

![wtf](https://hexbear.net/pictrs/image/74cafb60-3cd5-4f39-8460-6ca9e037e311.png "emoji wtf")


cross-posted from: https://lemmygrad.ml/post/4497331 > Multi-level marketing model


cross-posted from: https://lemy.lol/post/22844267 > Need Opinion. > > What do you think is the right way to play this bet in the polygon prediction market? > > Is playing contrarian gonna give a huge pay off? > > Or Is going with the market trends going to help make decent but sure shot gains of 4-5%? > > By the way the election result is to be declared on June 4th, 2024. > > I still see most people in his favour despite everything. > > I personally don't like Modi much but as a business decision there are higher odds in betting in support of him. > > What are your thoughts on this?


Thoughts on this? Video is 13 minutes long. It seems that there is a lot of government bloat (I know, I know) but it also meshes with non-profits and other businesses involved, which culminates in the state (in the truly Marxian sense of the word) having a lot of bureaucracy to it ("you stay in your role and I stay in mine").


I mean like the Gardien type frozen veg or vegan food that's typically a little pricey at other places. I recently moved near to one and I've discovered they have really low prices on that stuff especially. Just thought I'd post it here in case anyone else could benefit from the info. Not sure why the prices on that are so low. Maybe there's more excess inventory of that stuff?


cross-posted from: https://hexbear.net/post/951204 > Suburbs are hell. > > Trust me: I live in one. > > (No, but seriously.)


I really do have some free time from time to time which I usually invest in something useful like studying on my own, but I would like to be able to earn at least $1 a week filling out forms or transcribing texts or doing some simple task, and not as a job because I don't have that much time either. So far I've had experience as a freelancer and honestly I've had bad luck, in general I've only encountered scammers (in these areas) who wanted ME TO PAY THEM TO ACCEPT THEIR WORK, and then I've tried certain websites and apps that I've read that they recommend (in forums) and personally I've had no luck, I mean, I don't expect to make a full salary filling out forms but $0.25 for a form a day? Are you kidding me? I guess it has to do with my geographic area. (LATAM) Again, I know money is hard to earn and it's naive to believe that I'm getting paid for doing something easy that anyone can do, but I'd like to at least be able to earn without a joke $1 a week.


Super behind. Long story short, signed a year long lease, had to leave the country in the middle of the lease, sublet it out to two people but one of them ditched halfway through and I couldn't get another subletter. I have some cash on hand but not enough to cover what is essentially a fifth of the entire lease. I can probably pay the remainder back in installments, but not sure if the leasing company will let me do it, should I even bother reaching out to them or will that just further incriminate me?


I'm also on Cloudresearch, but these sites are only getting me like $5 per day before I burn out. Are there better alternatives with maybe a little more effort or better pay?


Fuck computers. Also it's $19.80 due to Sunday surcharge


I get scheduled prescriptions from in person appointments, but for other prescription needs it just seems so expensive to have a 5 minute conversation with a doc just to get a refill and pay like $50 copay. I googled up some medication I needed, just hoping for some bullshit to ship to my house somehow. And lo and behold, turns out you can literally do that. There are a bunch of telehealth/generic pharmacies you can order from. I won’t list a single one or say which one I used because I don’t want this to come off as a shill post, but here’s a list of stuff I found # Generics ## All Day Chemist and Reliable Rx This is a generic drug manufacturer from India. I think they’re both the same companies because the websites are similar and the listings use the same pictures. I haven’t checked to see if scheduled drugs are available but highly doubtful. # Telehealth A lot of these require subscriptions (lmao) while some offer per visit payment ## Plus Health ## Lemonaid ## 98point6 ## Alpha Medical ## Nurx


Can't figure out a goddamn way to send money for food or gift card or whatever to someone using Euros. Insert Stalin quote about hunger not waiting. Anyone got a nice way? Or a way at all? Like do i have to use fuckin Bitcoin? Any help appreciated


The thought/practice of keeping a regular job makes me want to die. Anyone got any independent work from home tips or ideas? I was thinking about trying reselling but it seems scummy. I need income but for the life of me I cannot and do not wish to keep a schedule or have a fuckin’ hierarchy of bosses. Thanks y’all.


I'm fortunate enough to have good credit and I qualify for a decent apr for a personal loan. It would help give me breathing room for some time and help me make a career change. Are there any obvious traps to look out for? Edit - Thanks for the advice, everyone! I'm not planning on taking out a loan anytime soon. I'm just under stress and hate my job. I just wanted to know if getting a loan would be a viable option to buy some time/recharge for a little bit without immediate bills on my ass.


Looking for good reads about living as a bottom feeder, and it occurs to me that one of the hardest things to do is to squirrel away some cash somewhere for those times when ya need it- bank accounts and real estate both being a bit too closely monitored. Is this a case where cryptocurrency is actually useful?


No account required, no fees. They make money from affiliate/commission links, presumably. Cell phone and ISP plan comparison: whistleout.com Can choose many details about phone and plan & compare. Textbook/regular book price comparison: gettextbooks.com Can search by author, ISBN, etc. Sorted by price, including new and used on many sites. Shows shipping cost. I always use this when buying books.


