lay it all bare, show me yalls fetch
  • Jeffrey Jeffrey Now 100%

    I love your zsh theme, what is it?

  • I wrote a bot to import reddit posts from Lemmy to help with the transition. Is this allowed?
  • Jeffrey Jeffrey Now 100%

    100% create a separate instance, and allow anyone to add subreddits to your import list. I think this would be hugely helpful!

    OP, you'll probably want to block NSFW content, though.

  • what's your goto source for news?
  • Jeffrey Jeffrey Now 100%

    The Daily Brief - I have been subscribed to their daily email newsletters for about 2 years. It's been a helpful way for me to stay vaguely aware of the most major global news events. I appreciate that each news story is condensed to a single factual paragraph without speculation or an imposed narrative:

    TRUMP INVESTIGATIONS | Multiple media outlets reported yesterday that the U.S. Department of Justice has issued a target letter to attorneys for former President Donald Trump informing them that Trump is the subject of a criminal investigation related to the retention of classified documents at his home in Florida. Such target letters typically indicate that prosecutors feel they have substantial evidence linking someone to a crime. [more]

    This is from one of their news briefs that came out yesterday Thursday, June 8, 2023. Notice that what is stated is purely factual and does not impose a narrative. The Daily Brief is a useful tool for getting a quick idea of what happened in the world yesterday, then you can read more about specific news events from other sources.

  • In a 4 day work week, which days should be off?
  • Jeffrey Jeffrey Now 100%

    Wednesday is my favorite day off on a normal week - Only working for 2 days in a row for any stretch feels so much more manageable than 5 days in a row.

    When I'm taking paid time off I'd like to stack all three days off together, though. Gotta save those precious PTO hours!

  • What habit or habits everyone should do?
  • Jeffrey Jeffrey Now 100%

    Absolutely. Most non-fiction books I've read averaged about 9 hours for me to complete. 9 hours listening to an expert is such a trivial investment compared to a lifetime of half-baked speculation on a topic one doesn't really understand. In 9 hours an expert can provide proper context, break down complex topics, and they have the space to fully explain their perspective and the stories that brought them to it.

    The only content as informative and concise as a good book is a good lecture.

  • Do you think everyone needs to be vegan ?
  • Jeffrey Jeffrey Now 85%

    *Citation needed

    Veganism can be inexpensive, accessible, and perfectly healthy with a little planning. Here's a short list of major nutrients that are usually a concern and some inexpensive vegan sources:

    • B12 - Nutritional yeast.
    • Calcium - Antacids like Tums.
    • Iodine - Iodized salt.
    • Complete Protein - Beans, lentils, tofu, etc.
    • Omega-3s - Flax seeds, Chia seeds, nuts and vegetable oils.*

    *Omega-3s are the hardest to get enough of because converting ALA to DHA and EPA is an inefficient process. Chia and flax seeds are an easy way to get enough ALA, but you will need to eat them, or another ALA-rich food, with every meal. I use a non-vegan Omega-3 supplement, but I don't claim to be a vegan. A 95-99% reduction in the animal products I consume makes me happy.

    As others have stated - a strict vegan diet is not necessary for everyone, but the individuals who choose to go strictly vegan increase demand for alternatives and popularize recipes and techniques that help the general public to consume fewer animal products. Whether someone adheres to a strict vegan diet, or not, a drastic reduction in the amount of animal products we consume is essential. In the United States it is normal and expected to eat meat & dairy as part of every meal and every snack. The adverse health effects of red / processed meats and dairy are well documented, and the resulting environmental devastation is undeniable.

    Everyone doesn't need to go vegan, but eating meat and dairy 3-5 times per week instead of 3-5 times per day would be a big step in the right direction.

  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    Half of Americans anticipate a U.S. civil war soon, survey finds. Findings suggest rising gun violence will spill into the political sphere, driven by conspiracy theories.
  • Jeffrey Jeffrey Now 100%

    Direct link to the study :

    The analytic sample included 8,620 respondents... 6,768 [(78.5%) considered political violence to be at least sometimes justified]

    [67.2% of respondents] perceived ″a serious threat to our democracy"

    more than 40% agreed that ″having a strong leader for America is more important than having a democracy″ and that ″in America, native-born white people are being replaced by immigrants.″

    Half (50.1%) agreed that ″in the next few years, there will be civil war in the United States.″

    these findings suggest a continuing alienation from and mistrust of American democratic society and its institutions. Substantial minorities of the population endorse violence, including lethal violence, to obtain political objectives. Efforts to prevent that violence, which a large majority of Americans already reject, should proceed rapidly based on the best evidence available.

