What chances do the EFF have in the upcoming South African elections?
  • Haas Haas Now 100%

    Ok so we can assume he's wrong about the EFF as well then

  • What chances do the EFF have in the upcoming South African elections?
  • Haas Haas Now 100%

    Who? And why do they believe that?

  • What chances do the EFF have in the upcoming South African elections?
  • Haas Haas Now 100%

    The SACP endorses the ANC because they're essentially the same party. The SACP, just like the ANC, has fallen victim to opportunism. This is what happens when you think you can collaborate with capitalists.

  • What chances do the EFF have in the upcoming South African elections?
  • Haas Haas Now 100%

    South African here. The first thing you need to understand about my country is that it is still controlled by white monopoly capitalists. Even though we got political freedom in 1994, nothing was done to reclaim ownership over the economy, and as MLs we know that's where the real power is.

    As a result the ANC, under the influence of WMC, has consistently been drifting right. The current president, Cyril Ramaphosa, is a businessman with a net worth of R6.4 billion ($450 million) and he is on the board of the British platinum mine monopoly Lonmin, who famously massacred 36 workers on strike in 2012. So you can imagine the policies he's been implementing since the start of his presidency in 2019. Austerity and privatization has been the rule of the day.

    The economic situation is unlikely to change as a result of this election. Even though the ANC is all but confirmed to lose their majority on Wednesday, this only means that they will be forced into a coalition government. Who they choose is what will ultimately determine what the next couple of years will look like. Their options are the EFF, the DA, and MK.

    The ideal scenario is if they enter a coalition with the EFF, for obvious reasons. They're a Marxist-Leninist party who want to implement sweeping reforms like nationalisation, land reform, decolonisation etc. While they might not be able to implement reforms in a coalition, the country's consciousness will be shifted to the left.

    If they enter into a coalition with the DA (Democratic Alliance) we will have 5 more years of austerity. The DA is a right wing party, comparable to the US Democratic Party, and they have no intention of improving South Africa. Their plans for the country amount to inviting foreign investment and relaxing labour laws (yay). There is a danger this could happen because they are the official opposition party at around 25% of the vote

    The MK party is a bit of a wildcard. They were only founded 6 months ago, but they have former president Jacob Zuma as the face of the party. He was an immensely popular figure, even though he also continued austerity and was mega corrupt. The thing is MK party is not just Jacob Zuma, and their manifesto is weirdly progressive. Very much pro land reform, nationalisation and decolonisatiom, but very backward on social issues like LGBTQ+, women's rights and traditional leadership. I genuinely don't know what will happen if the ANC picks them as coalition partner.

    There is also a fourth scenario where the DA gets enough votes to enter into coalition with smaller right wing parties, but that's unlikely to happen.

    In conclusion, we're not going to see an outright win for the EFF, so not much will change as a result of this election. The South African consciousness is shifting to the left though, especially among the black youth, so I'm still very optimistic for the future. The EFF is a strong party, and I'm sure they'll be able to seize opportunities as they come.

  • What is the best rendition of The Internationale?
  • Haas Haas Now 100%

    Holy shit I'm afrikaans speaking and I didn't know this exists. Thanks for making me aware of it!

  • President and foreign minister of Iran confirmed dead after helicopter crash
  • Haas Haas Now 100%

    *Zero visibility fog induced by a CIA weather machine

  • What country do you think is most likely to become socialist in the near future?
  • Haas Haas Now 100%

    Speaking as a South African who grew up on the border of Swaziland, the CPS are doing fantastic work and I can personally testify their bourgeoisie are shitting bricks as a result. Hopefully our Swazi comrades see freedom soon.

  • What country do you think is most likely to become socialist in the near future?
  • Haas Haas Now 100%

    Reporting in from South Africa. Revolution is still a while off, most likely, but anti-colonialism is pretty big. The biggest left party (Economic Freedom Fighters) are mostly focused on getting reforms, which isn't ideal, but it might work due to the way South Africa has developed. Unfortunately political consciousness is nowhere near what's needed for a revolution though, so that's unlikely for that to happen soon.