So I did a bit more research, it seems that there are tons of loan programs under the USDA umbrella. Lots having to do with farming, but also lots having to do with "rural development". These loans fall under something called the SFH Direct Loan Program (for nonfarm tracts). Which you can read more about [here](https://www.rd.usda.gov/programs-services/single-family-housing-programs/single-family-housing-direct-home-loans) and see the forms [here](https://pubmai.sc.egov.usda.gov/ARP_Files/508_Single_Family_Housing_American_Rescue_Plan_Act_Packet_June_2022.pdf). There are multiple tiers of these loans and they are all dependent on income and ability to pay. They work almost inverse of a typical mortgage loan where the only thing that matters is your history with on time payments and having at least an average credit score. They start at 3.25% interest for "Low Income" individuals and families (determined by a chart that's bucketed by county). Seems to be between $45k and $65k on average for "Low Income" and the "Very Low Income" group is anyone below the $20k poverty line. All these income buckets are determined by number of applicants with deductions disabled or child dependants (about $10k taken off your net income per dependent). You can also deduct medical expenses. So the name of the game is trying to figure out how to structure who in your family will be on the loan to get the lowest mortgage rate (1% with the grants for very low income applicants, but these need to be repaid if the house is ever sold). All these loans are given out directly by the government meaning you don't owe a mortgage to a bank, but to the USDA itself. You have no down payment if you are accepted and are allowed to purchase any "quality" home that's at or below the loan limit for your area (seems to be around $300k plus or minus in most places). So if you're really desperate and live outside a major metropolitan area, this might actually be an option to break out of the rental hellscape or if you have a bad mortgage and think you'd qualify this might be a way to refinance directly through the federal government. I'm by no means offering you any financial advice, and an definitely not a financial advisor, but this program seems to genuinely have some merit and honestly I think it could work as a greatly expanded solution to the housing crisis, directly government issued mortgages with downwardly adjustable rates, long terms, and income based grants.


We're being booted from our rental because the landlord wants to let his daughter move in and we can't find anything else around here for even remotely the same price. Even rotted out single wide mobile homes are going for $1800/month. I was turned onto USDA loans by someone and it seems like as long as we make under $65k/year we can qualify for like $336,000 in loans with 0% down. Is there any catch? The rates seem to start at 3.5% of you're under the $65,000 income limit which would put our monthly payments like $300 below renting.


I don't know much of the financial details of how this would work exactly, but it sure seems like ELMU is playing with some serious fire by going ahead with the Twitter purchase to save face, when paying to not do the deal was likely the much more prudent move


Basically, I'm dirt poor. My pay sucks and I'm practically unemployable outside of my shit-tier job. I think I want to eventually get a master's or a BA in Computer Science, but for the time being I have nothing. From the way I see it, invoosters are the only people anyone gives a damn about and I can think of investing as a method to get some of my surplus value back in a socially acceptable way. If it wasn't obvious enough already, I am American and this country would rather collapse than see the 1% give back even a penny that they looted from the middle class. Even blue places would rather die than have more housing be built, and those lower the ~~homelessness~~...I mean, the investor's value. My first thing I want to check out is Webull but there is something about the app that feels sketchy, and I can't put my finger on it. Okay porky, you win. If you like invoosters so much, I'll be one. Happy?


Not sure how many people are aware of this, but VRChat (which is free) on Steam has movie worlds that allow you to stream thousands of movies or tv shows without paying anything (Movie and Chill is most popular I think). VRChat also has a desktop mode, so you don’t need a VR headset to take advantage of this, and I believe (not 100% on this one and it might depend on the world) there’s an option to full screen the movie in desktop mode so you aren’t watching *through* VRChat, if that makes sense. Also, on your settings you need to check “allow untrusted URLs” for it to work, but most of these movie worlds will tell you this when you go there. Here’s a video of the movie player in action: https://youtu.be/_WQnxMvyC9E


It's not much, but I eventually probably made $50 by doing it for a few hours one day and signing up for a bunch. It's probably something you can look up like every 6 months and find new ones to sign up for. Every little bit helps!


Yet, if we had communism - or even used to have communism at one point - here, most people would be able to own their own home. I bet the US statistics include mortgagees as "owners" or the numbers would be even lower. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_home_ownership_rate


Drive to work in my Blackrock sedan, eat at Blackrock Ristorante, shop at the local Blackrock supermarket. Blacknet keeps me in touch with my friends and families on other quadrants. Blackrock news and entertainment has endless channels to choose from. We like to vacation at the Blackrock ski resort in Aspe, or Club Black in the Mediterranean. Larry Fink and Steve Schwarzman are our benevolent overlords. Praise be to them for saving society.