    Whether or not you believe that a civil war / terrorism is likely, a lot of the steps you should take to prepare are the same steps that you should take to prepare for any disaster. The Red Cross' official recommendations are a good guide.

    GET INVOLVED, LOCALLY. - By participating with local organizations you can help resolve issues within your community and prevent conflicts from escalating to violence in the first place. Organizations that you can be a part of may help maintain order and save lives in the event of a disaster. The people you connect with today may save your life tomorrow.

  • Climate legislation is dead in US
  • Jeffrey Jeffrey Now 100%

    Climate legislation is only dead when supporters give up. So what if Manchin won't support climate action? He's the quintessential example of a conservative Democrat. Vote him out if you can, protest if you can, and speak out against him so that YOU get to write the first draft of his disgraceful legacy.

    Don't despair when you read claims like "Climate legislation is dead", get mad. There is no force more powerful than an angry public. Use your frustration to contribute to progressive organizations in any capacity that you are able, because the future you want to see must be built by you.

    When your friends or relatives mention gas prices redirect those conversations into how the opportunity to decarbonize painlessly was squandered decades ago. When the US didn't take sufficient climate action 20 years ago the pain we're feeling today became inevitable.

    When you hear inflation being talked about redirect that conversation to a discussion about how car/truck dependent our cities and supply chains are. Trains, bicycles, and feet don't give a fuck about the price of gas. When gas prices go up ALL prices increase because most of our transportation and industry is designed to use fossil fuel.

    Everyone outside the US can have these conversations too. Get involved in your community because more lives than your own may eventually depend on the relationships and organizational foundations you build today.

    Don't focus on fighting the past, focus on building a future.

  • Mozilla: "Sign on to our Open Letter to Congress Re: Restoring Competition Online"
  • Jeffrey Jeffrey Now 100%

    Summary of the bill from -

    This bill prohibits certain large online platforms from engaging in specified acts, including giving preference to their own products on the platform, unfairly limiting the availability on the platform of competing products from another business, or discriminating in the application or enforcement of the platform's terms of service among similarly situated users.

    Further, a platform may not materially restrict or impede the capacity of a competing business user to access or interoperate with the same platform, operating system, or hardware or software features. The bill also restricts the platform's use of nonpublic data obtained from or generated on the platform and prohibits the platform from restricting access to platform data generated by the activity of a competing business user. The bill also provides additional restrictions related to installing or uninstalling software, search or ranking functionality, and retaliation for contact with law enforcement regarding actual or potential violations of law.

    The bill establishes affirmative defenses for the prohibited conduct.

    The Federal Trade Commission and the Department of Justice must designate whether an entity is a platform covered by the bill, and both must carry out enforcement activities.

    The bill also provides for civil penalties, injunctions, and the forfeit of profits for repeat offenders.

  • Apps and advertisers are coming for your lock screen, and it’s going to be exhausting
  • Jeffrey Jeffrey Now 85%

    Hearing a song I liked and missing the opportunity to listen to it again later is not a serious issue, just another piece of straw on the camels back.

    My point is that a lot of little inconveniences add up to a significant life-style change, especially when the end-user is supposed to choose that life-style change.

  • Apps and advertisers are coming for your lock screen, and it’s going to be exhausting
  • Jeffrey Jeffrey Now 92%

    Just a few weeks ago I used a dumbphone for 2 days in the US.

