Not necessarily the *best* meals (or places), but the meals (or places) that best represent your culture.

What are your thoughts on the loblaws barriers?
  • Susaga Susaga Now 100%

    If your only defence for a thing is "it's not technically against the fire code", then it's a fire hazard. Like, if I say "I technically didn't steal your watch", then you would say "give me back my watch".

  • Would you watch the earth form from nothing to the current time for 500.000 $?
  • Susaga Susaga Now 100%

    You keep asking this question, we keep saying no, and then you ask it again with LESS money on offer. You don't get how haggling works, and you definitely don't get how asklemmy questions work.

  • Does anybody dislike anime and manga?
  • Susaga Susaga Now 100%

    OP has been in a lengthy struggle with the world over media. They swore off manga previously due to "christian morals" and the fact that Zombieland Saga contained zombies, then got back into it because of Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, and now it seems they've hit another block within the last month.

    And it's not just manga. They've also had an issue with Wikipedia.

  • How to deal with living in a world with no future without being high 24/7?
  • Susaga Susaga Now 100%

    For me, it's just math. The odds of things getting better if I try may be low, but the odds if I don't are even lower. I'll take the higher odds every time.

    For you, have you considered spite? Live the best life you can to prove wrong everyone who tried to stop you, and do as much good in the world as you can so those trying to do evil have to try just that little bit harder. It only takes one good hit to ruin a superior opponent's perfect game, and you can only get that hit if you keep playing.

  • What are some good alternatives to Wikipedia and TV Tropes?
  • Susaga Susaga Now 100%

    I was afraid of that, but given some of your previous posts, I'm not all that surprised.

    Since both those sites are just descriptions of things that exist, it sounds like you want an echo chamber where you don't need to acknowledge that certain things exist. I think it's better to try and figure out why you're so offended by reality.

  • How do we actually get out of this climate disaster?
  • Susaga Susaga Now 75%

    Are you the head of a major international corporation? If not, there's nothing meaningful you can do.

  • "Wait! I can explain everything!"

    Trolls of Lemmy, what is up with that?
  • Susaga Susaga Now 100%

    I think they're under the unfortunate delusion they're being funny.

  • What are some good alternatives to Wikipedia and TV Tropes?
  • Susaga Susaga Now 87%

    Is there an issue with these sites I'm not aware of?

  • Wanted Drug Kingpin Keeps Exposing His Location in Mundane Google Reviews
  • Susaga Susaga Now 100%

    "He's at the Hilton!" "Well then, let's go there!" "I dunno, it doesn't sound great. This guy only ranked it 2 stars, and apparently it really hates cops."

  • Finally
  • Susaga Susaga Now 100%

    If you kill a PC with a recreation of the Boromir death scene, you might be able to hit all three at once!

  • I believe the term is "get rekt noob"
  • Susaga Susaga Now 100%

    And we played the first thing that came to our heads
    Just so happened to be
    The best song in the world
    It was the best song in the world

  • Would having a cat girl as a family pet mess my kids up?
  • Susaga Susaga Now 100%

    They were being kind and assuming there was a miscommunication.

  • Quests from the Infinite Staircase will cause such a shitstorm
  • Susaga Susaga Now 50%

    It's not the anger that's cowardly, it's the refusal to try. It's taking any other path, so long as you don't have to risk your own stupid pride. Have the humility to accept you might not make the right call, but the courage to actually make it for yourself.

    This adventure comes from a time when modules were a toolbox. One of the most popular modules from the era had a plot of "there's a bunch of monsters in some nearby caves, and they don't all like each other". Tunnels were blocked by debris, allowing the DM to connect it to another dungeon they wanna try. You might come back to the same dungeon a second time, and the contents of the room will change. A module is a starting point, but the DM continues the story from there.

    If you don't know how to prep that, then the empty room is a boon. If you do, then the empty room isn't an issue. If you don't want to prep a campaign like that, then maybe this style of module isn't for you in the first place.

  • Quests from the Infinite Staircase will cause such a shitstorm
  • Susaga Susaga Now 100%

    I wasn't a good DM either. But then I learned. I threw encounters at the players I thought might be fun, and I missed the mark almost every single time. But my players had fun, so I don't see the problem in getting those encounters wrong. And every failure taught me so much more than every success.

    If you fail, but you keep it fun and learn for the future, what have you lost? Only your pride.

