DOI Wolff Now 100%

Netbird - це інструмент, який дозволяє безпечно з'єднувати кілька пристроїв у єдину приватну мережу за допомогою технології WireGuard®. Він спрощує керування доступом за допомогою функцій, таких як єдиний вхід (SSO) і багатофакторна аутентифікація (MFA). Це створює безпечну, легку у використанні мережу, де ви можете контролювати доступ і забезпечувати безпеку ваших пристроїв. Більше інформації можна знайти на їх [GitHub сторінці]( christianwol-ff/netbird: Connect your devices into a single secure private WireGuard®-based mesh network with SSO/MFA and simple access controls. Він спрощує керування доступом за допомогою функцій, таких як єдиний вхід (SSO) і багатофакторна аутентифікація (MFA). Це створює безпечну, легку у використанні мережу, де ви можете контролювати доступ і забезпечувати безпеку ваших пристроїв. Більше інформації можна знайти на їх [GitHub сторінці]( Netbird допомагає об'єднати ваші пристрої у захищену мережу, як ніби вони всі підключені до одного Wi-Fi, навіть якщо вони знаходяться в різних місцях. ### Приклади та аналогії: 1. **VPN для вашої особистої мережі**: Як особистий VPN, але для всіх ваших пристроїв, щоб вони могли "спілкуватися" між собою безпечно. 2. **Сім'я на відстані**: Уявіть, що у вас є комп'ютери вдома, на роботі та у друга. Netbird дозволяє їм бути у одній безпечній мережі, як ніби всі вони вдома. ### Прості слова: - **З'єднує пристрої**: Всі ваші пристрої можуть "бачити" один одного, як якщо б вони були підключені до одного Wi-Fi. - **Безпечно**: Захищає вашу мережу від сторонніх. - **Легке керування**: Просте налаштування і контроль доступу до вашої мережі. ### Приклад використання: - **Віддалена робота**: Ви можете отримати доступ до домашнього комп'ютера з роботи. - **Спільні ігри**: Друзі можуть грати разом в одній мережі, навіть якщо вони знаходяться в різних місцях. ### Title: Netbird: Simplifying Secure Device Connections ### Annotation: Netbird allows users to securely connect multiple devices into a single private network using WireGuard® technology. It simplifies access control through Single Sign-On (SSO) and Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA), creating an efficient and easy-to-manage mesh network. ### Keywords: Netbird, secure network, WireGuard, SSO, MFA, private network, device connectivity, mesh network, network security, access control, decentralized networking, IT infrastructure, remote access. ### Analytical Report and Forecast: Netbird is positioned to transform the way devices connect and communicate securely. By utilizing WireGuard® technology, it provides a robust solution for creating private mesh networks that are both secure and easy to manage. Key features like Single Sign-On (SSO) and Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) enhance security and streamline access control, making it an attractive option for both individuals and businesses. As the demand for secure, decentralized networking solutions grows, Netbird is likely to see increased adoption across various sectors, particularly those requiring secure remote access and efficient IT infrastructure management. ### Hashtags: #Netbird #SecureNetwork #WireGuard #SSO #MFA #PrivateNetwork #DeviceConnectivity #MeshNetwork #NetworkSecurity #AccessControl #DecentralizedNetworking #RemoteAccess #ITInfrastructure #TechInnovation #CyberSecurity #DigitalTransformation #NetworkManagement #SecureCommunication #TechSolutions #ITSecurity #NetworkingTechnology #DigitalNetworking #ITSupport ### Editorial Comment: Netbird's innovative use of WireGuard® technology to create secure, manageable private networks addresses a critical need in today's increasingly digital and decentralized world. By offering seamless access control and robust security features, Netbird is set to become a go-to solution for both personal and professional networking needs. Its user-friendly approach to complex networking challenges makes it an invaluable tool for enhancing security and connectivity in a variety of settings. ### Conclusion, Keywords, Links: Netbird, secure network, WireGuard, SSO, MFA, private network, device connectivity, mesh network, network security, access control, decentralized networking, IT infrastructure, remote access. ### Description for Google search robots (150 characters): Netbird securely connects devices in a private network using WireGuard, with easy access control via SSO and MFA, enhancing security and manageability.


Peer2Pool - це децентралізована платформа для майнінгу криптовалют, яка об'єднує ресурси від індивідуальних користувачів, дозволяючи їм спільно майнити та розподіляти нагороди. Платформа забезпечує прозорість і справедливий розподіл винагороди завдяки використанню блокчейн-технологій, усуваючи необхідність довіряти центральному органу. Peer2Pool дозволяє майнерам ефективно використовувати свої ресурси та отримувати більші доходи в порівнянні з індивідуальним майнінгом. Більше інформації можна знайти на офіційній сторінці Peer2Pool або відповідних криптовалютних форумах. ### Title: Peer2Pool: Revolutionizing Cryptocurrency Mining ### Annotation: Peer2Pool is a decentralized platform that revolutionizes cryptocurrency mining by pooling resources from individual users, ensuring transparency and fair distribution of rewards using blockchain technology. This method enhances efficiency and increases revenue compared to traditional individual mining approaches. ### Keywords: Peer2Pool, decentralized mining, cryptocurrency, blockchain, mining pool, transparency, fair distribution, resource efficiency, increased revenue, blockchain technology, cryptocurrency mining, mining rewards, individual miners. ### Analytical Report and Forecast: Peer2Pool represents a significant advancement in cryptocurrency mining by leveraging blockchain technology to pool resources from multiple users. This decentralized approach not only ensures transparency but also promotes fair distribution of mining rewards. By eliminating the need for a central authority, Peer2Pool enhances trust and security among its users. The platform's ability to efficiently utilize resources results in higher revenue for miners compared to individual efforts. As blockchain technology continues to evolve, Peer2Pool is poised to become a key player in the cryptocurrency mining landscape, attracting more miners seeking efficient and transparent mining solutions. ### Hashtags: #Peer2Pool #DecentralizedMining #Cryptocurrency #Blockchain #MiningPool #Transparency #FairDistribution #ResourceEfficiency #IncreasedRevenue #BlockchainTechnology #CryptoMining #MiningRewards #IndividualMiners #CryptoRevolution #DigitalCurrency #BlockchainInnovation #MiningCommunity #CryptoFuture #DecentralizedFinance #BlockchainEcosystem ### Editorial Comment: Peer2Pool's innovative approach to cryptocurrency mining is a game-changer, addressing many of the inefficiencies and trust issues associated with traditional mining methods. By pooling resources and ensuring transparent reward distribution, Peer2Pool not only enhances profitability for miners but also strengthens the overall integrity of the mining process. As the cryptocurrency market continues to grow, platforms like Peer2Pool are essential in fostering a more efficient and secure mining ecosystem. ### Conclusion, Keywords, Links: Peer2Pool, decentralized mining, cryptocurrency, blockchain, mining pool, transparency, fair distribution, resource efficiency, increased revenue, blockchain technology, cryptocurrency mining, mining rewards, individual miners. ### Description for Google search robots (150 characters): Peer2Pool is a decentralized platform that pools resources for efficient, transparent cryptocurrency mining, ensuring fair reward distribution via blockchain technology. (33) ### Title: Peer2Pool: Revolutionizing Cryptocurrency Mining


кросс-пост из: > Original: > > ![]( > > Source: > > In Russian Belgorod, a woman reported a blue blanket on a yellow balcony to the local security department. She wrote that "measures need to be taken". > > Shortly after, she received thanks for her vigilance and a report that the blanket was taken down, accompanied by a photo. > > Russian paranoia is blooming. > >


We are not asking for help, sympathy, money and pity. We are asking for prayers! We are Belgorodians, and we are scared, deadly scared: a huge, beautiful, clean, beloved, bright White city is being wiped off the face of the earth and people together with it! We forgot about quiet walks, forgot about going to stores, parks, cafes, schools, kindergartens, and even hospitals. We have forgotten about dating. We don't watch the weather forecast because it doesn't make sense - you know you're going to spend the new day at home anyway. All day long, prayers ring in our heads: "Lord, have mercy!", "Lord, save us!", "Lord, let no one be harmed by this shelling!", "Mother of God, intercede for us!", "Guardian Angels, cover us!", "The living help from the Highest...".... There are no thoughts about the reason for today's headache, or why the children are nervous today, or why you did not get somewhere in time. The answer is the same - all from tension, fear, and anticipation..... A child at 3 years old, knows what a missile threat is and is the first to yell to the whole family, "Get away from the windows! It's shelling!" And everyone, holding their breath, not moving, waiting for all ten shells to burst over the city. By the sound, you already know in which neighborhood it will come. You know how many times your heart will beat during these minutes. And every time you think: "I wish it hadn't hit the roof... "God help me, I hope it doesn't hit the roof!" Children don't panic, they pray more fervently than adults, cross themselves and wait patiently, hugging each other.... And after each attack - dead, wounded, destroyed homes and destinies... and the siren's wail has become a siren's call... Our homes, our families, our lives. We have nowhere to run, and there is no reason to run: If Belgorod runs away, the rear of our front will be empty!!!! And we for our guys are like a huge backpack behind our back, where there is everything: food, warmth, care, help, sympathy, homemade goodies, smiles, support, warm socks, love, prayers, a card from a child and many other things, because this "backpack" has no bottom and size!... We are with our defenders now as one organism. They are for us, and we are for them! Pray for us, dear ones! It's so little and so much! How painful it is to look at the empty streets and frightened faces! I want to hug everyone and feel pity for each person. After all, we are strong only in UNITY!!! Or do you still think that this does not concern you?...?!$ffb8z0IJwnD1emWbUZAKhrHYaCmvK41SXkloNfFkrI0?


