
Share whatever memes, news, guides, or mods you desire here on Lemmy's very own Kenshi community. Happy posting!


What single-race playthroughs have you tried? Finished my Hiver playthrough, it degenerated to using my Prince starter, Silvershade, Beep and Green with ninja rags, pants, and swamp ninja masks to do nighttime raids to topple UC and HN quickly. HN in two hours and UC in six (partly due to the remoteness of the southern wing). I learned from HN to send all my Hivers out solo to do coordinated assassinations, although this ultimately caused other issues. Also I had two Eyegores active, both of which were permanently spawned in Heng city. I ultimately used an Islands of None base with a sunken gate to deal with the Eyegore raids while my assassin bugs kidnapped everyone. Working on an all-female Shekthrough now. Managing food is significantly tougher than on Hivers, but having faster combat stats training is nice. I want to avoid assassination strats this time due to the mix of bugs, being too easy, and annoying waits; although I have two MA/stealth Shekinators training up to deal with Bugmaster early to get Seto and a Shek alliance ASAP. Assassins also have some nice properties for weakening cities and camps ready for a full assault. Not sure how I want to handle weapons, I might have to abuse turrets to train up DEX or just rely on brute STR stun damage on cleavers, MA and heavies. Currently abusing polearms though due to the cleave, fast animations and armour pen.


I'm so happy to see a Kenshi community on Lemmy. I'm a new player and it's been keeping me up way too late. I'm over 100 hours of playtime now on a second start. After my first start I wasn't getting it and gave up. A few months later I was watching a YouTuber named ambiguousamphibian who has some pretty fun Kenshi runs and through his play it explained some of the things I was doing wrong. I'm watching a crazy 80+ series now by Raycon Roleplays now. Do you have any recommendations for Kenshi related videos?


Started a new play through and I must write, love taking screen shots 😊


![Here's it on it's side.](


I was doing so good. My little 3 character party was holding off Canhead exiles, we even wiped out an entire camp. We were hurt though, and the Hive doesn't have public beds. We had to ditch our sleeping bags to get away from gorillos and beakthings earlier. So we limped north, into the fog. Hoping the city in the distance would be safe. We didn't even make into the fog. At first there were only three frogmen. We downed one. Then the rest of them came. And we got captured. For those of you that know who the frogmen are, you probably know how this ends. I don't want to spoil it for anyone who hasn't run into them. The big guy in the party never had a chance. He was far too injured from the multiple battles we had with canheads. He lost consciousness before the frogmen even captured him. I suppose whatever god that might still cast it's gaze apon the moon Kenshi still had a drop of compassion that afternoon. The party leader is a skilled lockpick, with experience breaking out of bonds. She was able to break free, unbind the other remaining party member, and take an aggressive defensive stance. Both were quickly captured again. Know that the human Elder, of the city of Squin was able to free herself four times from her bonds at the stake. Twice rescuing her friend and running for freedom. Each time felling at least one foe. All four times recaptured. Finally, as dawn broke, with only the boots of her two friends remaining and having endured the sequels and horrible crunching sounds echo in the night she made a finale break through the fog. And stumbled. And fell. And finally lose consciousness for too long to stop them from their ritual.


I've restarted a couple times. Just to learn the game really. And I tried making a base at first because that's what you can do. It got overwhelming fast. Eventually I restarted and I'm on my current run I'm doing so much better with a better grasp on the game. This time I got a house in the city south of the Hub. Shrek? Lol idk, stupid scifi city names. Anyways so I had a couple people running the copper ore job nearby, and another doing lvl 1 research. Making cats and expanding minds. Eventually I needed lvl 2 research of course, but the damned thing doesn't fit in the long house. So I was forced to build a storm house up on the hill nearby, as close as I could to Squeak. Research building with lvl 3 table, done. Oh no I need light. Windmill, done. Ceiling fan, done. Food storage, a bed, done done. All this time I also have people still doing the copper job and running to and from Snek to store it for sale... Then I find a copper ore right next to my research building! Oh man. Ok. So now I need storage at the outpost so they can work efficiently. New building, done. Copper storage, done. Bandit raid, none of my crew died, done. I know this is probably old hat for most people, but as a new player is a great feeling to organically start a settlement out of necessity instead of coolness. Cuz it'll be cool, but it also has needed function. Alright, I just popped this communities cherry. How did your first real base start?