  • Quests from the Infinite Staircase will cause such a shitstorm
  • Susaga Susaga Now 50%

    But some monsters are strong against certain builds and weak against others. Some monsters are stronger in certain environment and entirely nullified by others. Some monsters are stronger given certain allies and weaker when alone.

    If you could devise a system to assign monster complexity based on every scenario you can imagine that monster being part of, then either that's an astonishingly small number of scenarios or an absurdly complex calculation to force on anyone.

  • Quests from the Infinite Staircase will cause such a shitstorm
  • Susaga Susaga Now 75%

    This is a room. After seeing dozens of rooms with monsters and furniture, you are given a room with nothing in it and told to fill it yourself. You know the general sort of thing that goes in the room, so all that's left is to decide precisely what. Everything before the room has been given to you, and everything after will be given as well. You just need to come up with one room.

    You can have a paid product full of things to put into that room and not learn a damn thing about actually preparing rooms like that. You can memorise every entry on a multiplication table and still not know how to actually multiply two numbers. The most valuable teacher is experience, which is why you have to actually figure out what the gaps in the number sequence are.

    So you can try. You can come up with a few monsters you think would be fun, and would fit into that room. You add a bookshelf and a table for flavour, and to make the fight a little bit more interesting. It could go well or it could go wrong, but you learn either way.

    Or you can rage against the system that dared tell you to figure out a single room by yourself; dared to tell you to put your pride on the line and risk making a mistake.

    The second one sounds cowardly to me.

  • Quests from the Infinite Staircase will cause such a shitstorm
  • Susaga Susaga Now 63%

    I think it's mostly cowardice, personally. People don't want to risk putting their own choices into a game based entirely on choices, just in case they aren't as good. It's better to use someone else's decisions than risk your own pride.

    Then you have ignorance. A lot of people don't know how to fill the gaps, and WotC has never bothered teaching them how. Any rules they did get are rules of thumb and aren't something to use without thought (like CR), so people complain for reason 1 again.

  • If Jesus and his apostles had Chinese food for the last supper, what do you imagine the fortunes would say?
  • Susaga Susaga Now 90%

    "You will reunite with a friend"
    "The bad times will be over quickly"
    "A sudden windfall will come your way"

  • What historical events prove humanity hasn't fundamentally changed in the last 10k years?
  • Susaga Susaga Now 100%

    That's bollocks. Whoever claimed that people used to draw dicks to ward off evil was talking out of their ass to make a dick pic seem classier. They were just embarrassed that their submission in an archeological journal was so similar to what they carved into their desk in school, and I'm damn certain the school desk isn't protected from evil either.

  • What is your favorite paradox or conundrum? I am partial to can god kill god?
  • Susaga Susaga Now 100%

    I find it funny that you directly quoted wikipedia to write that (exact wording from the paradox article, I checked), but ignored the sentence immediately before it (...or a statement that runs contrary to one's expectation). Also, the linked articles at the bottom include the unexpected hanging page. Maybe read the entire wiki page before citing it?

    Also, in case wikipedia suddenly isn't enough, here's an article on wolfram to back me up:

  • Saint Peter looks over the three men and sighs, gently shaking his head. "Look, we're doing some renovations in there at the moment, so we can't accept too many people at once. We can take one of you, so... Whoever had the most tragic death, you get to go in first. Sound good?" The three men all agree, and get in order to tell their stories. "I was out for my nightly jog around the neighbourhood when I heard yelling from a nearby window. I turned to look and, next thing I knew, I was struck by a falling fridge." Saint Peter nodded, a little perplexed, then turned to the next man in the line. "I had just come home from work when I noticed the smell of sweat in the air and another man's clothes in the bedroom. I looked around and, out the window, I saw a man running away from the apartment. Then I just saw red. I picked up the fridge and threw it out the window at him. Turns out the strain on an angry heart wasn't the best for me, and I just collapsed." Peter nodded, a little concerned about if this man should even get in, but he had bigger things to deal with. Instead, he looked at the third man in the line. "So... Imagine you're hiding naked in a fridge..."


    Thankfully, they're both decent enough people for them to wind up in heaven. Hand in hand, the pair walk up to Saint Peter, stood by the pearly gates, and ask him "is it possible for us to get married in heaven?" Saint Peter thinks about it for a moment. "Wait here" he says before turning and walking into heaven. An hour passes. Then two. Time keeps moving and the young couple have nothing but each other to entertain themselves. Eventually, the couple start talking more seriously, with one of them saying "I know I love you, but we're young and we have forever in front of us. I fully believe this will work, but if it doesn't... What then?" Eventually, Saint Peter returns with a tired smile. "I just checked and, yes, you can get married in heaven." "Thank you" says one of the pair. "But we have been talking and... Just in case, is it possible to get divorced in heaven?" Saint Peter starts saying some very unsaintly words upon hearing this question, giving his podium a heavy thump. "You're kidding me! It took me most of a DAY to find a priest in heaven, and now you want me to find a LAWYER?!"


