Marvel Snap





I expected him to look normal if I un-inverted him but somehow he looks worse.


5 to 4 Howard the Duck Ghost-Spider Kitty Pryde Silver Samurai Echo The Phoenix Force Hit Monkey Lady Deathstrike Daken 4 to 3 Master Mold Spider-Man 2099 Negasonic Teenage Warhead Stature Stegron


I buffed all of the cards in my deck with Okoye for my opponent to draw from


It didn't matter in the end but I'm still curious. - Mysterio base power = 4 - Play Bast, set power of Mysterio and clones to 3 - After playing Shadow King I expect the power to go back to 4 but instead it lowers to 0? Anyone know why?


Just played a game and saw a weird bug - I loki'd their kitty pryde while mobius and quinjet was around. After it got pulled back to my hand it gave the 'Can't Do!' popup throughout the ending location effects and next draw/turn. Stopped after... a lot of pop-ups.


Bro played enchantress on turn 6 stopping my patriot, blue marvel, and onslaught. I was gonna win (forge into hulk), but mr. had other plans.


So recently been playing hawk on turn 6 when limbo is active and the game ends. Same with playing it into deaths domain on turn 6 with other cards to win that location. Tried it onto bar with no name and it briefly turned in my favour whilst the cards turned but when the game ended it flipped back despite hawk being active. Not sure if it's a bug or just the way bar with no works. Anyway for science!


I am convinced that this control/destroy deck is the best deck for series 2 and below cards.


[First of all, the official source and quotes from the same]( >**Forge** > >[Old] 2/1 - On Reveal: Give the next card you play +2 Power. > >[Change] …next card you play +2 Power. -> card you play +3 Power. > >Many cards make great use of Forge’s effect, but he’s not quite powerful enough to be competitive at the moment. Given how many potential combos he has, we’re hopeful that a buff to Forge will have a really positive effect on meta diversity by enabling many new deck variations to be viable. Even though we’ve only increased his effect by 1 Power, cards like Deadpool, Multiple Man, and Brood can quickly multiply this increase to much greater effect. >**Shanna** > >[Old] 4/4 - On Reveal: Add a random 1-Cost card to each location. > >[Change] 4/4 -> 3/2 > >When we originally designed Shanna, we made her a 4-Cost to synergize with her companions Ka-Zar and Zabu. Even after a Power buff a few months ago, she hasn’t really found success so we’re going to try a different approach and push her down to 3-Cost. A Cost reduction should afford her more deckbuilding flexibility, and make her a more viable turn 6 play to add Power to each location. >**Crystal** > >[Old] 4/4 - On Reveal: Each player draws a card. > >[Change] 4/4 -> 3/3 > >Crystal has consistently been one of our weakest cards since day 1. We’re very cautious about pushing Crystal’s Power as SNAP’s small deck sizes make each card draw matter a lot more. However, we want to give every card a chance to at least see some play, so we’re giving Crystal a push with a Cost reduction to 3. This should allow her to at least be a consideration in Surfer, and maybe even help a Ronan deck out. And for my personal thoughts: Huh. This was a short and sweet one. Targetting some very unpopular cards, and hopefully giving them a little boost. I believe Forge now has some reasonable competition with Hulkbuster, though still obviously not as good as Phoenix Force. Crystal has always been an interesting card for me since her rework, but also has too little synergy to be viable so a Silver Surfer candidate might get her to get noticed more. And as for Shanna, well. IMO The power drop is somewhat dire, to me that made up for the randomness of her ability. Playing her earlier doesn't make *that* much of a sense for me since they explicitly point out her synergy with Zabu. Moreover, the Zoo deck is simply too vulnerable to Destroy cards. Let's see how this all shakes up, even if on my end I don't think I'll change any composition.


Anyone hit infinite yet? I got 2 cube shy of infinite and my snapping and RNG have not behaved since them and I’m hovering between 90 and 95. What deck got you over the hump?