Loan increased *512%* over fourteen years. Greatest Country In The World ™ https://www.newyorker.com/news/us-journal/the-aging-student-debtors-of-america


So, after counting up my dwinding bank account due to a series of unexpected expenditures, I have barely enough to get by on rent and utilities and so on. I also need to shore up just a few hundo (maybe $200 and change) in the next 30 days or less. Just for food and general existence. Work will probably not grant me enough overtime to get that and I can't really put it off until next month's payday anyhow, so I'm thinking about the dreaded Second Job option. I have the pathfinding skills of an army officer so delivery gig work is out. Beyond looking for more fixed labor such as part-time work at shops on weekends/evenings I'm kind of out of ideas (and I'd be in much the same boat as simply working overtime at my current job and with less hassle). Any ideas appreciated


Use 2-4x leverage. And wait for Tuesday. Thousands of dollars of free money taken from the cryptobros. Lel tfw I am digging myself out of poverty with cryptobro tears. Housing market is crashing in all the metro areas in america as well as Canada and china. Things are about to get so bad that betting against magic internet money will get u actually finically stable. 2000 dollars can easily make another 2000 in a day in these conditions. Shorting 🌽 failson at 1250 the other day netted me around 5000 dollars so far.


Long story short, fell on hard times, got evicted from my apartment, living with mom and her husband, mom and her husband give me a list of rules to follow which include: paying rent, keeping the room clean, I can’t be inside the house when they’re not home, they have to see my bank transactions to make sure I’m saving to move out, they have to monitor my medicine intake (I take antidepressants) to make sure I’m taking them. When I asked what the rules were for they just said it’s their house and their rules. Did it for about a month and then realized the rules weren’t going to work for me, Mom asked to see my bank transactions and I said no, said I felt like it was weird, I started leaving to go to work and her husband came out of his room to yell at me, I yelled back bc I’m not going to take that shit, walked out and went to work. That night they said I had until the end of this month to move out. Last night texted my dad and asked if he could drive me to work, I normally take the bus but wanted to talk to him. Dad tells mom I texted him to drive me because I don’t have enough money to take the bus (never told him that). When I get home mom demands to see my bank account, I say no again, they say because I’m lying, I get up to leave the situation, her husband follows me to my room, I try to shut the door but he stands in the doorway and pushes through, then when he gets through he pushes me and tbf it was lightly but it was clear he was trying to provoke me into fighting him. I didn’t, I just yelled at him, said he was psycho, he threatened to call the cops to come kick me out, I said to call them, he didn’t, mom defends him, asks why I can’t show my bank account, tell her bc it’s none of her business, we just argue until they leave the room at that point. Talked to my dad this morning, he took their side, said he didn’t believe my version of events, said no one in the family saw it my way. I said at the end of the month after I left I wasn’t going to talk to either of them again and I didn’t want them in my life. Just for context I’ve never been close to my dad at all. Now I’m scared to go back there tonight, scared it’s going to escalate further again or they’ll just try to kick me out and I’ll be homeless, I have no one to help me and I don’t know what to do. I talked to my therapist, he got me an appointment with a place for housing resources but the appointment isn’t until the end of the month. I thought about going to a homeless shelter but all of them here are Christian ones that make you do Bible study and shit, and the one secular shelter is the one my mom works at. I don’t have money for a motel. I’m not here to beg or anything, just needed to vent and also am I the asshole here?


So first off, I understand that Mark Cuban is a snake and a baby eater and I normally would never trust a service like this, but money has gotten really tight for me lately and if this was legit it would make life so much easier. I just want to make sure that I'm not buying fentanyl laced smarties thinking that my pharmaceutical issues are solved.


I saw this as a blip on one of my social media news feeds and figured it would be a good idea to share it, b/c somehow I feel like this probably hasn't been advertised very widely. Household income requirements to qualify can be found [here](https://www.affordableconnectivity.gov/do-i-qualify). If you don't qualify, reach out to those in your life who might or share with local community orgs to help get the word out. There are 2 benefit options as I understand it: 1. Reimbursement of up to $30 for your internet plan 2. Some ISPs have signed on to agree to provide internet plans at $30 USD to eligible households, which is then fully covered by the $30 ACP subsidy. There is also an assistance program of $100 USD toward a personal computer (desktop, laptop, tablet). These must be purchased through participating providers (link [here](https://www.fcc.gov/affordable-connectivity-program-providers) ). There is a "copay" involved with this one, but I haven't looked into the specifics. Instructions for how to apply to both are on the site.


It's ridiculous. If I don't have "Autopay" on my cell bill, they charge me an additional $20 a month (nearly doubling it). I think they charge an additional fee if you want a paper bill actually mailed to you, but you are free to print it at your own expense (how kind of them /s). Oh, and now telecoms are thinking of bringing back data limits when they roll out 6G. https://www.lightreading.com/climate-change/could-6g-mark-return-to-usage-based-pricing-/a/d-id/777099? Credit cards also hassling me whenever I login to tell me to sign up for autopay and paperless billing. I know they DGAF about the environment, the motivation for the paperless is to eliminate any actual employees and raise the profit margin. Legally, banks have to send you a paper statement and bill if you request it, and my guess is that if they get enough people to do the "paperless" option they will lobby the government to get rid of this requirement, then they can do whatever they want to customers with no paper trail.