    The idea is that, when he goes out on the town and winds up drunk, his shoes can intelligently walk him home without him getting lost. The only problem was that the shoes were too smart, and wanted to see more of the world than just the road between the pub and his house. Every so often, he'd sober up and find himself on a beach or by a river or some such. Unsatisfied, he decided to leave his shoes at home and just not drink as much. The shoes didn't like this either, and walked themselves into his car. They were able to start the engine and drive off, but they didn't have arms to steer with. They crashed horribly, and were destroyed in a resulting fire. The man was distraught. Those shoes kept him safe at night, and they had personalities of their own. It felt like a very real loss to him. As he was grieving, he asked a priest for advice, only to be told that it wasn't as bad as it seemed. His shoes were good shoes, and they were surely going to heaven. Because shoes have souls. (Yes, I did steal this from Red Dwarf, but do you blame me?)


    The officer brings Joe into the room and says "I'm afraid his face was heavily damaged in the attack. We've done our best using dental records, but we need you to help confirm his identity." Joe takes a slow walk around the body and flips it over, spreading his butt cheeks a little. After giving it a look, he sighs and turns to the officer. "No, it's not him." "Are you sure?" "Yeah, Jim had two arseholes." The officer blinks. He didn't expect to hear that, and is more than happy to have a second opinion ready. With that, he brings Frank into the room. "Frank, do you think you could tell us if this is Jim or not?" says the officer. Frank heads straight for Jim's buttcheeks, giving them a little spread before sighing, just as Joe did. "No, it's not him." "You're certain?" "Yeah, Jim had two arseholes." The officer furrows his brow. "Two arseholes. I've never heard of something like that before. You've actually seen them?" "Well, no, we haven't seen them. But every time we three went out, people would shout 'Hey, it's Jim with the two arseholes!'"


    A man enters a shop he had never seen before, littered with strange oddities on every single shelf. On one shelf was a monkey's paw, and another housed a strange puzzle box. What caught the eye was a strangely beautiful statue of a rat, small enough to fit into a person's hand comfortably. The man looked for a price label, but couldn't see one. Instead, he turned his head to the shop keeper, watching him closely. "How much for this?" "Oh, only five dollars, sir! But it'll cost a thousand dollars for the full explanation, hehehe..." The man decided to only pay the five dollars, and left. As the man walked down the street with his new statue, he heard small scurrying sounds behind him. He turned and spotted a rat not too far behind, following him in nearly a straight line. The man started to quicken, and so did the rat. Before long, other rats joined in the chase, all following the man and his statue. More and more, almost as if every rat in the city was chasing after him. He broke into a sprint to escape the swarm, but they chased him down in a fervor. Scared for his safety, the man lept onto a street lamp, climbing up and away. The rats began to pile onto each other, trying to get closer to him. With no options left, the man threw the statue. It sailed a short distance before falling into the nearby river. The rats turned and pursued the statue, all of them leaving the man alone to dive into the water. The statue sank to the bottom, and all the rats drowned as they tried to swim deeper. The man could only watch in shock and horror, holding onto the lamp so he wouldn't get swept away with the storm. Once on his own feet, he walked straight back to that very same shop. The shop keep grinned seeing the man. "Ah, you want to hear the full story, I take it?" "Nah, too expensive. Do you have any lawyer statues?"


    Suddenly, he finds himself incredibly thirsty, and without any tea or water on his person. Since he's already slumming it, he heads to a nearby stream and starts cupping water into his mouth. Immediately, a local farmer starts running up to him shouting "dinnae dram fae tha wa'er! Is full o' pish 'n' shite!" The Englishman looks up at the farmer and says "I don't speak rural. If you must speak to me, please use the king's English." The farmer blinks, then slowly and carefully says "I- I was jus' askin' if yer wan'ed a cup?"


