
Today, for the first time ever, ProleWiki is publishing everything about our harasser and stalker of the past 6 months. These are the WISCON FILES.

Since November* 2022, ProleWiki has been the victim of a very dedicated stalker and harasser.

ProleWiki has been maintaining this document since February of 2023, when Wisconcom was ramping up his attacks and harassment against us.

When he left us alone briefly in May-June 2023, we agreed we would not publish it so as not to ruin his reputation. It was always an equivalent exchange: if you stop bothering us, we'll leave you alone.

He didn't though, he came back in July, and so we make good on our promise. That is one thing Wisconcom -- and all harassers that would come our way -- must realise about us.

Be prepared for a long read, but it's worth it.

I am only the humble messenger of this document.

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