Nova Scotia General

Someone's going around on Reddit recruiting for a Nova Scotia 'friendlies' Discord server. I just wanted to pass the link along in the off chance that someone here was interested.


Absolute kitchen party here! Seriously, though... anybody around?


We have a new rental house across the road. The neighbours have decided to put up a no trespassing sign and an F*CK Trudeau flag. Our neighbourhood has always been a mix of different political backgrounds but everyone is lovely and respectful. Seems as though someone close by called the police about the flag. It wasn’t us although we have the same feelings about it. The flag is offensive but we decided to educate our child about why the display of signs like this are hateful rather than uplifting and supportive. Since the police showed up we heard them loudly exclaim “someone has too much time in their hands”. I’m guessing it was directed at us as we have a pride flag in our front window. Shortly after that the Trudeau flag showed up. How can one approach this? We’re all for free speech. But why act like a trash human to get your opinion across? Rant over.


Because an empty community is sad.