Saudi Arabia is in line to host the 2034 World Cup after Australia decides against bidding hours before the deadline.


Saudi Arabia is in line to host the 2034 World Cup after Australia decides against bidding hours before the deadline.


A research study is examining how mice that live in cities, close to humans, may have evolved differently from their country cousins.


The major engineering scheme aims to interlink several Indian rivers to support irrigation. A gigantic plan to link several of India’s rivers and divert vast volumes of water for irrigation could result in reduced rainfall in already water-stressed regions, according to a paper1 published in Nature Communications last month. The water transfer could affect the climate systems driving the Indian monsoon and reduce September rainfall by as much as 12% in some of the country’s states, according to the study.


‘Human challenge’ results suggest that such trials could be used to test vaccines when Zika incidence is low. For the first time, scientists have deliberately infected people with Zika virus to learn whether such a strategy could help to test vaccines against the pathogen.


An industry-academic initiative announced today aims to create the largest ever database of genomes exclusively from people with African ancestry. Four biopharma companies contributing $80 million have teamed up with Meharry Medical College to launch the effort, which hopes to recruit up to 500,000 African Americans and people from Africa and combine their DNA and medical data into a biobank for health studies. Ghost Archive: [](


An industry-academic initiative announced today aims to create the largest ever database of genomes exclusively from people with African ancestry. Four biopharma companies contributing $80 million have teamed up with Meharry Medical College to launch the effort, which hopes to recruit up to 500,000 African Americans and people from Africa and combine their DNA and medical data into a biobank for health studies. Ghost Archive: [](

Berkeley Lab to lead US hunt for element 120 after breakdown of collaboration with Russia
  • EdenRester EdenRester Now 95%

    Some scientists argue that finding new elements is not worth the money, especially when those atoms are inherently unstable and will disappear in a blink. "I personally don't find it exciting, as a scientist, just to produce more short-lived elements," says Witold Nazarewicz, a physicist who studies nuclear structure at Michigan State University in East Lansing.

    But to element hunters, the payoff is compelling. The new elements would extend the table—now seven rows deep—to an eighth row, where some theories predict exotic traits will emerge. Elements in that row might even destroy the table's very periodicity because chemical and physical properties might not repeat at regular intervals anymore. Pushing further into the eighth row also could answer questions that scientists have wrestled with since Dmitri Mendeleev's day: How many elements exist? And how far does the table go?


    Ghost Archive:


    New clinical-trial data suggest that an antiviral pill called ensitrelvir shortens the duration of two unpleasant symptoms of COVID-19: loss of smell and taste. The medication is among the first to alleviate these effects and, unlike other COVID-19 treatments, is not reserved only for people at high risk of severe illness.


    Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL) is setting its sights on creating element 120 as part of a new US effort to discover the first elements in row eight of the periodic table. The move follows the breakdown of the US–Russian partnership, which had previously discovered the five heaviest elements, following the Russian invasion of Ukraine.


    Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL) is setting its sights on creating element 120 as part of a new US effort to discover the first elements in row eight of the periodic table. The move follows the breakdown of the US–Russian partnership, which had previously discovered the five heaviest elements, following the Russian invasion of Ukraine.


    The Swedish climate campaigner was with other activists at a protest outside a central London hotel.


    Belgium's Euro 2024 qualifier against Sweden is abandoned at half-time for security reasons after two Swedish people are shot dead in Brussels.


    Belgium's Euro 2024 qualifier against Sweden is abandoned at half-time for security reasons after two Swedish people are shot dead in Brussels.


    The JET laboratory, the focus of European fusion experiments for decades, carries out its last test.


    Australian national broadcaster ABC has projected three states voted No, effectively defeating the referendum.


    Australian national broadcaster ABC has projected three states voted No, effectively defeating the referendum.


    An American born in 2019 will spend a larger share of their lifetime taking prescription drugs than being married or receiving an education, according to new research by Jessica Ho, associate professor of sociology and demography at Penn State. She reported the findings this week (*article date: Oct 6*) in the journal Demography.