This all happened because of an extremely lucky Hela roll, which spawned IronLad and Jubilee on the far right location, with Onslaught as the top card


GENERAL UPDATES New Feature – Multi-Upgrade: If you have enough resources, Multi-Upgrade allows you to select the Quality you’d like to target and tap the upgrade button once to directly skip to that Quality level! Save your thumbs and save some time! New Feature – Upgrade with Gold: If you are short on Credits and/or Boosters but still want to upgrade a card, you can now upgrade your cards with Gold (up to a limit each day). Improved Avatar Selection Flow: Tapping on the Avatar on the Main Menu will now bring up the Avatar Select screen, allowing you to change the current deck’s avatar quickly. When you view an upgradeable card in your Collection, and choose not to upgrade it, it will be “marked as read” and will no longer increase the red-dot notification count. Note: This went live in our last patch, but we forgot to put it in the patch notes. BALANCE UPDATES CARD UPDATES Cable [Old] 2/2 – On Reveal: Put the bottom card of your opponent’s deck into your hand. [New] 2/2 – On Reveal: Draw the top card of your opponent’s deck. Developer Note: The change to America Chavez starting on the bottom of the deck was predictably damaging to Cable, as drawing your opponent’s Chavez was usually good for them, not you. We didn’t value that too highly because Cable’s play rate was already low, but that was a mistake on our part. Conquest has shown that players really enjoy playing with cards that can give them an information advantage against their opponents. This is a simple enough change, just going to the other end of the deck, but we’ve also gone ahead and updated the template to reflect the action Cable is actually taking, which is drawing a card. Magik [Old] 3/2 – You can’t play this on turn 6. On Reveal: Change this location to ‘Limbo’. [New] 3/2 – On Reveal: Replace this location with ‘Limbo’. Doesn’t work after turn 5. Developer Note: Our OTA on 7/20 mentioned this was coming, and here it is! This isn’t a large change to Magik, mostly just making her a legal card to play on turn 6. However, it’s worth noting that the VFX behavior has changed a little bit. She used to light up with fire on the last turn you could play her, but now that corona will indicate whether or not you’ll be able to create Limbo based on the turn count. Mister Negative [Old] 4/-1 – On Reveal: Swap the Power and Cost of all cards in your deck. [New] Gameplay Change: Caps Costs at a maximum of 6. (no text change) Developer Note: This is a minor change to improve players’ quality of life by adding consistency to in-game interactions. The Peak location has this cap, which it needs because otherwise many cards would become literally impossible to play when the location appears. Mister Negative doesn’t expressly need it, because his decks are built to minimize Power in-deck. However, it’s intuitive for that location and this card to function the same, so we’re lining them up. Plus, it makes Jane Foster shells a little less risky. Rogue [Old] 3/2 – On Reveal: Steal an Ongoing ability from a random enemy card at this location. [New] Gameplay Change: Now triggers On Reveals if the copied Ongoing card had one. (no text change) Developer Note: As mentioned when we changed Mystique in the previous patch, Rogue is receiving an update to bring players’ expectation around copying card text via On Reveal in line with the outcome. Moving forward, we expect cards that copy text when they Reveal to consistently trigger the On Reveals of cards they copy. Spider-Man [Old] 5/4 – On Reveal: Your opponent can’t play cards at this location next turn. [New] 3/5 – On Reveal: Move to another location and pull an enemy card from here to there. Developer Note: All right, this is a big one. Let’s start on the mechanical angle: the previous Spider-Man incarnation was a polarizing card. It prevented your opponent from playing cards at a location, a frustrating experience. It was most popular following Wave into Galactus or in “lockdown” decks, which are both decks that use combinations of cards to reduce the total play space of the game for your opponent. We want some of that–the game needs a variety of strategies. But we don’t want those decks or even one of those cards to be the best in the game. Our best cards should be cool and awesome. But you know who’s cool and awesome? Spider-Man! There’s an irreconcilable dissonance in having one of the most popular characters in the Marvel canon attached to an effect we don’t want to be popular. Discovering Spider-Man in our game should be a great experience. Since launch, we’ve also added more Spider-Verse to the game and seen players enjoy the theme of movement for those cards. So we’re making a change and bringing Peter in line with the rest with a new ability. Will we return the old ability to the game on a new card? Maybe, but for now let’s go with no–it’s not been adding much fun. We don’t take this kind of rework to a card lightly, so we’re happy to hear your feedback through all the usual channels. We don’t intend to start suddenly remaking tons of cards, but understanding your feelings may help us better understand the appropriate thresholds for this action in the future. “Evolved” The Thing [Old] 4/6 – On Reveal: Afflict a random enemy card here with -1 Power. Repeat this twice more [New] 4/6 – On Reveal: Afflict 3 random enemy cards here with -1 Power. Developer Note: High Evolutionary has mostly landed in a healthy spot since we made the tweaks to Hulk and Wasp during the last patch, but this is one more small twist of the dial. Cyclops has been really strong still, but we like keeping him strong in High Evolutionary shells based on ensuring a character with his popularity has a solid and satisfying home. The Thing has actually outperformed Scott a bit lately, and this change also makes the afflict curve from Wasp into Cyclops into Thing more elegant, distributing -1 Power to one more card at each stop. It’s a slight buff to Abomination, but a slight nerf to The Thing’s strength as a single card attacking a location. BUG Fixes Fixed a bug that would cause Mirror Dimension to repeatedly morph into another Mirror Dimension in a loop. Fixed a bug that would cause players to get stuck on an old Season Pass season. Performance improvements and UI/UX bug fixes. KNOWN ISSUE List For Windows: Controller and Arrow Keys are unsupported. This may impact Steam Deck usability as it will only be usable with touch controls. Using Multi-Upgrade only counts as 1 Upgrade for the “Upgrade a Card” Mission.


