Anon is straight
  • Asidonhopo Asidonhopo Now 100%

    Greece was 3000 years early to OPs game

  • Non-Americans who have been to the US.. What is the weirdest thing about America that Americans don't realize is weird?
  • Asidonhopo Asidonhopo Now 100%
    1. Your police are run by the local counties. I think your schools also? I know you have state and federal police also, but most places only have police and schools at those levels.

    This might be dependent on state but any place I've ever lived has had 3 kinds, state police, county "sherrifs department" police and town/city police. To hear theres a part of the US with sherrifs department police is odd to me, usually the state police would take that role in rural areas without their own police department in my experience.

  • Octopus
  • Asidonhopo Asidonhopo Now 100%

    That's one well-trained octopus!

  • Tim Walz gets bigger polling boost than JD Vance after VP debate
  • Asidonhopo Asidonhopo Now 60%

    The Trump campaign saw a 1.5 point boost at Polymarket after the debate, now showing Trump 50% Harris 49%.

  • It's apparently impossible to order something from the Belgian Amazon site to have it shipped to the US. Is this true, and is it true for every non-US Amazon site?
  • Asidonhopo Asidonhopo Now 100%

    After some more trying (logging in with my email rather than my mobile #) it seems like it's working now. I appreciate the encouragement, I was ready to give up!

  • I found this aftershave I'd been looking for on Belgian Amazon ( - they dont sell the same kind in the US anymore but it's apparently still available overseas. I was going to see about having some shipped to me in the US and couldn't figure out any way to do so. I know the US Amazon site has this AmazonGlobal program where people from dozens of countries can order from the US site and have it shipped to them but apparently the non-US sites dont have a similar service available. Am I missing something?

    Golden belt piece, Azerbaijan, 7th century BCE
  • Asidonhopo Asidonhopo Now 100%

    The sense of motion in that is palpable, I can almost hear the music playing during the portrayed fantastical dog and pony show. Imagine seeing this occasionally on it's original wearer and catching a glimpse of this weird scene portrayed on it. Eye catching to be sure, a lot of people would have seen and been delighted and charmed by this piece back in the day.

  • Is it ethical to place a birdbath next to my berry patch with the intent of letting my cats get there predatory instincts out?
  • Asidonhopo Asidonhopo Now 66%

    In the winter growing up we had a big ol tomcat and he would get the winter blues when feet and feet of snow would fall, so we'd get a 5 gallon bucket, punch a hole at the base at one side and fill it with birdseed so it would pour out slowly and set it up against the snowbank. We dug a little cat hole in the snowbank that faced it and laid a warm blanket in there for him to sit and watch and hunt the birds and squirrels. We loved that old tomcat, I still have a painting I did of him. Mom would pick and dry flowers and put them in his bed under the layers of old clothes and he would sleep on it near the wood stove and dream of spring. Cats spend only a short time with us and we owe it to them to do anything possible to make their lives more joyous and fulfilling. Thank you, stranger, may you have many happy years with your cats.

  • Is it ethical to place a birdbath next to my berry patch with the intent of letting my cats get there predatory instincts out?
  • Asidonhopo Asidonhopo Now 37%

    Cats eat birds. You are punishing your cat by getting only a bird bath and not spreading heaps of birdseed around too to attract birds and squirrels for prey. Go for it, cats will thank you. Think of their purring, their adoring eyes. Be sure to put camoflagued and comfortable ambush sites in close reach of the killing grounds. Cheers.

  • *Here come Dat Boi* to join the vintage meme bandwagon
  • Asidonhopo Asidonhopo Now 100%

    Who else read this in burialgoods' voice?

  • A’ss hat rule
  • Asidonhopo Asidonhopo Now 100%

    I kind of want one

  • If you were to reproduce the art style of a video game, what video game would you choose?
  • Asidonhopo Asidonhopo Now 100%

    How bout a well made modern update to the Megaman franchise in the style of Megaman II and III

  • High pressure
  • Asidonhopo Asidonhopo Now 5%

    Haha, yeah I do it out of fear of restaurant workers and you all should too if you know what's good for you! Like, they literally have time alone with the food you're going to eat!

  • “Dead Internet theory” comes to life with new AI-powered social media app
  • Asidonhopo Asidonhopo Now 100%

    Someone should test it out as an experimental treatment for gangstalking delusions

  • Has anyone let David Icke know about this?
  • Asidonhopo Asidonhopo Now 100%

    Well I'm convinced. Checkmate atheists!

  • High pressure
  • Asidonhopo Asidonhopo Now 97%

    I always tip well, but in this case my love of loud alarms would win out

  • Pothead
  • Asidonhopo Asidonhopo Now 33%

    Wow pretty spot on

  • Trump rallies plummeting! Sell! Sell! Sell!
  • Asidonhopo Asidonhopo Now 75%

    Do you have any evidence at all that it could be a landslide? Your point of view suppresses the Harris vote, people stayed home in the 2016 election sure that Hilary was a surefire winner and then turned around and called her unpopular and unelectable. I can only assume you are intentionally sabotaging Harris' chances with your feel-good highfiving.

    Harris has refused so far to support more popular Bernie-style politics and acts all smug about how well she did in that debate, and Democrats cluck their tounges at all the scandals and untruths that Republicans are going through - Republicans don't care, think its funny and will stand by Trump to the ballot box and likely beyond.

    The election, if we're lucky, will be won by Harris if you excuse the expression, by a cunt hair considering how election deniers have been packing the voting officer volunteer rolls and if you aren't filled with cold dread at Kamala being literally left off the ballot in Montana and Georgia requiring hand counting of all the ballots before the day after the election, I don't know what to tell you.

    Don't fall prey to the wine-drunk good vibes of gala event liberals who believe they won't really suffer much if Trump wins, and would rather have the short term reassuance now that we're fine and nothing more needs to be done than put more effort into actually making that landslide happen. All of America is in deep water without a life jacket here.

  • Trump rallies plummeting! Sell! Sell! Sell!
  • Asidonhopo Asidonhopo Now 84%

    He's saving his energy for what he expects will be a win, he's got a lot of powerful supporters and they'll be using every trick in the book in the coming weeks. I'm to the point where any good news about Harris or mockery of Trump is infuriating as it puts Harris voters in a more confident position and will lead to lower turnout as they think she's got a better than 50-50 chance, at best. Her campaign and her supporters need to be pulling out all the stops and pushing as hard as possible to the finish line rather than basking in their illusory lead.

  • What was your last refund? Why did you get your last refund?
  • Asidonhopo Asidonhopo Now 100%

    Prepackaged antipasto gave me days of horrible indigestion


    Frank Sinatra by them is good too


    Breaking things that worked flawlessly for years, nice. Hopefully fixed soon. It's not just me is it? Screen rotates when I click the fullscreen button but video doesn't fill the screen, rotates back to vertical after a second. I was able to get it to work properly by turning on rotate screen in the pull down menu and then turning the phone. It still remained in the squashed format shown above but when I pull the video down and then tap on the minimized video it pops out into full screen finally. So it's still usable but the 5 step fix is pretty frustrating. No I haven't filed a bug report, youtube is a grownup company and do it's own rudimentary beta testing. Sad to see unforced errors like this more and more common in longstanding industry standard apps.


    What others are saying about the APRA,right%20of%20action%20for%20individuals Compares to EU GDPR rights EFF favorable on bill but say it should go further Some opposition to bill but largely bipartisan Full pdf text of bill

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