Burning in my brain. I can feel the flames.
  • BackOnMyBS BackOnMyBS Now 100%

    EMDR is a therapy for PTSD. Anecdotally, people have reported that when going through it, they get flashbacks as their body processes the traumatic events. Basically, despite being well aware that the traumatic event is not occurring in the moment, their body is reacting exactly as if it were. Therefore, while going through EMDR, the person rides the flashback until the body burns out the memory and learns that the reaction is not necessary or helpful.

    Burning in my brain. I can feel the flames.

    trauma trigger warning

    That's actually from the lyrics of the song Ride the Lightning by Metallica. The song is about a person that committed a crime and is sentenced to death via the electric chair. The association here is that cognitively, PTSD is kept in place by the guilt of the person for their belief that they somehow caused the traumatic event. For example, a person that was hit by a car that ran a red light, may blame themselves for not being more vigilant through intersections since they were aware that cars sometimes run the light. As another example, a person that was SA'd may think that they should have never agreed to be alone with the assailant, said no more strongly, or fought them off harder. Complicating things further, they may feel that they wanted to be SA'd because their body felt pleasure from the sexual stimulation despite not wanting the experience to begin with, then continued a relationship with the perpetrator to make it "okay". But, the body remembers. Since they feel guilty, the punishment is deserved.

    The burning in the brain in the song is from the electricity. The burning in the brain from the meme is the overwhelming thoughts and beliefs ruminating constantly. The feeling of flames in the song is from the electricity running through the person. The feeling of flames in the meme are from the flashback of the body re-experiencing the memory as if were occurring again.

  • cross-posted from: https://lemmy.world/post/20487558 > skin destroyer > @gloomingly > > (trying to make small talk) notice any patterns lately > > 2:34 PM - Oct 1, 2024 · 73.9K Views > Follow

    How does your garden grow?
  • BackOnMyBS BackOnMyBS Now 100%

    Back in the late 90s, I had a close friend in high school that went down the wrong path. He started dating a horrible girl and got into drugs pretty bad, so I had to cut him off. Later on when I was dating my high school gf, she told me she saw him outside some local store trying to sell oregano as weed and almost got himself killed. Weed now is for chill people, but back in the 90s, it's how hard and tormented souls used to self-medicate. Selling bogus weed to people was such a stupid risky idea, especially in our part of the city. Luckily, he had a coming to terms moment, quit that life, and ended graduating with an engineering degree from a pretty good university. Last I heard, he's still friends with that PoS girl though.

  • I feel it hittingggg 😞😑😐🙂😮😆🥳🥳🥳
  • BackOnMyBS BackOnMyBS Now 100%

    The cops were already waiting for me last night. Not even driving around. Two patrol cars this time, parked next to each other by one of my favorite intersections. They got to see me pace in style as I waved passing them by 👋😀🐕‍🦺


  • [META] Community Logo
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  • [TIL] Florida had a smaller official population than West Virginia until the 1950 census. In the 2020 census, Florida had just over 12 times the population of West Virginia.
  • BackOnMyBS BackOnMyBS Now 100%

    Fun fact! In April 1982, Key West seceded from the US and established the Conch Republic when the Feds started enforcing a roadblock that made travel between the Keys and the mainland a pain in the butt.


  • I feel it hittingggg 😞😑😐🙂😮😆🥳🥳🥳
  • BackOnMyBS BackOnMyBS Now 100%

    I can't remember lol, but I think the video was a nice boost to the surge at the time.

    As far as funny stories, I'm undergoing EMDR and that comes with these intense rushes of pent up energy. To release that energy in a healthy way, I've been going for long (3+ mi/5+ km) walks around my neighborhood at night when it's nice and quiet. I also wear my earbuds and listen to music that matches whatever it is that I'm processing. However, there are some things to this.

    One is that I'm going for walks with 120 lbs (55kg) rottweiler, so that comes with a certain connotation. Two, I'm dressed in my worst rags because I don't want to spend the nice clothes on these walks. The nice clothes is for social events. Three, I'm walking to release energy pent up from difficult experiences, so my pace and demeanor are probably visibly aggressive. Sometimes, I have to slow down to let the rottie take a break. Four, I live on the edge of a pretty fancy upper-class neighborhood, so they are used to a certain presentation that I am definitely not meeting. The only time they see someone like me is when they are trying to avoid people that are asking for money at the gas station or off ramp. Five, whenever I see anyone else out walking, I cross the street because I don't want to interact with them, have small talk, or stop my process. What I imagine they see is this madman going through the shadows at an insane pace making all sorts of angry gestures accompanied by a bear disguised as a dog. So ereyesternight, I'm pretty sure I got the cops called on me because there was a police car driving around slowly with their static blue lights on. When they got near me, they flashed their spotlight at me and slowed down. I nervously waved back 👋😬🐕‍🦺. Luckily, they left me alone after that. I'm pretty sure they already know who I am anyway. Still, this is more evidence that I'm a 40 year-old Sam from Atypical.

    Thanks for checking in.