I may not have drawn Hela to summon all my cards, but I still unbuffed his Ronan for the W.


Next week its going to be a new season for Marvel Snap and they've announced which new additions will take place in the game. First of all, it seems the focus will be heavily into Destroy and Discard decks. The new cards not only have intense synergy with each other but also with fan favorites like Killmonger, Colleen Wing, Carnage, and others. While neither of those two types were exactly forgotten, this is the biggest overall addition to both of their particular metas in a long while. They have also announced new locations and surprise: Neither of them are about stopping you from playing cards! ![]( Once more, the focus is all on destruction, both with the return of cards (an interesting parallel to Hela) and a last minute death. On a more aesthetic side, new Card Backs have also been revealed: ![]( This is also your occasional reminder that wow, the X-men writing teams would get weirdly japanophile once a while. Anyway! Thoughts? While I still feel that a well placed MODOK is king in a Discard deck, these are still some interesting flavoring, and the general Destroy cards have been in need of fresh new faces for a while.


I've noticed that, when switching between the Steam and Android versions of the game, my ladder score (or amount of Cubes) does not stay consistent. How do I get in touch with SD to alert them to this?


Interesting that they're bumping up the medals you win in Conquest mode for the 'smaller' conquest missions. What do you think?


[The official source has their detailed explanations]( > **Hawkeye** > >[Old] 1/1 - On Reveal: If you play a card here next turn, +2 Power > >[Change] …next turn, +2 Power. -> turn, +3 Power. >**Hulkbuster** > >[Old] 3/4 - On Reveal: Merge this card with a random friendly card at this location. > >[Change] 3/4 -> 3/5 >**Vision** > >[Old] 5/7 - You can move this each turn. > >[Change] 5/7 -> 5/8 >**Captain Marvel** > >[Old] 5/6 - At the end of the game, move to a location that wins you the game. (If possible) > >[Change] 5/6 -> 4/5 >**Absorbing Man** > >[Old] 4/3 - On Reveal: If the last card you played has an On Reveal, copy its text. (if it's in play) > >[Change] 4/3 -> 4/5 Personal thoughts: That's a lot of cards that don't get a lot of use, huh? I'm curious about the Vision and Captain Marvel changes. In theory, they're reflections of the current Lockdown meta which got even stronger with Legion. In practice, however, there's still the constant danger of Professor X, which neither of them can help with, and Jeff is still the one counter to that (aside from a lucky play) Frankly, I think Vision would benefit much more from a Cost drop than a Power buff. A round 5 card that can move is just too much of a late gamble. Hulkbuster definitely got shafted after Phoenix Force came out, but I'm curious about its re-emergence as a Deadpool or Multiple Man combo. Personally I've felt that one was always a bit too tight, but its a solid play whenever it happened. Now Absorbing Man and Hawkeye are both interesting changes. Can't say I ever see those, aside from a desperate ditch in a Hazmat deck from AM, while Hawkeye is basically a fodder card for starters until people get literally any other 1-cost. The possibility of being a Bounce addition is there, now let's see if it happens in practice. This is also a personal curiosity as none of those cards were ever in my rotations, aside from trying Captain Marvel a few times. At least the possibility of the whole thing shaking up the location breakers is interesting. Thoughts?


I've been growing slightly more with each Season (last one I reached 90) and after a lot of tryhard-ing this time I finally got to max level~


