025, the sun will finally set on the British Empire
  • FunkyStuff FunkyStuff Now 100%

    I thought it was something that was only true during the colonialism era

    About that...

  • When I say we need to study anarchist theory and tactics this kind of ad-hoc mutual aid is what I'm talking about
  • FunkyStuff FunkyStuff Now 100%

    There's that old story where an old man is walking down the beach after a storm. The storm has washed up thousands of starfish who are stranded now. The man sees a little girl throwing starfish back in to the ocean. He says "Why are you bothering, you can't save all of them." and without looking up the girl says "I can save this one" and hucks another starfish in to the surf. The man thinks about that for a second and then joins the girl in hurling starfish.

    This is beautiful comrade. I seriously can't get the thought of a liberal telling me this story then asking me to vote for Kamala L3Harris out of my head though.

    To the point though, you're completely right. I think a huge weakness that the left has is simply not being visible and not having much to show people in terms of what our ideals actually mean when put into practice. In an ideal world without propaganda, we would point to China, Cuba, Burkina Fasso, etc and say that the advances those countries made to advance the position of their poor rural working classes was only possible under socialism. In America, this kind of mutual aid is probably the most realistic implementation of really existing socialist principles for the next couple of decades.

  • Sputnik 1 - New General Megathread for the 4th-6th of October 2024
  • FunkyStuff FunkyStuff Now 100%

    The effort you put in is worth it. I agitate a lot IRL, and I get a lot of flack for it obviously, but I've had a random guy tell me he left the defense company he worked at because of some information I posted. I've had people ask me to review lists of companies they were applying for to see if there were any companies that were developing products for the genocide. I've had another few randoms tell me that they've changed their mind about a lot of things because of it. If that's just the people that explicitly reach out, just imagine how many people are changing their actions because they see a commie telling them that a better world is possible and how to contribute to it? We have enormous power to use to change the world positively just by talking with people and changing their minds, because liberalism and fascism are so fragile that they fall apart under closer inspection: all people need is a little push to see how incoherent bourgeois ideology is.

  • Sputnik 1 - New General Megathread for the 4th-6th of October 2024
  • FunkyStuff FunkyStuff Now 100%

    I don't think that really makes sense practically, though. Eastward settlement was doomed to fail because the Germans simply were not going to be able to coerce enough people to build the kind of war effort they would've needed to defeat the USSR. The only reason they departed on the endeavor was that they really did believe their own propaganda.

  • Sputnik 1 - New General Megathread for the 4th-6th of October 2024
  • FunkyStuff FunkyStuff Now 100%

    Is there something unique about Hitler's rise to power that would've muted out the pragmatic voices in the room of the German state, as opposed to how the US kept its ruling ideology separate from the ideological line pushed upon the settler masses until recently?

  • Fuck this place indeed
  • FunkyStuff FunkyStuff Now 100%

    You didn't look up the stats, look them up please. Compare wealth inequality in the USSR to wealth inequality in the US: the opposite is true, in the US the statement "everyone was poor except for the owners of the country" is twice as accurate as it ever could be about the USSR.

  • Fuck this place indeed
  • FunkyStuff FunkyStuff Now 100%

    "Israel has hypnotized the world. May Allah help the people to see the lies of Israel, and the United States" a-little-trolling

  • Sputnik 1 - New General Megathread for the 4th-6th of October 2024
  • FunkyStuff FunkyStuff Now 100%

    She's not actually gonna pass that, though. Not to mention that a decisive American economic crash right now would almost definitely mean Israel would have to chill tf out and Ukraine would finally come to the negotiating table.

  • Sputnik 1 - New General Megathread for the 4th-6th of October 2024
  • FunkyStuff FunkyStuff Now 100%

    The tradition has been lost.

  • Sputnik 1 - New General Megathread for the 4th-6th of October 2024
  • FunkyStuff FunkyStuff Now 100%

    Of course there's local subcultures still, the only places where local subcultures were completely supplanted by online standardized youth culture are white suburbs that didn't have culture to begin with.

  • Sputnik 1 - New General Megathread for the 4th-6th of October 2024
  • FunkyStuff FunkyStuff Now 100%

    Here's a hiccup in that thesis: why is the decay happening now, and not before, when the propaganda was comparably pervasive? Is there a reason that the cross contamination from i-am-adolf-hitler ideology for the masses into the halls of power didn't happen in the Cold War (until the later stages), the Western Expansion, etc? Why did it happen very fast in Nazi Germany but slowly in other settler projects?

  • 🅱️3️⃣🅰️🆖1️⃣5️⃣
  • FunkyStuff FunkyStuff Now 100%

    Nick Mullen would become too powerful.

  • CW: soul horror
  • FunkyStuff FunkyStuff Now 100%

    You're completely correct in a moral sense, but the pitfall of this way of thinking is that you can't be certain that if you go all-in on wiping out the oppressors that you'll be successful. That's why it's still necessary to be measured and strategic. Probably the best example is China: patient to a fault and always making plans decades ahead, and they never commit to a war because they aren't certain they'd win. That doesn't mean they don't take their long term goal seriously (the opposite, really) but it comes at the expense of all of the people they could be helping in the short and medium term that weren't originally factored into the plan.

    But yes, you're right, at the end the anti-imperialists don't have a choice, and there will have to come a time where an existential threat has to be eradicated for good, when negotiation and tit for tat stop being enough.

  • 26

    ![top-cop]( "emoji top-cop") ![part-of-history]( "emoji part-of-history") Lose, you ghoul


    cross-posted from: > In America you can serve 24 years for a crime you didn't do, then when DNA evidence exonerates you, they'll still schedule your execution for September 24th, 2024. This is Marcellus Williams.


    Hexbear user checking in to let you all know you rock ![screm-cool]( "emoji screm-cool") and have very good comms that I find super informative ![very-smart]( "emoji very-smart")


    The liberal driller would never miss as much as these other amateurs.


    ![lets-fucking-go]( "emoji lets-fucking-go") Centrally planned command economy enjoyers, it's time to login


    Assuming that its accomplishments include moving manufacturing back into the US and securing the border, what good could come of a populist movement? The interests of the American labor aristocracy would just be consolidated with Imperialism to an even greater extent, and any conflict against China would see no resistance from organized labor because of the incestuous relation of the MIC and organized labor. Any anti-war movement would have no power at all, there would be no positive argument for stopping the conflict when it keeps everyone employed as contrast to the current state of unemployment and precarious work. Potential benefits include the cessation of the export of capital, less capacity for the US to project power across the world, and less state repression of anti-imperialist movements. But I can't help but think that if the US pulled its production out of Asia, South America, Africa, and the Pacific, it would redo Gladio/Bloodstone to prop up fascists to hold down anti-imperialist movements, or create a dozen Israels to keep a way to quickly kill nascent revolutions. Am I wrong?


    Or: Shouldn't immigration be good for capital? I know they'd prefer for migrants to stay somewhere where their labor time is cheaper to make better use of unequal exchange, but how is it better to spend so many resources on turning away refugees and immigrants that are desperate to work for cheap, than to simply let them get exploited? What are the forces at play that make capitalists invest in border security so much? Is it simply to keep an implicit threat on the existing undocumented immigrant population to make them more precarious and more exploitable?


    all my apes gone

    FunkyStuff Now
    51 3.4K

    FunkyStuff [he/him]
