The Dredge Tank

The Ol' freckled fuck opened a real can of worms on his 9-23 podcast. You can listen to the EMail Bill read that started it all here: [Monday Morning Podcast 9-23-24 | Bill rambles about his new Harley, ex's at weddings, and a girl who gets the 'ick']( In summary, Girl has a Boyfriend who wants to become a landlord, she says it gives her the "ick" because of the predatory nature of being a landlord. She writes, asking Bill what to do, should she stay, or should she go? The corresponding Reddit thread can be found here: The comments in that post are pretty tame, but it wasn't the only post: [Imagine having Bill Burr as a landlord]( ![]( ![]( ![]( ![]( ![]( ![]( Then on 9-30 he had a bunch of responses to the ick email, and one of them was a 'laaaaady' as Bill would put it, and people seem to think, she was 'great', listen here: [Monday Morning Podcast 9-30-24 | Bill Burr]( The corresponding Reddit Thread can be found here: (I hit the screenshot upload rate limit, sorry, text only from now on) > Lmao. That lady eviscerated ick girl, if only Bill was literate enough to do her email justice > Oh I can't wait to hear the responses to the anti-landlord laaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyddeeeeeeeeeeee > > Bill has enraged the communists! ![mao-wave]( "emoji mao-wave") > Bill is a landlord for anyone wondering why he's getting worked up - Joe Derosa mentioned on the taste buds pod that he stayed at a place bill owned for a bit > > Also because he is right. There are good and bad landlords. Reddit somehow hates landlords but also thinks companies should be renting all apartments and not individuals. > > > I agree that a lot of idealistic leftists don't look at this issue with enough nuance, but wtf are you talking about with the second bit there? The kind of person that hates landlords definitely is not in favor of corporate ownership of apartment buildings lmao. That's not an opinion I've heard from a single person nuance, nuance, NUANCE! ![debatejak]( "emoji debatejak") > Lmao Bill hates everything about the stereotypical redditor has been confirmed by that insufferable anti-landlorder That's right, folks, everyone knows only redditers hate the landlords! We love our landlords out here in the grass don't we folks? ![a-little-trolling]( "emoji a-little-trolling") > Most people don't understand how hard it is to have your mortgage paid by someone else so you don't have to work an honest job in order to retire. > > Imagine if your second or third home had a toy figurine flushed down the drain and you actually had to PLUNGE A TOILET. They'll never understand. [This one is so good, I'll just link right to it.]( [This, I think, is tangentially related, the commenters are not kind to this brave redditors take. ]( But it is funny hearing Bill talk about people living under bridges, but also playing devil's advocate to landlords. He really does have the brain of an every man. I love him for that. Anyway, if you want to go argue with some Joe the Plumber types about the ethical nature of private property, or have Bill read an email about the Maoist Uprising Against the Landlords, strike while the irons hot. Like it says in the sidebar of the Subreddit, you can send your emails to




![capitalist coping]( "emoji capitalist-cope") *"YES IF YOU ARE IN A CRITICAL INDUSTRY YOU HAVE LESS OF A RIGHT TO STRIKE"* Entire thread on r/news is just the same sentiment of libs worried about their treats while the rest of America is already stuck in poverty and the world suffers already from American economic dominance. edit for clarity.


Just trying to sit here and enjoy the evening and gotta get this sample of average Americans. >That's why I call it Saudi Aurora... Because of all the communists In reference to Aurora, Colorado recently in the chud news for all those Venezuelan gangs definitely taking over apartments buildings. >They're gonna Kamala gonna brainwash her into voting for her Gibbering >Whatever countermeasures they have. What do they call it… the fuckin dome [unintelligible] fuckin gettem all. They got their holy war. His terriblly behaved dog who came into our yard and fucked with our dog is also named for a “[Native] word for peace”. He is blindingly white. Still going ...


A supposed charity festival for PTSD sufferers books him? ![ok]( "emoji ok")





Please bully this fucking lib. Fuck you Kevin and fuck everyone weaponizing our identity to try to get us to vote for genocide. I live in fucking California MY VOTE DOES NOT MATTER GO FUCK YOURSELF.


I didn't go to the effort of re-ordering these posts, so you're reading from the bottom _up;_ and no, I'm not blurring out the settler's name either. I swear, it's like they factory-build these wind-up toy motherfuckers, they all say the same exact shit in the same exact order like we ain't figured the motherfuckers out already. EDIT: [Now it's kinda sad.]( Go run to the nazis because you got aired out for being settler trash.


![lenin-dont-laugh]( "emoji lenin-dont-laugh")


This account used to call itself @PamphletsIWW This is not a jab at anarchists, this is a jab at gamers that think they're anarchists. if you give a shit about sources


[Tweeto]( )


![]( Uhhh narcissism much? At least the biggest mass murderer of the 21st century can wish geriatric empire figurehead a good birthday like AN ADULT instead of cowering like a WEAK MAN. LEARN ABOUT DECENCY!! ![]( ![]( ![]( Wow Donald Trump was friends with Epstein, that’s awful!! Good thing we left him out of the video to make space for Bill Clinton!


![cringe]( "emoji cringe")