First, the official text, and this is a big one > Bounce Nerfs Let's begin by addressing the Beast/Falcon in the room. It's no secret that Bounce has been one of the top decks in the metagame for the last few weeks. We actually feel Bounce is the undisputed best deck, because its matchup spread has a startlingly high number of ~60% matchups and many of its cards top win percentage charts when not drawn, indicating the deck is winning with a variety of card combinations. The skill edge the deck offers, possibly the largest in the game, also means that edge can increase for the most practiced Bounce players. So, we're going to hit the deck firmly. Furthermore, the strongest shell in the deck is relatively transferable–you don't need to be playing the Beast/Falcon game to have a very strong deck. That means we're going to target cards that get shared across other versions of the archetype. > Kitty Pryde > [Old] 1/0 - When this returns to your hand, +2 Power. Returns at the start of each turn. [Change] 1/0, +2 on return -> 1/2, +1 on return Kitty is the best-performing card in all Bounce decks, so she's an ideal candidate to target. Her strength has even warped how other decks approach the matchup, pushing combinations like Invisible Woman and Killmonger into the metagame. This adjustment will lower her ceiling substantially–we see Kitty pretty commonly making it to 8 Power, and in that scenario she'd now have only 6. That's definitely a nerf, but the change does raise her floor, adding Power or saving you Energy when drawn on turn 5 or 6. > Hit-Monkey [Old] 2/0 - On Reveal: Gain +2 Power for each other card you played this turn. [Change] 2/0 -> 3/2 The next strongest card in Bounce has been Hit-Monkey, so we're tagging a nerf onto him as well. We're adding an Energy to Hit-Monkey for a few reasons. The first is just to weaken him–very often, you'd spend that Energy to play a 1-Cost on the last turn, which would itself have 2 or more Power in addition to the buff it gave Hit-Monkey, so this is just taking that away. It also makes him much less efficient to play early in the game, mostly eliminating the early Hit-Monkey you Beast back for more value later on. We chose this execution rather than something weirder like -2 Power or buffing +1 Power but adding some base Power because it's more elegant. > Spider-Ham [Old] 1/1 - On Reveal: Transform the highest-cost card in your opponent's hand into a Pig, keeping its Power and Cost. [Change] 1/1 -> 2/2 Spider-Ham's been a generically strong card in a few decks, so it might surprise you to see it lumped in with Bounce here. However, that's the deck where it's seen the most play, and it's also been the third strongest card in that deck. It has a number of reasonable replacements, so this is our smallest change to Bounce, but we have other motivations for changing the card. We're unhappy with the extent of the damage Spider-Ham has done to a few archetypes revolving around cool high-Cost cards, like She-Hulk, Death, and especially Apocalypse. We'll have a future adjustment down the road to Spider-Ham's behavior that directly addresses that, but for now we're just going to make him a little less efficient and see how much that reduces his play rate. > All right, now that Bounce is out of the way, let's move into more exciting territory–buffs! > Phoenix Force [Old] 5/6 - On Reveal: Revive one of your destroyed cards and merge with it. That card can move each turn. [Change] 5/6 -> 4/5. It's relatively unusual for us to make a change to a Season Pass card so soon, but Phoenix decks have been a lot weaker than we wanted overall. That may be due to the complexity of its deckbuilding in part, but another reason is that we made a relatively late buff to Phoenix, moving it from 5/5 to 5/6. Unfortunately, that ultimately introduced more weakness than strength to the Multiple Man plan by making him vulnerable to Shang-Chi, which has been seeing plenty of play as a primary answer to Lockjaw locations and Evolved Hulk specifically. This change should heat Phoenix up for players in a big way and return Multiple Man to that sweet spot at 8 