Certainly, here's the revised text in English: A questionnaire comprising 23 questions on the topic of the personal benefit criteria associated with cryptoprojects was distributed. 1. Please indicate the frequency with which you utilize cryptocurrencies for purchases or transactions. 2. To what extent is it important to you that a cryptoproject offers low transaction fees? 3. What is the most appealing aspect of cryptocurrencies to you? Is it decentralization, anonymity, or fast transactions? 4. Please indicate the level of security associated with the services offered by the cryptoproject. 5. Please indicate any additional features (e.g., staking, lending, decentralized exchanges) that you would like to see incorporated into the cryptoproject. 6. To what extent is it important for you to have a mobile application to manage your cryptocurrency wallet? 7. Please assess the transparency and openness of the cryptoproject development team. 8. Please indicate the frequency with which you peruse news and updates regarding the cryptoproject. 9. To what extent is the availability and support of cryptocurrency on various exchanges and platforms a determining factor in your decision? 10. To what extent do storage and privacy features influence your decision to select a particular cryptoproject? 11. To what extent is the ease of use of the cryptocurrency wallet interface a determining factor in your decision-making process? 12. Please provide your opinion on the long-term sustainability and reliability of your chosen cryptoproject. 13. Please describe the security measures you take when dealing with cryptocurrency assets. 14. To what extent is it important for you to have community support and active development of the cryptoproject? 15. Please evaluate the availability and quality of educational materials regarding cryptocurrencies and cryptoprojects. 16. To what extent does the reputation of the development team and founders of the cryptoproject influence your decision? 17. Please evaluate the level of privacy and anonymity of transactions in the selected cryptoproject. 18. To what extent is it important for you to see the integration of cryptocurrency with real businesses and services? 19. Please describe the role of financial instruments and investment opportunities in your decision-making process regarding the selected crypto project. 20. Please evaluate the level of support and user service provided by the development team. 21. To what extent is it important for you to have a long-term development plan and roadmap for the cryptoproject? 22. Please assess the transparency and availability of information about the results and achievements of the cryptoproject. 23. Which aspects of the cryptoproject do you consider most important for your personal use and investment? The aforementioned questions are designed to elicit information regarding users' opinions and preferences regarding the cryptoproject and its characteristics. *** Translated with (free version) *** 1. **Title:** Analytical Report and Forecast on Cryptocurrency Usage 2. **Annotation:** This analytical report aims to assess the preferences and opinions of users regarding cryptocurrency projects, focusing on their personal utility criteria. Through a comprehensive survey, we delve into various aspects such as transaction frequency, security, transparency, and additional features desired by users. 3. **Keywords:** Cryptocurrency, Usage Preferences, Personal Utility Criteria, Survey, Security, Transparency, Additional Features 4. **Hashtags:** #CryptocurrencyAnalysis #UsagePreferences #PersonalUtility #SurveyInsights #SecurityAssessment #TransparencyEvaluation #FeatureDesires #CryptoSurvey #BlockchainResearch #UserOpinions #ForecastingTrends #DigitalAssetsAnalysis #CryptoFuture 5. **Editorial Comment:** This report provides valuable insights into the evolving landscape of cryptocurrency usage, shedding light on user preferences and expectations. However, it's crucial to interpret these findings with caution, considering the dynamic nature of the cryptocurrency market and the diverse perspectives of users. --- ### Outreach and Communication with Journalists and PR: - [Tomas Berezovskiy (@internews112)]( - [Internews112's Blog on Decentralized Web]( - [Posts by InterNews112 ( on Elk]( - [Internews112's Posts on Decentralized Web]( --- ### Useful Links: - [Sign Up on InLeo]( - [InLeo Profile]( - [Element [7] | OSINT Military]( - [Guide to Setting Up a Decentralized Server for PeerTube]( --- ### Additional Resources: - [alf (@alf) | Halcyon]( - [Black_Roses]( - [NWL2024]( --- ### Community Links: - [OSINT Military / X Community]( - [Element [4] | News Week Life | Geo & War]( - [Alternative Reddit: DOI - Lemmy]( --- ### Discussion Groups: - [War in Ukraine: Space for Discussions]( - [Team "Ukraine": Ukrainian Hive Contributors]( --- ### Social Media Platforms: - [BASTYON - Social Network and Video Hosting on Bitcoin Blockchain]( - [TapBit - Promo Code Trade]( --- ### Advertisements: - [CoinEx - Register]( - [PKOINUSDT - A Borderless Crypto Platform]( - [Trade TapBit]( --- Please review and let me know if everything meets your expectations.!$Wrs4d2IuzFDfX8a9rgZiyeLRA3EjdTuUagjByoYddTI?

Can Russia be a democratic country? How will the collapse of Putin's regime take place?
  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
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    #Russia #Democracy #PutinRegime #PoliticalTransition #FreeRussiaFoundation #PoliticalAnalysis #FutureGovernance #PostPutinEra #DemocraticReforms #PoliticalTransformation #InternationalRelations #Authoritarianism #GovernanceModels

  • Can Russia be a democratic country? How will the collapse of Putin's regime take place?
  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    Now 100%


    Analytical Report and Forecast on the Future of Democracy in Russia


    This analytical report explores the prospects for democracy in Russia, focusing on the potential downfall of the Putin regime and the challenges of post-Putin transition. Political analyst Fedor Krasneninnikov and Vladimir Milov, Vice President of the Free Russia Foundation, offer insights into the path towards a free and democratic Russia in their work "Normal Russia of the Future: Yes, We Can."


    Russia, Democracy, Putin Regime, Political Transition, Free Russia Foundation, Political Analysis, Future Governance, Post-Putin Era, Democratic Reforms, Political Transformation, International Relations, Authoritarianism, Governance Models

    Editorial Comment:

    This report delves into the complex dynamics of Russia's political landscape and the potential for democratic reforms. By examining key principles necessary for building a free and democratic Russia, the authors provide valuable insights for policymakers, scholars, and analysts. The report underscores the importance of international support and engagement in facilitating Russia's transition towards democracy.


    The analysis presented in "Normal Russia of the Future: Yes, We Can" offers a compelling vision for the future of democracy in Russia. While challenges and uncertainties remain, the report highlights the opportunities for political transformation and the role of civil society in shaping Russia's democratic future. This report serves as a timely contribution to the ongoing discourse on Russia's political trajectory.


    This should meet your requirements. Let me know if you need any further adjustments.

  • How can we avoid the mistakes of the past and overcome the legacy of Putinism and the consequences of the war in Ukraine? These questions are being asked by both Russian advocates of democratic change and our Western allies. In his paper "The Normal Russia of the Future: Yes We Can," political scientist Fyodor Krasheninnikov and Vladimir Milov, vice president of the Free Russia Foundation, attempt to answer them. Uncertainty about a free Russia hinders the West's desire for change and support for Russian democracy, playing into the hands of Putin's propaganda. Both Russians and the international community fear a post-Putin chaos that prevents support for the opposition, portraying it as weakened and lacking a constructive program. Many public figures are considering different ways to transform Russia. In this paper, the authors outline their vision of Russia's future in politics, economics, and social relations. This paper is an up-to-date generalization of numerous ideas that the authors have repeatedly discussed with colleagues. Despite the plethora of concrete ideas and writings on Russia's transformation and the growing consensus in independent and democratic circles on key aspects of future governance, such as parliamentarism, federalism, independent courts, and strong local self-government, there is still a palpable lack of comprehensive texts summarizing these concepts. This paper presents the key principles that Fyodor Krasheninnikov and Vladimir Milov believe are necessary to build a future free Russia. «Нормальная Россия будущего: да, мы можем» | Free Russia Foundation (43517) ДЕНЬГИ ДЛЯ УКРАИНЫ | ТРАМП | ПОЛЕМИКА О 90-Х | ОТВЕТЫ НА ВОПРОСЫ - YouTube


    When Microsoft patched the vulnerability in October 2022—at least two years after it came under attack by the Russian hackers—the company made no mention that it was under active exploitation. As of publication, the company’s advisory still made no mention of the in-the-wild targeting. Windows users frequently prioritize the installation of patches based on whether a vulnerability is likely to be exploited in real-world attacks. FURTHER READING Microsoft’s emergency patch fails to fix critical “PrintNightmare” vulnerability Exploiting CVE-2022-38028, as the vulnerability is tracked, allows attackers to gain system privileges, the highest available in Windows, when combined with a separate exploit. Exploiting the flaw, which carries a 7.8 severity rating out of a possible 10, requires low existing privileges and little complexity. It resides in the Windows print spooler, a printer-management component that has harbored previous critical zero-days. Microsoft said at the time that it learned of the vulnerability from the US National Security Agency. On Monday, Microsoft revealed that a hacking group tracked under the name Forest Blizzard has been exploiting CVE-2022-38028 since at least June 2020—and possibly as early as April 2019. The threat group—which is also tracked under names including APT28, Sednit, Sofacy, GRU Unit 26165, and Fancy Bear—has been linked by the US and the UK governments to Unit 26165 of the Main Intelligence Directorate, a Russian military intelligence arm better known as the GRU. Forest Blizzard focuses on intelligence gathering through the hacking of a wide array of organizations, mainly in the US, Europe, and the Middle East. Дописи | Wolff ( | Elk