  • en.wikipedia.org

    In other terms, West Virginia's 2020 population size was 8.3% of Florida's. As someone that grew up in Florida most of their life, I find that the culture has made a pronounced change since my childhood.

    Any non-Black Lemmings ever intrinsically develop an intense interest in African-American/Afro-Latino/Afro-Caribbean history, culture, and community? If so, what do you think motivated that interest?
  • BackOnMyBS BackOnMyBS Now 100%

    Weed and Prince Buster.

    Can you elaborate on this pls?

    Haitain history radicalized me.

    Haitian history is so interesting. They have been punished for being the first successful slave revolt. Have you seen the movie Burn!? If not, I highly recommend it. It can be an upsetting movie, I think it's essential for anyone that wants to understand the transition from slave to capitalist economies and how racism is ingrained in all of it.

    I’m an Anarcho Syndicalist that is deep into mutual aid networks and community outreach in my neighborhood. Community organization is so important and rewarding in my life now.

    Nice! 🏴🚩 I've been meaning to get back into volunteering locally. I appreciate the encouragement your comment gave me. If you don't mind sharing, what communities are you working in and how did you get active in them?

  • Any non-Black Lemmings ever intrinsically develop an intense interest in African-American/Afro-Latino/Afro-Caribbean history, culture, and community? If so, what do you think motivated that interest?
  • BackOnMyBS BackOnMyBS Now 100%

    spirit shown within the culture

    Yes, I love it! I've been obsessed with it for like the past month. Music, analysis of music, general emotional expression, stories of prominent figures, the deeper meaning of stories, understanding privilege, strong sense of community and compassion, self-reliance and rightful mistrust of systems, acceptance, strong faith that helps navigate life and overcome adversity, and even the language. OMG the language. So many metaphors and subtle yet straight-forward communication. I might be too obsessed 😬

  • Is there a specific example of Target getting a shoplifter felony convicted for a small individual theft that puts them over the felony limit?
  • BackOnMyBS BackOnMyBS Now 100%

    Right‽ I think it's a great idea. I am going to look into it. I need to figure out what kind of camera I can use, but also need to consider the ethics with it. I don't think people would appreciate me posting them on the internet without their consent, especially if it is with negative connotation. The public can go on a manhunt and hurt people's lives when they may have just been having a bad day, following orders, or their behaviors were misinterpreted. If anything, I'd likely blur out their faces to protect their identity.

    Thanks for the encouragement 🙂

  • I'm really looking for what may have been the driving motivation and reward. The focus is on your personal drive for the interest and what you gained from it. We can't have meaningful conversations if people are scared to be honest, so please be authentic, forthcoming, and respectful. Conversely, please respond to others with compassion so that users feel safe enough to be vulnerable.

    Penance (26/100)
  • BackOnMyBS BackOnMyBS Now 100%

    Some jerk keeps defacing the pumps at a nearby gas station. First was that stupid sticker of Biden pointing and saying, "I did that!" Those stickers were removed, so now they carved "FUCK BIDEN" into the pump. I wish I could pump gas without having to subject myself to someone's political views or hate.

  • Men of Lemmy: What's you take on to marry an OF woman content creator? I'm not talking about hanging out or just sex. please only men answers.
  • BackOnMyBS BackOnMyBS Now 100%

    I think people should get married only if they have a 100% intrinsic drive to do so. If you're going online asking others, then you shouldn't get married. It's like you're trying to find an excuse for or an approval to override something that is telling you not to get married.

    If before you met this woman, your future dream wife's job was porn, then go for it. If not and rn you're kinda just kind of like I-don't-know, then don't. Stop even thinking about it. It's not an option.

    Honestly, it seems like you probably shouldn't be wasting your time with this woman. If she has an Only Fans, then she's using sex to take from men. You're more likely than not, one of those men because that's how she sees sex and men. Men are a source of income and sex is the service. It's all transactional. Of course, she's not going to come straight out and tell you that because it would ruin her game. Kinda like she probably doesn't go on her videos and says, "I don't find any of you attractive. This is all a show to get paid and validation," because no one would want to watch. She's going to be the same with you.

    I recommend that you look into emotional manipulation tactics used by abusers. When you do so, be honest with yourself. Mind your boundaries.

  • Installation
  • BackOnMyBS BackOnMyBS Now 100%

    ELI5 anyone?

  • Is there a specific example of Target getting a shoplifter felony convicted for a small individual theft that puts them over the felony limit?
  • BackOnMyBS BackOnMyBS Now 86%

    I got all of you thieves. I think I might look shady or at least like someone that is going to steal. It's prolly cause of my demeanor, behaviors, attire, and tattoos. I also act pretty weird when I'm by myself, so that's when it usually happens. On a few occasions when I felt like I was being followed, I have tested it by going in directions that another shopper likely wouldn't go in. Yep, I get followed. They send a stock person to the aisle to move shit around. Like the Publix macaroni really needed to be neatly replaced. Sometimes they make it evident that they are watching me at the self checkout scanner like a warning. They stand at the end. Why are they getting paid to stand there just as I showed up? Hmm. Now that I think about it, I have a good idea for a YT channel. I'd wear a discrete body camera every time I go shopping alone and post myself getting following or warned.