Power. If it's a little too much gas, we'll look at cooling her down but keeping the Cost at 4. > Ghost-Spider [Old] 2/3 - On Reveal: The last card you played moves here. [Change] 2/3 -> 1/2 We were a little gun-shy on the strength of some of our recent Move cards, as the deck can be really potent in addition to occasionally melting brains over the sheer number of possible moves you can make. Ghost-Spider was one of those cards, and having seen the dust settle we've decided to push her efficiency a bit. Other than Human Torch, Move isn't a deck historically vulnerable to Killmonger, so this change should ultimately net Power for Move players. It also makes her a more interesting potential companion for Phoenix, letting players curve Shuri into Phoenix + Ghost-Spider efficiently. > Living Tribunal [Old] 6/6 - Ongoing: Split your total Power evenly among all locations. [Change] 6/6 -> 6/9 Living Tribunal has successfully spun up a fringe deck that pushes loads of Power, but that deck could use a little lift. That 3 Power would be a huge buff to most cards, but for Living Tribunal it plays a lot more like 1 Power. This change does open Living Tribunal up to Shang-Chi, but his effect being active from any location helps him stay nimble against that threat. If this buff doesn't get him where he wants to go, we'll be back. > Magik [Old] 5/3 - You can't play this on turn 6. On Reveal: Change this location to 'Limbo'. [Change] 5/3 -> 3/2 Ever since the nerf that knocked Magik from her perch defining the metagame into its deepest recesses, we've been looking for a safe time to reintroduce her at a more aggressive rate, since her fantasy and impact on the game are both interesting. This Season seemed ideal to do that, with a hot new variant hitting the streets via the Season Pass. We're actually going to make a small behavior change to Magik in our next patch, restoring her to being playable on turn 6, but disabling just her On Reveal in that case. We're debuting this stat change a little early to celebrate her time as a member of the Phoenix Five in the appropriate season. > The Great Web After each turn, move one card to the Web for a random player. [Change] We're making this location appear less frequently. Much like Miles Morales himself, players have been getting roped into a larger conflict than they may have bargained for with The Great Web. We think the location is pretty interesting and especially enjoy how it factors different cards and archetypes in unique ways, but we're sensitive to the frustration being a little higher than we expected. We have a variety of location rarities, and Great Web was one of our most common. We're changing it up to be one of our more rare locations, using the tier second only to the likes of Ego and Worldship. Personal thoughts: I was expecting *some* kind of rebalance in regards to Collector/Kiity Pride/Hit-monkey combos, but I can't say I saw something this wide coming. Though they're small changes, rather than something crucial and substantial as it happened before with Wolverine and Crystal, altogether they're a fairly interesting shakeup to a solid deck. The Spider-Ham, Phoenix Force and Living Tribunal changes all stood up for me. First because I never got the idea that Phoenix was that underplayed - just very niche - and a change like that will remain to be seen in how it works against pre-established decks. Spider-Ham on the other side, is definitely a major player - I myself got it on the Token shop in its first week, a rare instant buy - and the increased cost makes it less of an easy choice, as well as not a target for Killmonger. Living Tribunal, however, just...feels off. IMO that's one of the weakest cards released so far, and that doesn't seem like it'll change its use so much. I feel that eventually it might get a full rework, as some cards have gotten in the past, to make its representation more appropriate. Personal Favorite: Magik getting a major cost cut feels *good*. Though it'll leave me open much more often to Storm and Scarlet Witch wipe, I feel like I'll get a lot more mileage of extra turns for now. Thoughts on it?