    The debt pyramid is a harbinger of economic problems, including higher inflation, lower quality of life and destabilization of the financial system, said Les Rubin, a veteran of the financial markets. He called the U.S. debt situation one of the "greatest Ponzi schemes" in the world. The U.S. has the largest national debt in its history, and economists have long voiced concerns about it. Bank of America estimates the size of the federal debt has reached $34 trillion this year, with the government accumulating $1 trillion in debt every 100 days ![](


    In recent weeks, the aggressive rhetoric of Aliaksandr Lukashenka has once again attracted the attention of the world community to Belarus, namely to the threat of an invasion from its territory into one of the neighboring EU countries. In particular, much is said about the hypothetical breakthrough of the Suvalki corridor. Well, let's find out how real this threat is and what the Belarusian army is capable of. At present, the Belarusian army continues to carry out activities aimed at improving its combat capability - exercises, training camps, etc. In addition, since the beginning of 2024, territorial defense exercises have been held in Gomel, Hrodna and Minsk regions. At first glance, it seems that the Belarusian army is preparing for real combat operations. But if we take into account that since 2022 the Belarusian army has not left the state of endless exercises, this opinion seems erroneous. Despite the succession of exercises, there is no increase in the combat capability of the Belarusian army and formation of strike groups under the cover of such events. It should also be taken into account that since the summer of 2022 the information about Lukashenko's intention to increase the number of the army from 48 thousand to 80 thousand people has been pulsating. And in February 2023 he said that in case of war Belarus could increase the army to half a million. But, in fact, since 2022, the number of the Belarusian army has not changed, that is, as it was 48 thousand - it has remained the same. At the same time, there are about 12 thousand ground troops, while civilian personnel - up to 16.5 thousand. That is, despite the constant exercises, bellicose statements of Alexander Lukashenko and various kinds of throw-ins, in fact, there have been no qualitative and quantitative changes in the Belarusian army for all this time. And even on the contrary. In 2022, when the Russian occupation troops began to have a shortage of ammunition and equipment, the Russian command got access to the Belarusian warehouses and centers, from where it began to remove all the contents. Tens of thousands of tons of ammunition, artillery SAU "Akatsia", 2S9 "Nona-S", howitzers D-20, D-30, "Msta-B", etc. were taken out of warehouses 1405, 1398, 1886 and 25, 43, 46 arsenals. In other words, the reserves of the RB army were significantly depleted. Suwalk Corridor. The Suvalki corridor, if measured in a straight line, is about 70 kilometers from the border of Belarus to the Kaliningrad region. But no one advances in a straight line, and the breakthroughs will be carried out along the routes, the length of which reaches 100 kilometers. Taking into account the number of Belarusian ground troops, it is simply impossible to realize such a breakthrough. Besides, one should not forget about the resistance of at least Poland and the Baltic States, and then the whole collective NATO. Then already - since the 5th article of NATO collective security works like any bureaucratic archaism with a delay. For example, in the Ukrainian realities, the Belarusian ground forces would have been completely destroyed, not defeated, but precisely destroyed, within two weeks of active combat operations. In many respects, this is one of the reasons why Lukashenko will never go to Ukraine. He simply understands perfectly well, on the example of how dozens of Russian battalions a month are ground into a meat grinder, that there will be nothing left of his legions in an extremely short time. And the very next day Kalinovsky's regiment will be in the center of Minsk and mass protests will begin.... The fear of being without an army is much stronger for Lukashenko than the fear of Moscow. That is why the potential of the Belarusian army is, first of all, not a general army, but only a power army. To protect Lukashenko's dictatorship from the wrath of his own people..... Continue reading here 👉 The material was prepared within the framework of the joint project of OBOZ.UA ( and the group "Information Resistance (". Title: Analyzing the Threat of the Suvalki Corridor Breakthrough and the Capability of Lukashenko's Army Annotation: This analytical report assesses the likelihood of a potential invasion through the Suvalki corridor from Belarus into neighboring EU countries and evaluates the current capabilities of the Belarusian army under Alexander Lukashenko's regime. Keywords: Suvalki corridor, Belarusian army, Lukashenko, invasion, military capability, NATO, territorial defense. #Belarus #SuvalkiCorridor #MilitaryAnalysis #Lukashenko #NATO #InvasionThreat Editorial Comment: This report delves into the ongoing discourse surrounding the Suvalki corridor and its strategic significance in the context of Belarusian military capabilities. It provides valuable insights into the rhetoric of Alexander Lukashenko and the practical readiness of the Belarusian army, shedding light on potential geopolitical implications. Disclaimer: This investigation was conducted in a time-sensitive manner and requires thorough verification. The information presented may be subject to bias, misinformation, or external manipulation, including potential interference from Russian special services. Readers are advised to interpret the findings as speculative analyses and exercise caution in drawing conclusions. Conclusion: The analysis suggests that while the Suvalki corridor poses a theoretical threat, the practical feasibility of a breakthrough by the Belarusian army appears limited. Despite Lukashenko's rhetoric and military exercises, there is little evidence of significant enhancement in Belarusian military capabilities. Moreover, the potential for resistance from neighboring countries and NATO further diminishes the likelihood of a successful invasion through the corridor. Continue reading [here]( for further analysis and insights. This material was prepared as part of a collaboration between [OBOZ.UA]( and the "Information Resistance" group ([]( Please ensure all hashtags are included in subsequent sharing to maintain the integrity and visibility of the content. *** Translated with (free version) ***


    It turns out that over the past year the number of Russian dollar billionaires has grown from 110 to 125 people. This is the highest result in the history of the list of the world's richest businessmen. For some - a great war of liberation, and for others - a great way to improve their financial situation. It always has been, it always will be. The only nuance is that the Russian authorities are trying hard to sell people a non-existent legend about the struggle for "Russian peace", while they themselves are making money at the expense of Russia and realizing their geopolitical ambitions. At the same time I can say that a historical event has happened: ordinary people and oligarchs have for once converged in their views. Everyone has caught the essence of what is happening, and now everyone is making money on the war as much as they can. Some people are raking in whole factories, while others are waiting for a military payment on their cards. It is the state grandfathers who are frantic with the feeling of inevitably approaching death, that's why they organize senseless bloodbath. Everyone else is just making money. So the war in Ukraine is not a war of liberation, but of enrichment.