    If you see me in the store, I got their attention, so you can go at all the good stuff. If there is a Target security person in here, from what I've heard people confess to me, the ones that are stealing are the ones you would least profile: middle-class light-skin women that appear aloof. They're only running half the shit thru the self checkout scanner. If you catch them, "Oops! I must have not been paying attention. Silly me." I'm not stealing shit. I know I have eyes on me everywhere I go.

  • TIL Marco Rubio's (R) maternal grandfather immigrated to the US without a visa, and a judge ordered that he be deported, but the order was later changed to allow him to stay.
  • BackOnMyBS BackOnMyBS Now 100%

    I think I get what you're saying, but as far as I can tell, policy with that sentiment wasn't in place until ~4 years later. This dude was set to be deported as ordered by an immigration judge in Miami, then it was mysteriously overturned without any public explanation. It is unbelievable to me that an immigration judge in Miami in 1962 was not aware of a policy that gave Cubans residency for being here.

  • TIL Marco Rubio's (R) maternal grandfather immigrated to the US without a visa, and a judge ordered that he be deported, but the order was later changed to allow him to stay.
  • BackOnMyBS BackOnMyBS Now 100%

    How is the Cuban Missile Crisis associated with Pedro Victor Garcia's deportation order being overruled on the same day?

  • en.wikipedia.org

    Relevant excerpt, emphasis is mine: > Rubio's maternal grandfather, Pedro Victor Garcia, immigrated to the U.S. legally in 1956, but **returned to Cuba to find work in 1959. When he fled communist Cuba and returned to the U.S. in 1962 without a visa, he was detained as an undocumented immigrant and an immigration judge ordered him to be deported. Immigration officials reversed their decision later that day,** the deportation order was not enforced, and Garcia was given a legal status of "parolee" that allowed him to stay in the U.S. Garcia re-applied for permanent resident status in 1966 following passage of the Cuban Adjustment Act, at which point his residency was approved. Rubio enjoyed a close relationship with his grandfather during his childhood. Something shady happened, y'all.

    Purple rule
  • BackOnMyBS BackOnMyBS Now 100%

    synesthetic people: purple sounds like soft

  • Phonebooks
  • BackOnMyBS BackOnMyBS Now 100%

    Am oh

  • What are the chances that he stays alive through the following milestones: 1. Testify on tape 2. First day of trial 3. Verdict 4. Sentencing 5. Sept 16, 2025 (1-year since arrest) 6. Sept 16, 2029 (5-year mark)


    Screenshot of microblog post. The OP states, "This is not an email I ever expected to receive or send." The emails read as follows: 1st email > The AI design of your email is clever, but significantly lacks warmth. > > Would it be possible to be contacted by a human being moving forward instead of AI? > > Many thanks, Response email > It's not an AI. I'm just Autistic. > > See you next Friday. > > > Sent from Proton Mail mobile


    By artistic talent, it could be anything you find artistic: rhythm, speed, creativity, meaning/message, voice, etc.

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körnerhttps://github.com/dicebear/dicebearWA

    cross-posted from: https://lemmy.autism.place/post/371958 > Beach water color > > Learning to water color is so frustrating 😆


    Learning to water color is so frustrating 😆


    Went to the park to draw smiling eyes


    Tell us it all. We want details, especially regarding the best parts. Paint the story so we can live it. Let's overwhelm brains with happiness and gratitude 🫠


    I often use the word *people* to mean multiple persons. However, I've noticed that sometimes *people* will laugh/smirk when I use it. For example, one time I was talking about how my sister and her family/household travel often, saying, "Those people travel a lot," and the person repeated *those people* and gave a slight laugh. I'm wondering if I may be giving some sort of unintentional implied message when I use that word. Does the word *people* mean anything other than multiple persons, such as a group of persons united by a common identity (family, experience, nationality, ethnicity, etc.)?


    Meme: Two panels. Left panel is an Uno card that reads, "Understand situational context or draw 25." The right panel is labelled *Me* and has a drawing of the number 25 with the pencil placed underneath.


    I guess it's another way of asking, "What event in your life had to most effective impact?"


    I'm a fan of FOSS and reasonable privacy with data. I also often look for and install software on my computers for random tasks as they come up. Today, when I was looking to install an extension to Firefox called [Wikipedia-EN](https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/gioxxorg-wikipedia-en/?utm_content=search&utm_medium=referral&utm_source=addons.mozilla.org) that helps me search Wikipedia by highlighting a word, the Mozilla page for the extension states: > This add-on is not actively monitored for security by Mozilla. Make sure you trust it before installing. As someone that is not educated in programming or perpetually current on tech news, what can I do to assess the safety of this and other software? Is there a site that transparently evaluates software and publishes its findings?

    BackOnMyBS Now
    150 887

    I'm back on my BS 🤪

    BackOnMyBS@ lemmy.autism.place

    I'm back on my bullshit.