Opened 3 this week after hoarding credits. Got Knull Variant, a Deadpool variant as picking up a dupe Spider-Ham and Living Tribunal. I only wanted Jean ffs! What's everyone's thoughts on the new cache type?


Card text: Jean Grey [3/3] Ongoing: Players must play their first card here each turn (if possible).


Feeling accomplished... Never hit legend in Hearthstone and have been working towards this since launch. Using a deck Bynx made and I highly recommend.


Noticed that my spiderham hitting High Evo Hulk makes him 0 cost. Same with red skull.


# Spotlight Cache: More Cards for More Players! We’re excited to announce one of the biggest changes to MARVEL SNAP since its launch – the Spotlight Cache. Spotlight Cache means more cards, including brand new cards, for more players than ever before! We think this will make every card release more exciting, impactful, and accessible to everyone. Get ready to grow your collection FASTER THAN EVER! ## What is the Spotlight Cache? Spotlight Cache is a brand new way to acquire newly released cards, Series 4 cards, and Series 5 cards. Spotlight Cache system will appear after you’ve passed Collection Level (CL) 500. A Spotlight Cache will replace Collector’s Caches and Collector’s Reserves every 120CL. This means that one in every 10 Collector’s Reserves are becoming Spotlight Caches. Why are Spotlight Caches so exciting? The answer is the CARDS! Each week, three different Series 4 and 5 cards will be featured – including the new card released that week! When you open a Spotlight Cache, you’re guaranteed to open one of those three cards, or a random S4/S5 card. If you already own one of the featured cards, the Spotlight Cache will instead feature a time-exclusive variant for the featured card. *The Spotlight Cache reward pool changes each week and features 1 brand new card, 2 existing Series 4/5 cards, and a Random Series 4/5 card.* ## More Cards for More Players You might be asking, “Why are you making this change?’. We want to bring more cards to more players – and this system helps make that possible for all players, no matter where they’re at in their journey. Whether you’re still working through Series 3 or you have nearly all Series 4/5 cards, you’ll see an increase in cards earned with the change to Spotlight Cache. If you’re a free-to-play player that completes your Daily Missions, you can expect to get a Series 4/5 card from your Spotlight Cache almost EVERY WEEK – this is a huge increase from having to grind 6000 Tokens to get a single Series 5 card all month in the old system! ## Every Card Release is Impactful and Accessible One of the main feedback topics we’ve seen is that players didn’t feel they were able to enjoy or engage with new card releases each week. We definitely want to address this! Previously, we saw a very small portion of players able to get the new card each week. But, with Spotlight Cache, ~25% of players who finish their Daily Missions can get the new card each week – for free! This is going to bring more diversity to the decks you’re playing and seeing each week. Get ready to experiment in the Proving Grounds, build brand new decks, and face off against new cards while ranking up! ## Your Collection, Your Way We know you like to target which cards you’ll add to your collection – this isn’t being removed. Featured Series 4 or Series 5 cards in Spotlight Cache give you the perfect opportunity to add cards you’ve been looking for to your collection. Have you been hoping to get the mighty Thanos to lead your growing army of heroes and villains? When Thanos is being featured in the Spotlight Cache, opening one that week gives you 1 in 4 chance to earn Thanos! Opening another one will give you 1 in 3 chance, and if you open 4, you are guaranteed to get all the featured Series 4/5 cards that week – including Thanos! While the Collection Level Track and Spotlight Cache system will be your primary source for new cards to add to your collection; Collector’s Tokens and Token Shop will still exist as a back-up support system for unlocking targeted cards. As part of this change, we’re increasing the overall availability of cards, decreasing the emphasis on Token Shop, and decreasing the Collector’s Tokens that players receive in other ways. If a card has been eluding you in the Spotlight Cache, spending Collector’s Tokens in the