    During that time

    • I was called for work while out and the caller expected me to review their email and respond while on the phone with them. This would have been easy with a smartphone, but instead I had to go home, review their email, then call them back the next day. They were annoyed by the inconvenience and delay.
    • I was called to schedule a doctors appointment while out, I needed to call the office back when I got home because I could not check my calendar without a smartphone.
    • I was working on a project and wanted to take a photos for memories / share when explaining why the project was taking so long. I needed to leave the project site, go home, grab my camera, return to the site, take the photos, upload them to my computer, then email them.
    • I wanted to log in to an account while away home, but I was unable to access my password manager or email without my smart phone.
    • My family went out to eat and I needed to borrow one of their smartphones because I could not scan the QR code for the menu and the restaurant did not have paper menus available.
    • I needed to deposit a check, so I would have driven nearly 20 miles round trip if I had not used remote deposit on my smartphone instead.
    • I wanted to listen to an audiobook from the library, but I need to use the overdrive / libby app in order to do this.
    • I heard a song on the radio and I could not use Shazam to identify it.
    • I needed to display a ticket for an event, so I had a friend save my ticket on their smartphone and they used their phone for both of us.
    • I needed to read a smart home monitor, but the only interface available was a smartphone app.
    • Discord kept crashing on my desktop, so I used my smartphone instead.

    I gave up using a dumbphone after only 2 days because smartphones are integrated so deeply into modern society that it felt prohibitively difficult to function without one where I live in the United States. Everywhere a person goes it is assumed they have a smartphone on them, so anyone without a smartphone needs to find workarounds for simple tasks and is forced to navigate dozens of inconveniences every day.

    I am spoiled and addicted to the convenience that smartphones provide, but my experience persuaded me that systemic changes, instead of individual choices, are necessary to ultimately solve these problems. Evidently, it can not be expected that a significant portion of the public will choose to abstain from the convenience smartphones offer even when they are educated about the harms caused by smartphones. Therefore, the only solution I can imagine is regulation to mitigate those harms, and humane technology design that solves the problems of profit-maximizing technology design.

  • Apps and advertisers are coming for your lock screen, and it’s going to be exhausting
  • Jeffrey Jeffrey Now 100%

    Good luck, smartphones are integrated so deeply into modern society that it can feel impossible to get by without one.

    A better solution is government regulation of the advertising industry, and free software alternatives that are designed using humane technology principles.

  • Capitalist Realism
  • Jeffrey Jeffrey Now 100%

    The reason for the opioid epidemic is not because the medical system has clamped down on prescriptions.

    Pharmaceutical companies lied to doctors and patients about how addictive opioids are. Then, a series of studies concluded that many people are living with untreated chronic pain; so prescribing opioids more frequently was advised by medical associations and public health authorities.

    It was only a matter of time until the truth about opioids' addictiveness became obvious and undeniable. Only THEN did the "whole" medical system start clamping down on opioids.

    The Sackler Family (owners of Perdue Pharma) directly caused the deaths of millions of innocent people by misleading doctors, patients, and health authorities. The Sackler Family is spending millions of dollars to launder their reputation and prevent the public from associating them with the opioid epidemic and the millions of lives they ruined for profit.

  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    U.S. life expectancy continued to fall in 2021
  • Jeffrey Jeffrey Now 100%
  • Looking for an online offline calendar that can sync
  • Jeffrey Jeffrey Now 100%

    Look into Nextcloud calendar, you can use the default calendar application on your phone / desktop while offline and it will automatically sync with your Nextcloud when connected to the internet. Hetzner Storage Share is an inexpensive Nextcloud host with calendar enabled by default.

  • When visiting (usually) poorer countries, many tend to say it feels more authentic. Why do you think that is? And could this feeling be replicated in richer countries?
  • Jeffrey Jeffrey Now 100%

    I believe the greatest factor is community. In my experience wealthier people, and wealthier areas, tend to have less community and weaker interpersonal bonds because they do not depend on one another to the same extent that poorer people do.

    When your neighbor needs to borrow a tool, you need to sleep at a friend's place, or you give a friend a ride to work you're building relationships. The web of relationships between all the neighbors in a community forms a culture.

    When people become wealthier they don't need to borrow tools because they can buy their own, they don't need to crash at a friend's place when they can stay in a hotel, and they don't need a ride to work if they have their own transportation.

    In my experience some of the isolating effects of wealth accumulation can be mitigated with infrastructure that increases the inter-dependence, trust, and fraternity between neighbors. A few examples are walkable cities, cooperative organizations, social clubs, public parks, etc...