    Как это было (много архивных фото) babel.ua4 min View Original Первый документ, похожий на паспорт, советская власть ввела в 1919 году. Это были «трудовые книжки», которыми рабочие прикреплялись к определенному предприятию. А еще по ним выдавали карточки на продукты, что было главным в условиях тогдашнего продовольственного кризиса. Но такой документ выдавали лишь в нескольких крупных городах, например, в Москве и Петрограде. В остальных регионах местные власти еще использовали бланки царской России или придумывали собственные справки и свидетельства удостоверения личности. После окончания Гражданской войны и образования СССР, в 1923 году ввели единое для всей страны «удостоверение личности». В нем были графы: фамилия, имя, отчество; дата рождения; место жительства; профессия; семейное положение; наличие детей; данные о воинской службе. С 1925 года для жителей городов ввели прописку. Фото в такое удостоверение вклеивали по желанию владельца, а главное — получать его было необязательно. Обязательными были только паспорта для выезда за границу. В конце 20-х годов крестьяне стали массово бежать в города от принудительной коллективизации. Поэтому для контроля миграции в 1932 году в СССР ввели внутренний паспорт, который стал единственным удостоверением личности. В новом документе, кроме тех граф, что были в прежнем «удостоверении личности», теперь указывались национальность, социальное положение, отметки о приеме на работу. Для жителей союзных и автономных республик текст печатался на двух языках: на русском и на языке республики. Вводилась и обязательная прописка паспортов «не позднее чем через 24 часа после прибытия на новое место проживания». Главной особенностью было то, что паспорта выдавали только жителям городов, рабочих поселений, новостроек, достигшим 16 лет, а также госслужащим и работникам совхозов. На большинство крестьян новая паспортная система не распространялась. Их с 16 лет добровольно-принудительно записывали в колхоз. И они не могли выехать дальше райцентра без справки от колхозного руководства. За самовольный выезд наказывали денежным штрафом, а за повторное нарушение была уголовная ответственность — до трех лет тюрьмы. Нередко главы колхозов и сельсоветов или сотрудники НКВД за взятку выдавали справку, на основании которой можно было получить паспорт. Особенно это было распространено после Второй мировой войны, когда в села вернулись солдаты с «трофеями из Европы». На эти трофеи они покупали себе паспорта и оседали в городах. На первом этапе паспорта выдавали в крупных городах. В Украинской ССР это были Киев, Харьков, Сталино (сейчас Донецк) и Днепропетровск (сейчас Днепр). Вокруг них устанавливалась 50-километровая режимная зона, которую «зачищали от кулацких, уголовных и иных социально опасных элементов». Для борьбы с нарушителями паспортного режима в НКВД создали внесудебные «тройки». В 1938 году в паспорта стали вклеивать фото, второй экземпляр которого передавали в органы милиции. Также появился буквенно-цифровой код, в котором зашифровывалось наличие судимости и статья — политическая, хозяйственная или уголовная. Таким образом паспортные столы и адресные бюро стали первыми картотеками для всесоюзного розыска. После смерти Сталина в 1953 году в СССР провели новую паспортную реформу. Паспорта получили жители приграничных территорий, Балтийских республик, работники железнодорожных узлов. На треть сократили количество режимных территорий. Но для большинства колхозников мало что изменилось. Новый генсек Никита Хрущев затеял реорганизацию сельского хозяйства, в частности освоение целины. Поэтому крестьяне снова остались без паспортов. Когда в 1964 году к власти пришел Леонид Брежнев, то первые годы он занимался внутренней борьбой в Политбюро. Только после его окончательной победы вопрос о паспортизации крестьян решился поднять уроженец Луганщины, первый зампредседателя Совмина и будущий министр сельского хозяйства Дмитрий Полянский. Его поддержал и глава МВД Николай Щелоков, которому не хватало данных для «более успешного выявления антиобщественных элементов». Решение откладывали до 28 августа 1974 года, когда Совмин утвердил новое «Положение о паспортах в СССР». Вводились паспорта нового образца: красного цвета, вместо зеленого; сократили количество граф; появились страницы для фото в 25 и 45 лет; смягчили правила прописки. Но главное — его выдавали в 16 лет всем гражданам, в том числе и жителям сел. Теперь колхозники получили относительную свободу передвижения, но они по-прежнему не могли устроиться на работу в городе без справок от колхозного начальства. Новые паспорта начали выдавать в 1976 году, а к концу 1981-го их получили около 50 миллионов крестьян. С этим паспортами они и встретили развал СССР в 1991 году. Хотите больше интересных исторических текстов, поддержите нас донатом. Беспаспортный система заставляла крестьян наполнять закрома СССР за трудодни | Новости на 17 марта 1937 года в СССР был принят закон, лишивший крестьян свободы передвижения. Имеется в виду паспортная система, которая не распространялась на крестьян. Паспорта вводились только для жителей городов, рабочих поселений, новостроек и совхозов. В Большой Советской Энциклопедии 1939 года указано, что паспортная система представляет собой "порядок административного учёта, контроля и регулирования передвижения населения путём введения для последнего паспортов ...". Закон действовал до середины 70-х годов прошлого века. Начиная с 40-х годов, на протяжении десяти лет советской властью было издано множество нормативных документов, которые развивали и "совершенствовали" институт прописки, все больше ограничивая право граждан на свободу передвижения, свободный выбор места работы и места жительства. До 1953 года в Советском Союзе режимными были признаны 340 городов, местностей и железнодорожных узлов. Кому выдавать паспорта и прописывать в режимных зонах решали соответствующие органы власти. Так же и кого причислять к неблагонадёжным категориям людей, которые после этого становились бесправными. Крестьяне, как и во времена крепостничества, оказались намертво привязанными к родным очагам. Они должны были наполнять закрома Родины за трудодни или вовсе бесплатно, поскольку другого выбора им попросту не оставили. В колхоз добровольно-принудительно записывали с 16 лет всех, кто жил на его территории. "В документах о паспортизации не было указано о лишении крестьян выдачи паспортов, а просто, что село не подлежит паспортизации. И крестьянин автоматически становился крепостным, в полном смысле этого слова, прикреплённый к колхозу. Без паспорта нельзя было уехать из села, не то что устроиться на работу. Этим пользовались местные "князьки". Выгоняли колхозников с работы, если кто-то чём-то не угодил. Особенно страдали женщины, которые были объектом притязания бригадиров или специалистов. Не пошла на встречу в интимном плане, увольняли. А если человек был безработным в течении трёх месяцев, его называли тунеядцем, что каралось уголовной ответственностью. В нашем селе Макеевка были осуждёны на исправительные работы около 150 человек. Когда я уже преподавал в школе, ко мне обращались многие, чтобы помог получить паспорт. Потому что тогда, чтобы получить паспорт, нужно было два разрешения - председателя колхоза и сельсовета. Я писал жалобы в газету "Известие". Оттуда присылали шаблонный ответ, ничего мы не можем сделать, потому что села не паспортизированы. Мол, принудить к этому председателя колхоза и сельсовета мы не уполномочены", - рассказал 67-летний Валентин Хижняк, историк из села Макеевка Смелянского района Черкасской области. Каждый колхозник был обязан обзавестись справкой из сельсовета, удостоверяющую его личность, которая действовала не более 30 дней. Выдавали её исключительно с разрешения председателя колхоза, чтобы пожизненно записанный в его ряды крестьянин не вздумал оставить коллективное хозяйство по собственному желанию. Из села можно было убежать только в случае, если поступить на учёбу или пойти в армию. После сельские ребята массово шли на заводы, строительство, в милицию, оставались на сверхсрочную службу, только бы не возвращаться в колхоз. Можно было завербоваться на комсомольскую стройку, лесозаготовки, разработку торфа, строительство в отдалённых северных районах. Паспорт завербованному выдавался только на срок действия договора, максимум на год. После чего бывший колхозник всеми правдами и неправдами пытался продлить соглашение, чтобы перейти в штат постоянных работников. "Я помню, когда уже изменилась ситуация с паспортами, был свидетелем одной ситуации. Председатель колхоза за что-то ругал шофёра. Угрожал работнику, что отнимет у него машину. А шофёр вытащил из кармана ключи и швырнул ему в лицо, если так, то и возьми. А пожилые люди сидят и говорят: "О, в то бы время этот Евдоким Минович так ключи не бросил. Даже если бы председатель сам сказал положить ключи на стол, то Евдоким Минович упал перед ним на колени и просил бы прощения ", - вспомнил Валентин Михайлович. Паспорта сельским жителям СССР решили выдавать только в 1974 году. Новое Положение о паспортной системе гарантировало получение паспорта всеми гражданами, достигшими 16 лет. Правда, крестьян запрещалось принимать в городах на работу. Процесс полной паспортизации начался в 1976 году, а завершился лишь в 1981 году. За этот период сельскому населению было выдано 50 миллионов паспортов.


    Минобороны: Теракт в «Крокусе» сподвиг ( многих россиян пойти служить в Вооруженные силы по контракту; На двери кабинета депутата-«иноагента» Бориса Вишневского уже появилась ( соответствующая табличка; 3 года колонии запросили ( юристу пермского «Мемориала» Александру Чернышову по обвинению в «контрабанде культурных ценностей»; Мосгорсуд отклонил ( апелляцию на арест Исломова Исроила — владельца автомобиля, на котором приехали нападавшие на «Крокус»; Суд утвердил ( приговор в 6 лет в воспитательной колонии петербургскому школьнику Егору Балазейкину за попытку поджога военкомата, ; Из школьной программы убрали ( повесть «Кавказский пленный» из-за «ЛГБТ-пропаганды», которую там нашли депутаты; Суд оставил ( в силе административный штраф за пикет незрячей активистке; Рассмотрение кассации на приговор Владимиру Кара-Мурзе отложили ( из-за того, что колония не доставила в Верховный суд позицию политика; Суд снова отклонил ( апелляцию по мере пресечения петербуржцу, обвиняемому в «призывах к терроризму» за «оппозиционные надписи в магазине»; Глава Татарстана призвал ( предприятия региона самостоятельно защищаться от атак беспилотников и не надеяться на ПВО; Публицисту и советскому диссиденту Александру Скобову вменяют ( в вину пост о подрыве Крымского моста — «Мемориал»; В парламент Грузии внесли ( законопроект «Об иностранном влиянии» и конституционные изменения «О запрете ЛГБТ-пропаганды». Ознакомьтесь с обращением представителей российских независимых редакций и правозащитных организаций в поддержку нашей журналистки Антонины Фаворской! ( Подписывайтесь на группу поддержки Антонины Фаворской! ( Помогите участием в сборе на передачи в СИЗО Антонине Фаворской! ( А также читайте статью о том, как в Кыргызстане принимали закон об «иностранных представителях». (…)