    The shortage of cancer drugs is not going away, but it may be easing slightly, a new national survey suggests. Based on questions posed to 29 of its 33 member hospitals, the National Comprehensive Cancer Network said Thursday that 86% of those cancer centers are experiencing a shortage of at least one type of generic chemotherapy drug, down from 90% in May.


    The Parker Solar Probe's new top speed could get you from NYC to LA in just 20 seconds. It's not done yet.


    The space rock — possibly the exposed core of a planet that didn’t finish forming — could reveal details about the Solar System’s origins.

    Unethical chess pro tip
  • EdenRester EdenRester Now 100%

    Or a watch...

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • EdenRester EdenRester Now 100%


    We are still waiting for at least an alternance at the top of the country with the governance of a family for more than 50 years. Since 2020 and the last elections, life has getting more and more difficult for the population and you can feel the frustration in people. Opposition parties are not credible anymore and can't really lead the fight anymore. Just a minority is keeping the money of the country; it's not my words but the president's ones but he can't do anything about it because he is also a pawn in the system and can't do nothing again those who put him there.
    Just tired. I can talk about a lot of things but I don't have energy for that. Seems like we are waiting for something, some are talking about revolution. It can happen when the population will say enough is enough but togolese people are too much patient and don't want to die in vain about politics. Also, the last time things got serious, it was with a lot of deaths but it brings a sort of democracy, at least some rights but now we are getting back in every right we got. We were close to changes in 2017 but the opposition parties didn't handle it well and here we are now. The system has weakened them also. They even shut the mouth of university movements and associations that fought for changes for us students.
    For the future, only God knows!

  • How often do you read fiction and how do you manage to do it?
  • EdenRester EdenRester Now 100%

    Yeah to be disciplined about it. I need to install a routine to get it back. Thanks!

  • How often do you read fiction and how do you manage to do it?
  • EdenRester EdenRester Now 100%

    I've never tried audiobooks. I think that I will look into it and see how it works for me. Thanks!

  • RNA for the first time recovered from an extinct species - Stockholm University
  • EdenRester EdenRester Now 100%

    I don't like that "resurrect extinct species" thing though. Even after reading about what could be its advantages, I don't see how great it could be for us. If that goal could be removed when making such studies, it would be fine imo.

  • What's the closest you have ever been to actually dying?
  • EdenRester EdenRester Now 100%

    I have not seen myself closed enough until now. Just think that could be anytime and anywhere but nothing has really frightened me.

  • Search engines compared
  • EdenRester EdenRester Now 100%

    For instance, Qwant relies on ad services from Microsoft for revenue. Consequently, Qwant needs to collect and transmit the IP addresses and search terms of its users to Microsoft. Microsoft, as some of us may know, isn't exactly a role model in privacy.

    However, Qwant claims that it doesn't transmit IP addresses and search terms as a pair. Instead, search terms and IP addresses are transmitted differently using different services to make it hard for the parties involved to tie search terms to IP addresses. In other words, they make it hard for third-party services to build a profile on you. Nonetheless, some would argue that the mere fact that Qwant collects this kind of data is a potential privacy


    Qwant shares some of the data it collects with advertising partners like Microsoft. Your search keywords, IP address data, and geographical location are shared with Microsoft and are stored for at least 18 months following Microsoft privacy policies. Although Qwant tries to anonymize the data it shares, its methods aren't exactly


    And then there's the issue of being asked to turn over a user's data by law enforcement. Like any other company, even privacy-focused search engines service would have to comply with a court-ordered request for data. Consequently, this means your data can somehow fall into the hands of a third-party.


    Qwant privacy policy :

  • Can you recommend me a book?
  • EdenRester EdenRester Now 100%

    Perhaps that you've already read them but i recently enjoyed Martin Eden by Jack London and Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy

  • EdenRester Now
    101 14



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