    The procedure is surprisingly fast and is a rousing success, leaving the man's skin far smoother than it had been in years. He stops by a news stand to buy a newspaper when he suddenly decides to ask the vendor "hey, how old do you think I am?" "Uh... I'm gonna say 40?" "It's actually my 50th birthday, but that's good to hear!" With a spring in his step, he heads into the butchers to pick up some sausages for the night's dinner. He decides to ask the butcher "hey, how old do you think I am?" "Hmm... I'm gonna say... 36, maybe?" "I'm actually 50, but that's great to hear!" He's practically bouncing on his feet with joy at how well the operation went as he waits for the bus home. A little old woman walks up next to him and he immediately asks her "hey, how old do you think I am?" The old woman pauses, squinting her eyes at him. "Well, my eyes aren't what they used to be, so I probably can't tell by your face, but I do have a trick that always works. Do you mind?" The man allows the old woman to stick her hand down his trousers and have a good old rummage. He's stunned, but too intrigued to stop her. After several minutes of touching, she pulls her hand out and says "You're 50 years old exactly." "Wha... That's amazing! How did you know?" "I was behind you at the news stand."


    ...but the flag's a big plus


    The logician, somewhat baffled at the man's comment, decides to educate him in the basics of logic. "Well, it's simple reasoning. You take a fact and draw other facts from it, like... Do you own a lawnmower?" "Uh, yeah? So?" "Well then, logically, you must own a lawn, correct?" "Well, yeah." "If you have a lawn, then I must logically assume you have a house to go with it." "Yeah, that's right!" "And a house would be too big for one man, so am I right in assuming you have a wife? Kids, perhaps?" "I do! Two kids, a third on the way!" "Then logically, you must be straight. And it goes on like that, you see? Logic." "That's incredible! I've gotta tell my buddies about this!" The logician is again baffled that the man's friends don't know what logic is either, but thinks little of it as he watches the man leave. --- That evening, the man approaches his friend and says "Hey, have you heard about this thing called logic?" "What the hell is that?" "Okay, so it goes like this: Do you own a lawnmower?" "No?" "That means you're gay."


    He goes around the base to give things an inspection, hoping he can make a few changes to improve things. Only half way through his inspection, he finds a private stood next to a bench, seemingly doing nothing. **Commander:** Private, what are you standing around for? **Private:** Sir! My orders are to stand here and make sure nobody sits on this bench, sir! **Commander:** ...Why? **Private:** I'm not sure, sir! I was just told to do this by the previous commander! Utterly confused, but unwilling to let the mystery lie, the commander makes a call to the previous commander, now promoted to brigadier. **Commander:** Brigadier, sir. I just gained control of Fort Naimheer, and I was wondering why you ordered a man to stand next to a bench and tell people not to sit on it. **Brigadier:** Oh, that guy? Yeah, I didn't give the order to begin with. I just figured the other guy had a reason for it, so I left it alone. Now even more confused, the commander makes contact with the general who led the base before him. **Commander:** General, sir. I just gained control of Fort Naimheer, and I was wondering why you ordered a man to stand next to a bench and tell people not to sit on it. **General:** Huh? Oh, that? It was a standing order. Before my time, you see. **Commander:** Figured as much. Do you know who first issued the order? **General:** Oh, I believe so. He's retired by now, but I could get you in contact with him. Finally, the commander makes contact with the veteran, a former commander like himself, who first made the order. **Commander:** Hello, sir. Sorry to interrupt your retirement, but I just gained control of Fort Naimheer. Is there a reason why there's a man standing next to a bench and telling people not to sit on it? **Veteran:** ...Is the paint *still* wet?


    As it turns out, this comic is a brilliant meme format, and we need to get the ball rolling on this.


    The bartender asks the horse "I take it you'll have an ale?" The horse says "I think not" and promptly disappears. This joke plays on the classic idea of "I think, therefore I am", but I didn't want to explain the joke before you heard it. That would be putting Descartes before the horse.


    The oldest hen on the farm immediately flocks to the new hen and offers to show her around. "Here's where the food usually gets thrown. You're welcome to peck and whatever's nearby. Over here's a trough of water. You can drink from it, bathe, whatever you like. Just don't poop in it, cause we all use it. Over here are the chicken coops. It's where we go to sleep for the night. Just take any open nest and rest for the night. Over there's the rooster. He likes to think he's in charge, but we all know who has the real power around here. This is a gap in the fence, and it leads to a main road. Don't be tempted! If you cross that road, you'll never hear the end of it!"


    The bartender says "We don't serve noble gasses here!" Helium doesn't react.


    You can tune a guitar, but you can't tuna fish.

    Susaga Now
    24 284