    Михаил Самарский: мы пытаемся научить мух добывать мёд. update: 03-04-2024 (22:25) Демократию можно построить там, где её желает народ. Если народ против, хоть разбейся, ничего не выйдет. России демократия не нужна. Демократов россияне называют "дерьмократами", либералов – "либерастами", Европу – гейропой, Америку – исключительно "пиндостаном". Для большинства населения права человека – это разврат, бардак, болтовня и вседозволенность. Попробуешь доказать обратное, тут же тебе кричат: "Не нравится, вали из России!". Уехал – всё: предатель, агент, экстремист. Бесполезно, дискутируя с "правильными патриотами и защитниками отечества", приводить какие-то исторические факты, документы, воспоминания очевидцев, вырезки из газет – всё объявляется фейками и фотошопом. Термин "фейк" настолько понравился власть имущим и их пропагандистам, что они готовы его употреблять в любой ситуации. Взял взятку – фейк, получил откат – фейк, украл бюджетные деньги – фейк. Впрочем, с тем, что чиновники не чисты на руку, соглашаются все – и противники режима, и запутинцы. Но самое интересное то, что сторонники Путина не видят в воровстве ничего предосудительного. "Ну, а тебя поставь мером или губернатором, – спрашивают они, – ты разве не станешь воровать?". Если вы ответите "нет", засмеют и покрутят пальцем у виска. То есть россияне, идущие во власть, априорно стремятся там хорошенько заработать, так хорошенько, чтобы хватило и им, и их детям и внукам с правнуками. И общество не возражает, главное – чтобы что-то оставалось народу на хлеб, колбасу и бутылку беленькой или красненького. О каких либеральных ценностях, правах человека, демократии можно говорить в таком обществе? Люди молча взирают на новые рекорды: журнал Forbes опубликовал ежегодный рейтинг богатейших людей мира. В него вошли 125 миллиардеров из России — это число стало рекордным, причём количество российских миллиардеров могло быть даже большим, но десять человек из числа богатейших бизнесменов после начала войны отказались от гражданства РФ и, естественно, теперь они "миллиардерят" в других, вражеских, странах – предатели и изменники! А вот оставшиеся миллионщики – наши, родные, патриоты. Я не знаю, как изменить эту ситуацию. Знаю лишь одно: дальше так жить нельзя. Как спасти этих людей? Давайте думать сообща, без ёрничанья и зубоскальства. Вопрос наисерьезнейший! С одной стороны, не могу не назвать героями тех, кто отдал жизнь за будущее России, кто не остановился перед репрессивным аппаратом всемогущего диктатора, и отправился за решётку. Как не восхищаться их решительностью, бесстрашием, отвагой и самопожертвованием? А с другой – всё это похоже на то, что мы пытаемся научить мух добывать мёд. ![](


    Most people may not see the whole picture of the meaning of crypto technology and not use it to its fullest potential for several reasons: 1. Lack of understanding of technical aspects:** For many people, the concepts behind cryptocurrencies and blockchain technologies can be complex and difficult to understand. This lack of technical understanding may hinder their ability to use cryptocurrencies and blockchain platforms. 2. Lack of trust:** Many people may not be confident in the safety and reliability of cryptocurrencies and blockchain platforms due to historical examples of fraud, cyberattacks, and loss of funds. This lack of trust may deter them from using these technologies. 3. Low education:** Many people may not have sufficient education about cryptocurrencies and blockchain to understand their potential benefits and opportunities. Lack of education can lead to an underestimation of these technologies and their potential. 4. Lack of use in everyday life:** For many people, cryptocurrencies and blockchain may remain abstractions because they do not encounter them in their daily lives. The lack of real-world use cases can lead to a failure to see concrete benefits. 5. High volatility and risks:** Cryptocurrencies are often associated with high volatility and financial risks. This can deter many people from investing in these assets or using them for transactions. Widespread education, ease of use, and trust in crypto technologies are needed to increase understanding and acceptance of crypto technologies. ========================================== 1. **Недостатнє розуміння технічних аспектів:** Для багатьох людей концепції, які лежать в основі криптовалют і блокчейн-технологій, можуть бути складними і незрозумілими. Відсутність технічного розуміння може ускладнювати їхню здатність до використання криптовалют та блокчейн-платформ. 2. **Відсутність довіри:** Багато людей можуть бути не впевнені у безпеці та надійності криптовалют та блокчейн-платформ через історичні приклади шахрайства, кібератак та втрати коштів. Відсутність довіри може стримувати їх від використання цих технологій. 3. **Низька освіченість:** Багато людей можуть не мати достатньої освіти про криптовалюти та блокчейн, щоб зрозуміти їхню потенційну користь і можливості. Брак освіченості може призводити до недооцінювання цих технологій та їхнього потенціалу. 4. **Відсутність використання у повсякденному житті:** Для багатьох людей криптовалюти і блокчейн можуть залишатися абстракціями, оскільки вони не зустрічають їх у повсякденному житті. Відсутність реальних випадків використання може призводити до того, що вони не бачать конкретних переваг. 5. **Висока волатильність та ризики:** Криптовалюти часто пов'язані з високою волатильністю і фінансовими ризиками. Це може стримувати багатьох людей від вкладення коштів в ці активи або використання їх для проведення транзакцій. Щоб поширити розуміння і прийняття криптотехнологій, потрібна широка освіта, спрощення використання та розвиток довіри в ці технології. Most people may not see the whole picture of the meaning of crypto technology and not use it to its fullest potential for several reasons: **Analytical Report: Understanding the Challenges Hindering Widespread Adoption of Crypto Technology** This report delves into the reasons why most people may not fully grasp the significance of cryptocurrency technology and fail to utilize its potential to the maximum: 1. **Complexity of Technical Aspects:** The intricate concepts behind cryptocurrencies and blockchain technologies can pose a challenge for many individuals, impeding their ability to engage with these technologies effectively. 2. **Lack of Trust:** Past incidents of fraud, cyberattacks, and financial losses have instilled doubt in the safety and reliability of cryptocurrencies and blockchain platforms, hindering widespread trust and adoption. 3. **Limited Education:** Insufficient knowledge and understanding of cryptocurrencies and blockchain among the general population may lead to underestimation of their benefits and opportunities. 4. **Limited Integration into Daily Life:** Cryptocurrencies and blockchain technologies often remain abstract concepts for many individuals due to the absence of tangible applications in their daily routines, leading to a lack of perceived utility. 5. **High Volatility and Risks:** The inherent volatility and financial risks associated with cryptocurrencies can deter individuals from investing or transacting with these assets. Widespread education, enhanced usability, and improved trustworthiness of crypto technologies are essential for fostering greater understanding and acceptance among the general populace. **Keywords:** Crypto Technology, Adoption Challenges, Technical Complexity, Trust, Education, Volatility, Usability. **Editorial Comment:** Addressing the challenges outlined in this report is crucial for mainstream adoption of cryptocurrency technology. Education initiatives, user-friendly interfaces, and robust security measures are key to overcoming barriers and unlocking the full potential of crypto technologies. **Disclaimer:** This report is based on preliminary investigation and may require further verification. Biases and inaccuracies may be present, and readers are encouraged to conduct independent research before forming conclusions. **Conclusion:** To achieve widespread adoption, efforts must focus on simplifying complex concepts, building trust, and integrating crypto technologies into everyday life in a seamless and secure manner. *Links:* - [Black_Roses]( - [InLeo]( - [NWL2024]( - [Спільнота OSINT Military / X]( - [Element [4] | News Week Life | Geo & War]( - [Alternative reddit: DOI - Lemmy]( - [InLEO — РЕАЛЬНА ЗАМІНА ПРОПУТІНСЬКІЙ ПОМИЙЦІ]( - [BASTYON - соціальна мережа та відеохостінг на базі блокчейну Біткоїн](