    Hoping I'm wrong, though.

  • Title, basically. As I understand it all unions need to be affiliated with the ACFTU, but I have no real idea what this means or what it entails. I also understand the right to strike was removed from the constitution in 1982, but again, I am not sure what exactly this means since I've seen there have been many strikes since then.

    U.S. police have arrested more protesters in just two weeks, than the Hong Kong police arrested in four violent months in 2019.
  • Haas Haas Now 100%

    How many protestors dissapeared in Hong Kong after being arrested for bullshit reasons?

  • How do I make a flag?
  • Haas Haas Now 100%

    Thanks, I was originally thinking of making it like the flags you see hoisted on poles — you know, the ones attached with loops to rings, but this seems much simpler.

  • Hello! I want to make a large, sturdy, red flag for workers day, and I figured some of the comrades here have attempted something similar. I want to construct the flag pole in such a way I can easily swap out the flag for a different one, say the Palestinian flag, but I'm unsure what kind of material would be best for this. Are there any other pitfalls / tips I should know of before I start this project? Thanks

    Cheap meal options? 🥺
  • Haas Haas Now 100%

    Egg fried rice is cheap, easy and vegetarian. If you cook your veggies with garlic, onion and chillies, and you top it off with soya sauce you're gonna have an intense taste lol. It might be a 'weird consistency' though, since it's quite soft, but you'll have to be the judge of that.

  • Capitalists don’t care if we burn
  • Haas Haas Now 83%

    No, you don't understand. Decades of imperialist propaganda has taught me that China is BAD, and everything that they do is BAD, so how can they possibly do something GOOD? Checkmate

  • Conservative Theory be like
  • Haas Haas Now 100%

    No antifa

  • Informal poll: What’s your favorite bird
  • Haas Haas Now 100%

    They are! Sunbirds are basicially the African (imo prettier but I'm biased) version of the hummingbird

  • Informal poll: What’s your favorite bird
  • Haas Haas Now 100%

    Sunbird. They have pretty voices and come in SO MANY COLOURS

  • For those of you wondering, this is why JT needs more money to keep running his channel
  • Haas Haas Now 94%

    I tend to agree with your conclusion, but I'm gonna run with the argument. If JT is a capitalist selling the idea of liberation, does this mean his videos were somehow more proletarian or revolutionary before he employed people? He still "sold" the idea of liberation, he just didn't engage in labour exploitation to do it.

    Besides, I think you're missing the point of the post. JT was explaining why it's neccesary for Second Thought to generate revenue, and like another commenter said, that would still be neccessary even if the channel was a coop.

    Also, we don't have any information on how the business is structured or what the workplace's democracy looks like. After all, the only thing that really determines if it's labour exploitation or not is what happens with the surplus value the company workers generate. If it goes to JT, sure, he's a capitalist, but we don't have that kind of information, so I'm not willing to make that judgement (yet).

  • I figured out the problem with land acknowledgments
  • Haas Haas Now 100%

    I haven't met a leftist, white or otherwise, that does that. If there are indeed leftists like this then they must be baby-leftists who still need deprogramming. Where I'm from it's basically impossible to be a leftist while having reactionary views on race, even if you're white.

  • Title, basically. I'm looking for some good (preferably fiction) soviet movies I can relax to. Any recommendations?


    As title says. I'm looking for good (preferably fiction) movies of or from the Soviet Union I can relax to. Any recommendations? Edit: Book recommendations welcome as well


    I requested an account but there seems to be a bug on the confirm email page that doesn't let me verify it. [c14434ff2e814adea7645edb] /index.php?title=Special:RequestAccount&action=confirmemail&wpEmailToken=[TOKEN] Error: Call to undefined method MediaWiki\User\User::getGroupsWithPermission() Am I doing something wrong?

    Haas Now
    6 35

    Haas [he/him]

    Haas@ lemmygrad.ml

    Hoe rooier hoe mooier