  • SSHFS needs a new owner.
  • Jeffrey Jeffrey Now 100%

    SSHFS is by far the easiest and most secure-by-default way I've found to mount a remote storage share. I have donated a little bit to this project before; I really hope a stable maintainer can take over because this is a critically useful piece of software!

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • Jeffrey Jeffrey Now 100%

    Companies have brands, people have personalities.

    I have read too many books evangelizing hustle culture, and I have listened to too many MBAs preaching "selling yourself" by "promoting your personal brand". It's bullshit, I'm a human being - I don't want to sell myself, or spend countless hours crafting a narcissistic professional persona.

    All I want is meaningful work, a modest livelihood, and a stable community. None of which requires fame, and it doesn't require tracking my every keystroke. Exploitative tech companies are so desperate to chase infinite growth that they will sacrifice and erode everything that makes life worth living in pursuit of profit.

    Is it really any wonder that people just want to use the internet without being data-mined, judged, and manipulated?

  • ‘Superworms’ Can Digest Styrofoam, Australian Scientists Find
  • Jeffrey Jeffrey Now 100%

    Unfortunately, this is old news and not as exciting as it sounds. Doing a search on Youtube yields videos from almost 10 years ago with ordinary people filming time lapses of mealworms / superworms digesting styrofoam.

    One problem is that it takes a large number of the worms to digest a small amount of plastic, they take a long time to do it, and they do not fully digest or absorb the plastic on a single pass through their digestive system. The worms must eat their own poop multiple times before the microplastics are sufficiently broken down enough to be released into a natural environment.

    A diet of styrofoam is also (probably) unhealthy for the worms, and it is unclear if there is a safe and effecient way to dispose of the dead worms.

    The researchers are interested in isolating and synthesizing the enzyme that allows the worms to break down styrofoam, I think this is a great start and definitely deserves grant money, but even in a hypothetical scenario where commercial styrofoam composting is viable today it would not be enough to solve the problem of styrofoam pollution. Reducing (and ultimately eliminating) the use of disposable plastics is the only viable way to address pollution.

  • What hardware and software do you use for digitizing your documents? I'm looking for solutions to digitize hundreds of paper documents, ideally the end result will be searchable with OCR and I won't be locked into any proprietary software / services. Any workflow tips? I'm not opposed to using a scanning app on my phone, but so far the ones I have tried are fairly slow, and require manually identifying the corners on nearly every page. EDIT: I ultimately chose Nextcloud and my phone to scan documents. Nextcloud includes an excellent document-scanning feature in the app.


    I'm looking to switch credit unions, but I'm finding the process dispiriting. There is no shortage of competing financial institutions in my part of the United States, but no institutions open to the public seem to be doing anything exciting, progressive, or seriously systemically beneficial to their local communities. I'm curious where members of Lemmy choose to park their money, and why you chose that financial institution. There is [a top-down movement to reintroduce public postal banking]( in the US, and I'm very excited about this, but I'm curious which banks and credit unions you've chosen, and additionally how your chosen institutions benefit your community.


    I was thinking this morning of when I first became class conscious. For several weeks I volunteered to serve meals to people experiencing homelessness. Afterwards, I volunteered at a charity dinner soliciting donations from wealthy patrons where the level of opulence and disconnect was staggering to me. The dinner was hosted at a private estate where they owned more than a dozen cars and 5 houses for a family of 7. This was fewer than 5 miles outside of a city with overflowing shelters and people freezing to death. Here was all the wealth needed to provide homes to every person presently surviving in a shelter, and it was squandered in the hands of people entirely detached and unaware of the scope of the problem. In their minds, through petty charity they could live with a clean conscious believing they'd done their part. The egregiousness of the disparity, the obliviousness of our guests, and their astonishing reluctance to donate left me furious for days. My own hypocrisy left me feeling crushed and crumpled inside for much longer.


    There are libraries full of books written about hierarchical business methods, practices, and models. I'm curious to learn more about the practical application of alternative business models. I'm looking for history books that showcase the good, the bad, and the ugly of collaborative business models. When, where, and how did some succeed? When, where, and how did some fail? I'm looking for analysis that compare and contrast hierarchical and non-hierarchical businesses directly via metrics like failure rate, employee turnover, community impact, annualized growth, etc. and indirectly by investigating challenges and trade-offs unique to different organizational structures. Does anyone know any good books about cooperatives?