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    Analytical Report: Historical Anbar near Maryina Roshcha January 30, 2021 View Original 250 years ago, in 1771, the establishment was finally closed, the spirit of which caused consternation even among the most persistent residents of Moscow. Formally, the “anbar near Maryina Roshcha” was ordered to be demolished eight years earlier, after Empress Catherine II learned of its existence and was horrified. But only the attack that befell the country could change the order that had existed for centuries. “They become hard as a rock.” The most terrible place in Moscow was described in the documents in a dull and indistinct manner. Thus, the decree about it was called “On the maintenance of an anbar near Maryina Grove for the burial of dead bodies.” But how could anyone in a Christian country be buried in a barn? There was a little more information in the text of this Senate decree of May 22, 1744. It said that a member of the Main Police Chief's Office, Assessor Molchanov, submitted a report to the Senate “to fix the anbar on the wretched house, which is near Maryina Grove for burying dead bodies.” The police authorities, “due to the lack of money in the Police,” proposed to repair the barn at the expense of the Moscow province and the body that helped the Moscow bishop manage the diocese - the spiritual dicastery (in the same year, all dicasteries in the country were renamed into spiritual consistories). After discussing the matter, the senators ordered: “For the burial of dead bodies, the anbar is now being built and will continue to be repaired by the Moscow Provincial Chancellery, from the unpaid income of that province.” Such laconicism, uncharacteristic for that time, was explained quite simply. Our own people already understood everything, but outsiders didn’t need to know anything. That is why foreigners who came to Moscow and learned about such an amazing feature of Russian life could only speculate. Thus, Giles Fletcher, an envoy of the English Queen Elizabeth I, who arrived at the court of Tsar Fyodor Ioannovich on November 25, 1588, decided that the wretched house, which he called God’s house, owed its appearance to the fierce Russian winter: “In winter, when everything is covered with snow and the ground freezes so much that it is impossible to use either a spade or a crowbar, they do not bury the dead, but place them (as many as die during the winter) in a house built in the suburbs or outside the city, which is called Bozhedom, or God's house: here the corpses are piled on top of each other, like firewood in the forest, and from the frost they become hard as stone; in the spring, when the ice has melted, everyone takes his dead person and confuses his body to the ground.” Having visited Moscow twice, in 1576 and 1578, Daniel Prince von Buchau, the ambassador of the Holy Roman Emperor of the German Nation Maximilian II, compiled for his sovereign a description of Russian customs, in which the functions of the wretched house looked different: “For the burial of the common people, they dig a large ditch and lay it in it, and if someone died without sacred rites, they do not throw away the earth at all, but after three or four months they build a house there, and the funeral is accompanied by great weeping and screaming over the dead from all the relatives who have gathered and neighbors, but are buried according to religious rites. These ceremonies are performed three times annually. Although the corpses of the dead give rise to the greatest stench, you can easily see that a large crowd of people flock to this kind of funeral; at the end of them, in order to forget their sadness, they indulge in drunkenness in a nearby tavern.” However, in fact, the bodies of noble people also ended up in the wretched house. In addition, not all commoners ended their mortal journey in this way. The description given by von Buchau suffered from approximateness in some other details. But even with regard to the awareness of our own people, the situation was little better. As it turned out in 1763, when Empress Catherine II became interested in the poor house, the knowledge of those who were directly responsible for it was neither deep nor accurate. In the Holy Governing Synod, and then in the Moscow Ecclesiastical Consistory, there were no documents describing the history of its appearance and specific rules of operation. And the rector of the Vozdvizhenskaya Church, priest M. Andreev, who was in charge of a wretched house near Maryina Roshcha, was summoned to the consistory, and was able to provide only a few copies of relatively recent papers that he had inherited from his predecessors. "The Soulless Remains of the Restless Dead" Little by little, domestic historians began to find out the origins of the wretched house. They agreed that the first mass and unorganized burials of beggars and other homeless people arose in ancient times. In ancient Rome, for example, the ditch where their bodies were thrown was called a fossa, but it did not last long. And the original name of such places in Rus' - “skudelnitsy”, was believed to have arisen in Judea, where those who came from distant places to worship in the Jerusalem Temple and who suddenly died were buried in a special skudelnichy field in pits from which clay had previously been extracted. Skudelnitsy were mentioned in Russian chronicles as places where the dead were buried during epidemics and famine. It was claimed that in some cases the bodies of many people could have found their final resting place in one vast and deep hole. At the same time, different numbers were mentioned - 200–300 in Kholmogory, about 10 thousand in Novgorod, more than 40 thousand in Moscow. However, the commemoration of the dead that existed after the burial of the poor was very similar to the funeral feasts of the pre-Christian era. Even greater rejection of the Orthodox clergy was caused by “Semik” - a common day of remembrance of all the dead that had taken root among the people. After all, they celebrated it in the groves that grew up around poor women, with curling birch branches, fortune telling and other pagan rituals. Therefore, the church, as in the case of other ancient holidays beloved by its flock, began to gradually modify their essence. And the achievement of the goal was helped to a large extent by the beliefs that existed among the people since pagan times. “In ancient Rus',” wrote the prominent ethnographer D.K. Zelenin, “the corpses of persons who died an unnatural death were not buried in the usual way in the ground, apparently in order to avoid desecration of the earth, and were not burned, but thrown out on the surface of the earth in desert places. Spring frosts harmful to the growth of grain were attributed to the burial of such corpses in the ground. Later, such corpses began to be thrown into damp, swampy places and rivers, and their burial in the cemetery was attributed to lack of rain and drought.” The position of the hierarchy, as Zelenin pointed out, was exactly the opposite: “Our hierarchs often punished the guilty children of the Church by depriving them of a church funeral and commemoration, just as the burial place was sometimes turned into an instrument of punishment or reward; but they always and everywhere recognized only one method of burial - through burying in the ground.” The new type of burial that eventually emerged - placement in open pits or ditches, over which in some places a wooden structure was built for protection from bad weather, animals and birds, but in others not, looked like a concession by the church to the people or a compromise. But this impression was deceptive. After a certain time, those placed in such “wretched houses” were buried and covered with earth. Moreover, in Semik. So the pagan commemoration slowly and gradually turned into a Christian one. In addition to this, not all those who suddenly died were sent to poor houses, the number of which was growing in the capital. No exceptions were made for the unidentified, but the bodies of the faithful children of the church, who regularly confessed, took communion and suddenly and unwillingly passed away from life, were spared a similar fate. However, this rule did not apply even to the highest-ranking believers, if at the time of their death they were in disgrace or died at the hands of the royal executioner. Moreover, placement in a squalid house did not escape even some of the country's top officials. “The body of Tsar Boris Godunov,” wrote about the events of 1605, corresponding member of the Imperial St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences I. M. Snegirev, “buried with honor in the Archangel Cathedral, by order of Demetrius the Pretender, was taken out of the tomb, and not at the door, but through a hole deliberately punched in the wall of the Cathedral, it was thrown out.” The new burial place of Tsar Boris was the Moscow Varsonofevsky Monastery, where at that time one of the poor houses was located. But the next year, 1606, they treated the body of the overthrown and murdered False Dmitry I even worse. “The corpse of Dimitri the Pretender,” Snegirev narrated, “ulcerated, naked and cursed by the people, like the hated remains of a villain, was taken to the Poor House (where the Pokrovsky Monastery of the Pokrovsky is now); but the drays on which Otrepiev was lying did not pass through the gates of this house: in the spirit of that time, this was attributed to a miracle - the corpse was taken off the ditch and dragged into a pit.” However, the funeral service and burial of the imaginary Dmitry Ioannovich, even in a wretched house, never happened: “During the stay of Otrepyev’s body at the Poor House, as the chronicler of that time testifies, various wonderful and terrible ghosts were seen above him, screams and howls were heard; His corpse seemed to appear either a mile away in front of the Wretched House or close to it; To this end, deep snow fell, cold set in, and terrible whirlwinds raged (this was in May 1606). From which they then concluded that the earth does not accept the Pretender - and they transported the soulless remains of the restless dead man to the Serpukhov road and in the town of Kotlah they burned him and scattered the ashes in the air.” “On Semitic Thursday I attended a divine service “On Semitic Thursday I attended a divine service "With the Tsar, Queen and Patriarch" After the accession of the Romanovs, the use of poor houses continued according to the established tradition, and the changes made did not change its essence. Thus, in 1619, the father and co-ruler of the first tsar of the dynasty, Mikhail Fedorovich, Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus' Philaret, clarified the rules that should guide the clergy when determining whether or not to send the body of a suddenly deceased person to a poor home. If, for example, a person drowned while swimming, then it was necessary. But if you didn’t swim out, having fallen into the water against your will, then no. The remains of the one who was killed by falling from a swing awaited months of detention in an unfilled hole. At the same time, those who were stabbed to death in a fight, as well as those who choked to death on food, were subject to an ordinary Christian burial. The number of days a year on which funeral services took place and bodies were buried in poor houses also changed. At some periods there were two or three of them. But always and invariably, the main day for closing pits and ditches remained Semik - Thursday in the seventh week after Easter. At the same time, the location of poor houses changed not often, but regularly. In Moscow, for example, land was allocated for them on the outskirts or uninhabited places where they built a temple, at some distance from it they dug the first hole and built a watchman’s guardhouse, called the house of God. “Unfortunately born babies” were thrown to this gatehouse, whose birth threatened their parents with accusations of fornication. Childless families took them from there. And for many decades the same picture was observed in the capital. Bozhedom carried a large basket with children sitting and lying in it through the streets and asked for alms to feed them. They claimed that the phrase in his recitative: “Or maybe they are yours!” acted flawlessly on representatives of all classes. However, Semik brought the main income to both the godly and the clergy of the church at the wretched house. Muscovites, who were moved during the mournful ceremony - after all, any of them could get into the pit - generously threw food and coins onto the mound that appeared on the site of the pit. They, without any hesitation, participated in digging out the next place where the bodies were deposited. And they fervently prayed for the repose of the souls of the dead, not skimping on candles or alms for the orphans of God and the numerous beggars. In addition, the relatives of suicides, after bringing the body to a squalid house, had to pay considerable “funeral” fees - hryvnia. Meanwhile, Moscow was growing, and new courtyards were moving closer and closer to the wretched house. Then either the space for new pits and ditches ran out, or the patience of the surrounding residents, who were no longer able to endure the stinking spirit, ran out. And the wretched house was moved to a new outlying or empty place. Over the years, the composition of those who participated in the funeral service and burial of those who died without repentance in Semik also changed. Thus, in the description of the stay of Patriarch Macarius III of Antioch in Russia in 1654–1656 there is an interesting detail about Moscow: “The inhabitants of this city have a custom on this day, Thursday after Pentecost, to go out of town with the king, queen and patriarch to distribute alms and perform services and memorials for all the dead, drowned in water, killed, as well as for dead strangers, with full joy and fun; all the merchants of the city and markets are moving their trade outside the city.” Whether Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich visited there regularly or just wanted to demonstrate to the foreign hierarch his piety and the people’s love for themselves did not matter much. The participation of the first person in a mournful ceremony, like any other, had the same consequences as usual. All the rich and noble who sought his favor began to bend over backwards to show their zeal, while transgressing all reasonable boundaries. And following their example, the rest did the same. Thus, holes in poor houses are no longer simply covered with earth. “On Semitic Thursday,” wrote I. M. Snegirev, “on the seventh week after Easter, there was a religious procession from the nearest monastery or cathedral to the Divine House (poor house) and people flocked with coffins, clothes and shrouds for the dead; The pious themselves, out of zeal, dismantled the bodies with their bare hands, mostly wrapped in matting, and out of Christian charity, not disdaining the disgusting look and smell of the corpses that had been lying for a long time in the pit of the barn, “hidden” them, put white shirts and shrouds on them, then laid them into coffins, lowered into holes prepared for this purpose and buried.” "Those thieves and robbers "Those thieves and robbers “Put in the field on new pits” The turning point in the history of poor houses came after the Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus' Adrian approved the “Instructions for priestly elders” on December 22, 1697. In accordance with this document, the bodies of only captured thieves and robbers who, before dying from illness or wounds or before execution, confessed and the priest allowed them to receive communion, were necessarily sent into pits and ditches. That is why the archers, who rebelled in 1698, ended up in the pits of those cities where their cases were being investigated and where, after the verdict, they were handed over to the master craftsmen. Those unrepentant before passing away or killed during the capture of thieves and robbers, as well as all those who were considered guilty of their own death, the instructions prescribed to be “laid in the forest or in the field, except in cemeteries and wretched houses.” Moreover, determining the degree of guilt of the deceased in his own death was entrusted to the priests, from whom the instructions required “to thoroughly search about those people,” that is, to find out everything absolutely precisely. However, what was called the “delicacy of the priests” was no secret to anyone, and in the same instructions the priesthood was urged not to take money from those who would “beat the deceased with their foreheads.” So, if the suicide was not demonstratively obvious or the blame for the accidental death could be blamed on some circumstances, the relatives of the deceased and the clergy agreed to mutual satisfaction on the funeral service and burial at the church or in the monastery cemetery. As a result, over the years, poor houses turned into a kind of morgue, albeit with a temperature that differed little from the ambient temperature. They were primarily used to transport those executed and those who died in custody and unidentified corpses from the streets. The similarity with morgues was added by the fact that Peter I ordered the bodies anatomized in hospitals to be sent to the pits. “Anbars” over pits, and in some cities they were made of stone and locked, became an indispensable attribute of poor houses. But this did not stop thieves and robbers from using them to their advantage. They broke the locks and threw the people they robbed and killed into the pit. After all, an accurate count of bodies was never kept there. By the end of the reign of the reformer tsar, against the backdrop of his policy of Europeanization, the squalid houses smelled not only of decay, but also of medieval savagery. However, the desire to change something appeared only in his royal niece, Anna Ioannovna. According to historians, in 1730, on the eve of the coronation in the Mother See, she wanted to abolish the last of the wretched houses remaining in Moscow. But in reality, in 1732, it was limited to moving it away from the Kremlin - to Maryina Roshcha. The decree of the Moscow Dicastery to the rector of the Vozdvizhenskaya Church dated November 16, 1732 said: “The newly defined hangar, which was moved from the site of the Church of the Exaltation of the Exaltation, and placed in the field on new pits for the cemetery of human dead wretched bodies, to know and watch, and to hold the key to the hangar and to put human dead bodies sent from various orders into the hangar and throughout the summer on Thursday the seventh weeks of Passover are for the burial of dead bodies and the commemoration of repairing your butt.” But the clergy of the Vozdvizhenskaya Church could only dream of sole disposal of the income from commemorations in the Semik clergy. On this day, monks from different monasteries came to the poor house to collect donations, and the clergy of the surrounding churches also tried to get something. And a little later, the beginning of the mournful ceremony was a religious procession from the Assumption Cathedral in the Kremlin to Maryina Roshcha, in which many prominent Moscow church figures of that time participated. And this attracted even more believers and donors to the commemorations in the wretched house. “Bury the earth and level it immediately” It would seem that Empress Elizaveta Petrovna, who could not stand odors, especially cadaverous ones, could put an end to the history of wretched houses. For example, while in Moscow, on July 2, 1848, she signed a decree prohibiting burials near all churches on the way from the Kremlin Assumption Cathedral to her palace on the Yauza: “It is very indecent and dangerous to bury dead bodies here.” The decree, in addition, ordered that all the crypts where there were unburied coffins be filled with earth, from which a spirit emanated, although incomparable with a wretched house, but quite strong. “The consistory,” wrote church historian N.P. Rozanov, “on August 2, 1748, ordered the parish clergy along the main streets from the Kremlin to the palace on the Yauza ... not to bury the dead; level the old graves; and use tombstones from graves for church buildings as needed. Until the time of construction of a special cemetery, other nearby churches are indicated for the burial of the bodies of the dead in the parishes of churches in which burials are prohibited. However, after the Empress’s departure from Moscow, the Consistory began to allow the burial of the dead in those churches where it was prohibited.” Given the way things were going, taking on the task of liquidating a wretched house meant wasting time. Empress Catherine II fully realized this truth. Unlike her predecessors on the throne, she, considering herself an enlightened ruler, did not want to put up with the existence of the Yamniki in her state. There is a version that she personally visited Maryina Roshcha and was horrified. And the main user of the wretched house, the police authorities, called to account by her, immediately appealed to the Holy Governing Synod, indicating: “The spring time is coming, in which the air may be thin and contagious from those dead bodies.” And on April 18, 1763, the Synod ordered all dead bodies “to be buried and leveled immediately after the usual funeral chanting....” “From now on,” said the decree of the Synod, “bodies brought from various public places, after the departure of the funeral, will be buried at the same time on the kosht (with funds - “History” ) of the places from which they will be brought.” At the same time, the religious procession to Maryina Roshcha was also prohibited. The activity of the poor houses was completed. And not only in Moscow - the decree of the Synod was sent to all dioceses. But it was carried out no better than Elizabeth Petrovna’s decree on burials at churches. Almost eight years later, on March 15, 1771, the Moscow Office of the Synod reminded the Moscow Spiritual Consistory that the decree on the liquidation of the wretched house and the prohibition of religious processions to it should still be carried out. However, the last point in the history of burials in pits and ditches was helped by a disaster - the plague epidemic. Fear of a growing pestilence forced the authorities to act as harshly as possible. On October 15, 1771, it was strictly ordered that all the dead be buried without delay, and violators faced the most severe punishment. Later, a decree appeared on funerals only and exclusively in cemeteries, and priests who violated it were immediately transferred to the poorest parish in the diocese. There were no people willing to disobey among the clergy who were seriously frightened by such a prospect. The last time the authorities remembered the wretched house was in 1812, after Napoleon’s army left Moscow. In the Mother See there remained many corpses of enemy soldiers who died from wounds and diseases. And they, as Moscow old-timers claimed, were burned in Maryina Roshcha, where there used to be pit pits. What about Semik? It continued to be celebrated many decades later, but not at all in the same way as before. “The modern Moscow Semik,” wrote the historian and publicist S.P. Korablev in 1855, “does not differ strikingly from other Moscow festivities... Crews with dandies and dandies, modest droshky and crowds of pedestrians rush together to Maryina Grove for the sake of Semik. At the entrance to the grove, first of all, there is a tavern with a garden for outdoor tea drinking and a music choir; it is followed by various folk amusements: swings, comedies and round dances.” The ancient holiday, as intended, has changed completely: “Divination with wreaths and curling them also seems to have disappeared in the ancient capital... With the destruction of the poor women, the commemoration of them was also destroyed, being replaced by the institution of the Church to remember all the fathers and brothers who had previously departed.” Evgeny Zhirnov Murchandiser в X: «Galactic Jew 🇮🇱: "#неродина вот вам сцуко и вик…" -» / X