Token Shop is another path to target the exact card you want. But, these won’t be your primary card acquisition tools, so spend them carefully and wisely! ## Upgrade Cards to Get More Cards We want to continue the excitement of progressing your Collection Score through the early Collection Level Track. For many established players, they missed the excitement of earning new cards in the Collection Level Track. So, we’re going back to our roots: upgrade cards to get more cards. We think this will be a much more enjoyable experience, provide clear goals, and again… bring more cards to more people! We think the Spotlight Cache system will be a huge improvement to card acquisition for all MARVEL SNAP players. We’ve been talking about card acquisition changes for a while now and you’ve probably noticed a few changes while we’ve been exploring how to make this a better experience for all players. As always, this is an iterative process… and we plan on continuing to change things up and improve the system! Please keep sharing your thoughts and feedback so we can deliver on the forever game we believe MARVEL SNAP can be! * **What happens to saved Collector’s Caches and Collector’s Reserves when the change happens?** * Any saved Collector's Caches or Collector's Reserves will be turned into Spotlight Caches at the appropriate rate once the new system is live. * **How are Collector’s Caches and Collector’s Reserves changing?** * Every 4 Collector’s Cache now contain: * 2 x Series 3 or below cards * 1 x 100 Tokens * 1 x Credits Box that can contain 150 or 200 Credits * Every 9 Collector’s Reserve now contain: * 2 x Series 3 or below cards * 1 x 100 Tokens * 3 x Credits Box that can contain 150 or 200 Credits (more chance of 200 compared to Cache) * 3 x Cosmetic * **Will Series 4 and Series 5 cards still appear in Collector’s Reserves?** * All Series 4 and 5 cards are moving into the Spotlight Cache. Spotlight Cache replaces the current system and results in more cards for more players. * **Are there fixed odds of finding a Series 4, Series 5, or Spotlight Variant in Spotlight Caches?** * Think of the Spotlight Cache like a bag of four items. You pull out one at a time at random, each item having equal chance to be picked. You’ll have a 25% chance to get one of those, then a 33% chance to get one of the remaining options, then a 50% chance to get one of the remaining options, and finally a 100% chance to get the last item. Once the bag is empty, we fill it back up with four items. With Spotlight Cache release, whether something is S4, S5 or is a variant does not impact their drop chance. We want to see how this system plays out and continue to improve the system! * **Will I know about Spotlight Cache rewards ahead of time?** * We plan to announce the weekly Spotlight Cache reward pools at the start of each season. We hope that this will allow you to plan ahead and get excited for what’s coming in each season of MARVEL SNAP. * **How does this interact with Flexible Series Drops?** * This feature requires a healthy supply of Series 4 and 5 cards to function—more than our previous system could maintain over time. The recent reduction in Series Drop frequency for cards from Series 4 to Series 3 ensures that we can continue giving away this many cards through Spotlight Caches at this pace. We will announce any Series drop at least two weeks in advance of it happening. Since each of these announcements will precede a patch by two weeks, that’s a 6-week “safe” window to spend tokens on a card without it dropping.

2 is slowly growing but I have a busy life, can't always check in daily so I'm looking for some help over there! Hit me with a DM if you're interested.


Series 4 Drop so 3000 tokens. I’m tempted but haven’t seen it much today, be interesting to see people’s thoughts on this new card.


Ego being a location is dumb. Me not playing cards isn’t why I downloaded a card game


I usually have enough restraint to not spend ridiculous amounts of money on digital cards that I’ll never physically own but goddamn this Darkhawk variant looks so good. Ugh…


I've been playing since last October and I finally clicked with a deck. Been running my modified sera surfer against this high Evo meta and cleaning up. Lots of 8 cube wins (shadow king is MVP). I just wanted to share since my friends don't play this game haha.