    Democratic Socialists of America is the largest socialist organization in the United States. DSA is a big-tent organization that represents beliefs across the entire leftist spectrum. This issue of the Democratic Left is extra special because it contains a recap of the bi-annual DSA national convention which took place in August.


    The Social Dilemma is a documentary created by the non-profit Center for Humane Technology. The movie contains many interviews with engineers & designers from the tech giants who explain the individual and societal harms of social media platforms. This movie is a great starting point for anyone wanting to learn how Youtube, Reddit, Facebook, Google, et al. manipulate their users with outrage inducing content. Share the movie with anyone who might be interested! It's important that people understand the harms of these platforms so they can protect themselves and choose healthier alternatives.


    Resonate is a really cool co-op and they could really use some volunteers & users. I've been looking for a more ethical music streaming service since I discovered [Spotify and other streaming platforms are terrible for small artists]( Only the top 3% of artists make $1000/yr and only the top 1% make more than $5000/yr. You'd have to be in the top 0.2% to actually earn a living of $50,000/yr on Spotify. Resonate is the only platform I've found that's doing something radically different. They have a stream to own model in which listeners pay artists directly about 1/4 of one cent for their first stream then the price increases exponentially with each stream until the 9th stream at which point the listener has paid ~$1.50usd. At that point the user can download the song for offline listening and never has to pay to stream that song again. Perhaps the coolest part is they are a co-op, 45% of governance weight is reserved for artist shares, 35% for listener shares, and only 20% for staff. Resonate is a small project that could use all the help it can get. If anyone knows of any other cool music platforms, I'd love to know about them, too!


    The World Community Grid is a BOINC project that enables anyone with a computer to contribute to cancer research, find treatments for COVID, improve weather forecasts for African agriculture, and many other humanitarian efforts. All research done through WCG is published in the public domain free of charge. On 13Sep2021 World Community Grid announced that ownership of the project is being transfered to Krembil Research Institute. The project is in talks with new sources for funding. IBM was previously the sole source of funding and the [#1 contributor]( of computing resources to the World Community Grid. There is a lot of uncertainty within the community regarding this move, because it is likely to limit the scope of research conducted through WCG.


    I recently got an email notifying me that my ISP has implemented data caps on all plans, and since I routinely exceed my new data cap of 1024GB/mo they will be charging me $10/50GB overage starting next month. I think this is outrageous, so I'm shopping around for a new ISP, but there are only 2 or 3 that offer service to my house, and at least one of them is twice the price of my current ISP. I'm curious how everyone here is treated by their ISPs? I'm paying $55/mo for 100Mbps down (actually get ~45mbps max), and I'm capped at 1024GB/mo. The next best ISP without a data cap is a maximum of 20Mbps down, for $60/mo. $ = USD

    Memes Jeffrey Now 91%
    7 The US Federal Highway Administration is revising their Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices for Streets and Highways(MUTCD). Basically, it's a long technical document that American engineers follow when designing every single road in the country. Bike / pedestrian infrastructure is totally non-existent in much of the US, everything was built to be 100% car-centric. This is a chance to change that; the Green New Deal will bring massive infrastructure reform, and the MUTCD is going to influence how every road in the country is constructed / renovated. If enough people speak up we can make pedestrian / bike infrastructure a written priority!


    My credit union recently shut down their in-house personal finance management site because it was too much work to maintain and they don't see it as competitive with freely available sites like Now, I'm looking for something to switch to and I'm curious what software the community here uses to manage their personal finances.


    Many businesses, non-profits, and local government offices where I live use Facebook as their primary, or exclusive, online presence. I don't want to make a Facebook account, but I would like to be able to see some of the content that is posted there; are there any alternative front-ends that won't abuse me with trackers? So far I've only been able to find dead-links that are years old. e.g. For Reddit there is teddit and libreddit, For youtube there is invidious, twitter has nitter, etc.


    Redirect social media links to privacy-respecting alternative front ends, or redirects to an alternate service such as Google Maps -> Open Street Map

    Jeffrey Now
    18 203