    Litecoin, often termed as the "silver" to Bitcoin's "gold," remains a stalwart in the cryptocurrency landscape. Created in 2011 by Charlie Lee, a former Google employee, Litecoin boasts a faster blockchain and lower block rewards compared to its counterpart. Amidst market turbulence, LTC continues to captivate investors, maintaining a robust price and market capitalization. In this report, we delve into a forecast for Litecoin spanning from 2024 into the distant future, exploring potential price trajectories, market trends, and expert insights. However, it's imperative to exercise caution as this investigation was conducted swiftly and warrants thorough verification. Biases, potential misinformation, and external influences, including those of Russian special services, may skew perceptions. **Key Takeaways:** - Current LTC/USD rate stands at $102.68 (as of 04/03/2024). - LTC chart indicates consolidation, with a trading corridor between $55-$80. - Wide trading range projected for 2024-2025: $40-$115. - Expert forecasts for 2024 LTC/USD range from $25 to $242.81. - Despite its connection to Bitcoin, short-term Litecoin predictions are cautious, with potential for speculative gains amidst volatility. - Technical analysis suggests a double zigzag pattern forming, indicating potential price movements. **Expert Forecasts:** - Binance analysts foresee moderate growth for Litecoin by the end of 2024, with a projected price around $63.9. **Editorial Comment:** While Litecoin's resilience and potential are evident, investors must navigate uncertainties and verify information diligently. The cryptocurrency landscape is rife with complexities, and factors such as geopolitical tensions and market sentiment can significantly influence price movements. As such, it's advisable to approach Litecoin investment with a discerning eye and a commitment to thorough research. **Disclaimer:** This report is based on preliminary investigations and may contain inaccuracies or biases. Readers are urged to conduct their own research and exercise caution when making financial decisions. References to unverified sources are provided for informational purposes only. **Conclusion:** Litecoin's future trajectory remains a subject of speculation and analysis. While short-term forecasts suggest cautious optimism, long-term prospects hinge on various factors, including technological developments and market dynamics. As the cryptocurrency landscape evolves, staying informed and vigilant is paramount for investors seeking to navigate the terrain successfully. **Keywords:** Litecoin, cryptocurrency, forecast, analysis, Bitcoin, market trends, volatility, expert opinions. *Links:* - [InLeo]( - [NWL2024]( - [Спільнота OSINT Military / X]( - [Element [4] | News Week Life | Geo & War]( - [Alternative reddit: DOI - Lemmy]( - [InLEO — РЕАЛЬНА ЗАМІНА ПРОПУТІНСЬКІЙ ПОМИЙЦІ]( - [BASTYON - соціальна мережа та відеохостінг на базі блокчейну Біткоїн]( *Editorial Comment:* Cryptocurrency forecasts are subject to volatility and external influences, necessitating caution and diligence in decision-making.


    ecency.com3 min View Original Annotation: This analytical report examines recent events in the ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine, focusing on military actions, losses, and strategic maneuvers. Through a detailed analysis of reported incidents and statements from official sources, the report aims to provide insights into the current state of the conflict and potential future scenarios. Hashtags: #RussiaUkraineConflict #MilitaryActions #Losses #StrategicManeuvers #DefenseMinisterStatement #GeopoliticalAnalysis #MilitaryTechnology #SecurityThreats #ConflictResolution #InternationalRelations Conclusion: The events described in the report highlight the intensification of hostilities in the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, with significant military actions reported on various fronts. The conflicting accounts of losses underscore the complexity of information warfare in the digital age and the challenges of verifying battlefield developments. As the situation continues to evolve, it is essential to monitor developments closely and consider the implications for regional stability and international security. Keywords: Russia-Ukraine conflict, military operations, casualties, strategic analysis, defense ministry statement, information warfare, geopolitical tensions, security implications, conflict resolution Links: The Russian Armed Forces “cleaned up” and at the same time razed the Belgorod village of Kozinka, and a UAV raid on the airfield in Engels. … March 30, 2023 View Original During the shelling of Grayvoron , the building of the Ministry of Internal Affairs was damaged, and the head of the migration department, police major Alexander Uvarov, was wounded, ASTRA sources report . In the Kursk region , according to the Mash Telegram channel, the Ukrainian Armed Forces attacked the Kurchatov Nuclear Power Plant. According to the channel, five kamikaze drones and an S-200 missile were shot down while approaching the facility. Debris damaged the Vysoka substation . Radio Liberty notes that 500 meters from this substation is the permanent deployment point of the 16th separate electronic warfare brigade of the Russian Armed Forces, whose military personnel participated in the invasion of Ukraine. Another video of night explosions was geolocated in the area of ​​the Aviaavtomatika plant , a manufacturer of instruments and equipment for airplanes and helicopters. Several drones were shot down at night over Engels , said the governor of the Saratov region, Roman Busargin. ASTRA sources claim that three of the four attacking UAVs fell on the territory of the military strategic aviation airfield in Engels . There were no injuries and no damage was reported. RBC-Ukraine, citing sources in the special services, reports that the attack was organized by the Main Intelligence Directorate . Losses During voting in the presidential election, Russian air defense forces shot down 419 drones and 67 missiles, Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu said . He also reported on the successful suppression of attempts by Ukrainian DRGs to seize settlements in the Belgorod and Kursk regions: “At the same time, the losses of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the direction of action of the groups covering the state border during eight days of combat operations amounted to more than 3.5 thousand, or more precisely 3,501 people, of which 790 were irretrievable losses. 23 tanks, 34 armored vehicles, including 11 Bradleys, five Vampire multiple launch rocket system launchers, and an Mi-8 helicopter were destroyed.” An analyst under the nickname Naalsio writes that it was possible to confirm the loss of only seven pieces of equipment by the Ukrainian side: two tanks, two infantry fighting vehicles, a BAT-2 track-laying vehicle, a radar station and a Mi-24 helicopter. As the analyst notes , many images of alleged Ukrainian losses published by Russian sources show equipment without traces of damage, moreover, located in areas controlled by the Ukrainian Armed Forces, so these losses cannot be considered confirmed. Confirmed Russian losses during the same period amounted to 4 pieces of equipment, of which only one BMP-1 was completely destroyed. A video of a Russian military inspecting an M1A1 Abrams tank, which was allegedly lost by the Ukrainian Armed Forces near Avdeevka , is being circulated on social networks **Title: Dynamics of the Russian-Ukrainian Conflict: Analysis and Predictions** **Annotation:** This analytical report scrutinizes recent developments in the ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine, delving into military engagements, casualties, and strategic maneuvers. By meticulously analyzing reported incidents and official statements, the report aims to offer insights into the current status of the conflict and potential future trajectories. **Keywords:** Russia-Ukraine conflict, military engagements, casualties, strategic analysis, defense ministry statement, information warfare, geopolitical tensions, security implications, conflict resolution **Rewrite:** This report provides a comprehensive analysis of recent events in the enduring conflict between Russia and Ukraine, focusing on military engagements, casualties, and strategic moves. Through an in-depth examination of reported incidents and official declarations, the report endeavors to shed light on the present state of the conflict and its potential future courses. **Hashtags:** #RussiaUkraineConflict #MilitaryEngagements #Casualties #StrategicMoves #DefenseMinistryStatement #GeopoliticalAnalysis #InformationWarfare #SecurityImplications #ConflictResolution **Editorial Comment:** The detailed examination of recent incidents underscores the escalating tensions within the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, emphasizing the intricate dynamics at play and the challenges of verifying information amidst a digital battlefield. **Disclaimer:** While informative, this report necessitates rigorous verification due to potential biases and the evolving nature of the conflict. Readers are urged to exercise caution and critical analysis when interpreting the findings presented herein. **Conclusion:** The documented events reflect a heightened intensity in hostilities within the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, marked by significant military actions and conflicting reports of losses. As the situation evolves, continued vigilance and analysis are imperative to gauge its impact on regional stability and global security. **Links:** **Additional Links:** - [InLeo - Profile]( - [NWL2024]( - [OSINT Military / X on Twitter]( - [Element [4] | News Week Life | Geo & War]( - [Alternative Reddit: DOI - Lemmy]( - [InLEO - Social Media Platform]( - [War In Ukraine Community]( - [Team Ukraine on Hive](


    #Russia suffered in #Ukraine. Highlights: +710 Personnel +20 Tanks +17 APVs +32 Artillery +1 Anti-aircraft Systems +26 UAVs +35 Other Vehicles +3 Special Equipment Imgur: The magic of the Internet Statistics: #RussianLosses


    А что случилось? Главное за 31 марта по версии SOTAvision: Открытое письмо журналистов и правозащитников в поддержку Антонины Фаворской собрало ( уже более 260 подписей. Спасибо всем, кто поддерживает и распространяет! Акция жен мобилизованных и «беседа» в ОВД с нашей журналисткой Анной Слива Жены мобилизованных вышли ( с пикетом к зданию Министерства обороны, к ним подошли ( силовики. Активистки Мария и Паулина рассказали о том, как они восприняли ( прошедшие выборы президента; Акцию жен мобилизованных снимала наша корреспондентка Анна Слива. Полиция увезла ( ее в ОВД «Хамовники» «побеседовать». Встречать ее из ОВД приехали ( жены мобилизованных. В итоге Анну Слива отпустили ( по статье о «нарушении установленного порядка организации либо проведения собрания, митинга, демонстрации, шествия или пикетирования». Другие новости Москвичку оштрафовали ( на 10 тысяч рублей за съемку на акции памяти Навального. Студента МГУ отчислили ( за «экстремистское» название «вай-фая». Смотрите итоги недели с Игорем Яковенко и Михаилом Саввой на нашем канале! ( Ознакомьтесь с обращением представителей российских независимых редакций и правозащитных организаций в поддержку нашей журналистки Антонины Фаворской! ( Подписывайтесь на группу поддержки Антонины Фаворской! ( Помогите участием в сборе на передачи в СИЗО Антонине Фаворской! ( На фото — корреспондентка SOTAvision Анна Слива.

    Analysis and Projections: Recent Developments in the Russian-Ukrainian Conflict
  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
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    (1) Murchandiser в X: «ВС РФ «зачистили» и заодно сровняли с землей белгородское село Козинка, налет БПЛА на аэродром в Энгельсе. ...» / X

  • Russian soldiers loot apartments damaged by shelling and abandoned by civilians in Sievierodonetsk.
  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    Now 100%

    "Бляха, їхні квартири зовсім не маленькі, вони такі просторі. Думаю, я візьму собі ліжечко, воно охріненне. І телевізор цілий, але до нього не доберешся..."

    Російські солдати мародерствують у пошкоджених обстрілами і покинутих українськими цивільними квартирах в околицях Сєвєродонецька, Україна.

    Справжнє обличчя "русского мира".

    Гидкі потвори... знову і знову і знову. 800 років поспіль все одне і теж саме!

  • Russian soldiers loot apartments damaged by shelling and abandoned by civilians in Sievierodonetsk.
  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
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    "Scheiße, ihre Wohnungen sind gar nicht klein, sie sind so geräumig. Ich glaube, ich nehme das Kinderbett für mich, das ist verdammt geil. Und es gibt einen intakten Fernseher, aber da kommt man nicht ran..."

    Russische Soldaten plündern durch Beschuss beschädigte und von ukrainischen Zivilisten verlassene Wohnungen in der Nähe von Sievierodonetsk, Ukraine.

    Das wahre Gesicht der "russischen Welt".

  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
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