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I just fucking need a hug
  • _metamythical _metamythical Now 100%

    whats up buddy

  • Is Hexbear dying?
  • _metamythical _metamythical Now 100%

    It used to be around 500 daily users , now it's at 900. So, it's not decreasing, but maybe not increasing by as much I guess.

  • archive.org

    There's a movie/film/tv portrayal of Cuban immigrants from 1980 as some sort of criminal invasion. Things could not be further from the truth.

    We are entering the Cool Zone.
  • _metamythical _metamythical Now 100%

    Zero chance of recession this year.

    Here's the explanation. Most recent recessions have been self-manufactured through credit expansion and rapid deflation through interest rate rises. Right now they're holding steady. If they raise interest rates this year, there would be a chance of recession. But here's your explanation of why they won't raise rates this year: the fed's job is to be seen as a non political actor. If they manufacture a recession in an election year, they come off as favouring the challenger, instead of the incumbent. So, they're not going to meddle with interest rates this year.

  • 113
    adblock users on youtube right now:
  • _metamythical _metamythical Now 100%

    I use ublock origins with firefox. it works fine.

  • Palestinian uprising on a scale not seen in 50 years just started
  • _metamythical _metamythical Now 100%


    Footage of a hamas infiltrator using a motorized hang glider to get into Israel.

  • Luigi Galleani - New General Megathread for the 12th of August 2023
  • _metamythical _metamythical Now 100%

    hexbear admins: I have one bsky invite, if you want to setup an account on it, instead of twitter.

  • Yeah! Today is 18 Years of openSUSE
  • _metamythical _metamythical Now 75%

    Suse is older than 18.

    The first version appeared in early 1994, making SUSE one of the oldest existing commercial distributions.

  • Mesoamerican Long Count calendar - New General Megathread for the 11th of August 2023
  • _metamythical _metamythical Now 100%

    How did the biggest lemmy instance end up being lib-central? I thought lemmy was developed by communists?

  • https://twitter.com/lorenzofb/status/1348638602666905601?s=19




    https://twitter.com/adam_tooze/status/1328029999853539329?s=19 https://archive.is/rxbhU




    In Santiago's well-heeled suburbs, Chile's elite say they are facing uncertainty after the rest of the country voted to ditch the dictatorship-era constitution that has served them well for decades. For some, it's a bitter pill to swallow. "It's very uncertain. We are trying to move. We are trying to sell the houses, be as liquid as we can in case we have to move to another country," said Aranza, a company executive who declined to give her full name because she had not discussed her family's plan with friends. Nearly 80 percent of Chileans voted to rip up the constitution established under the 1973-1990 dictatorship of Augusto Pinochet, seen as the root of the South American country's jarring inequalities. Many blamed the constitution for a system that has part-privatized public services, especially health care, education and pensions. Of the 20 percent that voted no, most live in the "golden triangle" of Lo Barnechea, Las Condes and Vitacura in northeastern Santiago, where the country's political and economic power is concentrated. - Privileged setting - These are suburbs of manicured lawns, chic restaurants, glitzy stores and private schools, with Porsche, Maserati and Bentley auto dealerships prominent. Ana Maria Alvarez Rojas, a social sciences researcher at the Silva Henriquez Catholic University, said these neighborhoods' rejection of change was "not surprising." "The people favored by the current economic model do not want to lose their privileges. These elites have always been cut off from the people. "They are saying: 'we want to continue like this, we have a life we value,'" she said, pointing out that nearly 90 percent of Chile's richest 1.0 percent live in the three districts. Conservative President Sebastian Pinera, interviewed after the October 25 vote, acknowledged that the inhabitants of these neighborhoods "live in a very different reality from the rest of the country, which makes them see the world differently." Pinera, a billionaire, is a resident of Las Condes. In neighboring Lo Barnechea, which hugs the foothills of the Andes with a view of the sprawling city of seven million, 60 percent voted to keep the Pinochet-era constitution. "I work in a public hospital and the gap is enormous. You can't imagine how fast people here access health care," said orthopedic surgeon David Daved, 33. "It's comfortable, they get what they want, they don't have to wait. People down there," he said, indicating the city, "have to wait, like for years, they are treated like animals. I understand why there are upset." He voted against because "I know that this will not help the concerns that people have." Fears for economy It's a common theme of the Rechazo (Reject) campaign, that a new constitution will harm economic growth and that needed change could be more easily wrought by amendments to the existing charter. Alvarez Rojas pointed out that the unequal way municipalities are funded went to the heart of the city's problems. Each municipality is given a high degree of financial autonomy. Financed by local taxes, the richest communes are naturally better off. "There is no system of redistribution between municipalities. A common municipal fund exists, but it is not effective. All the benefits are concentrated in privileged municipalities," she said. Municipal expenditure per inhabitant is especially revealing. Vitacura's was about $1,470 (1,260 euros) in 2019, compared with $185 in Cerro Navia, a poor northwestern Santiago neighborhood. "Inequalities were aggravated under the dictatorship, where segregation was a state policy," she said, adding that the vote reflected a desire to turn the page on the Pinochet era once and for all. The hard work on replacing it has only just begun, with Chileans now having to choose a 155-member convention to draft the constitution and what it will say. "A new constitution coming from the deep violence we had last year is something that is not valid for me because the government decided to do this under pressure from the streets," said a businessman in Lo Barnechea who declined to be named. "This is an uncertainty. And then let's see what type of constitution they prepare, if they maintain the right to property," the man in his 50s said, concerned over who will comprise the new convention, to be voted on in April. A pre-referendum opinion poll carried widely in the press laid bare the elite's apparent ignorance of the depth of Chile's inequalities. Entitled "Perceptions of inequality by the Chilean elite" the poll's 500 respondents said they believed the poor represent 25 percent of the population, the middle class 57 percent and the wealthy 18 percent. However, those perceptions are starkly at odds with World Bank figures that show the proportion of poor in Chile is 77 percent, the middle class 20 percent and the wealthy only 3.0 percent.


    New Delhi: After news broke in the wee hours of October 2 that United States President Donald Trump and his wife Melania Trump had tested positive for COVID-19, social media was quickly awash with conspiracy theories from both right- and left-wing users. Throughout October 2, ‘hoax’ trended on US Twitter. Most of the claims, of course, are as misleading as the statements Trump himself has made about coronavirus over the past eight months. That the president is clearly symptomatic, having now been hospitalised at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center in Bethesda, is unlikely to calm the hoaxers, given the secrecy surrounding Trump’s past health check-up at the same military-run hospital. In fact, this was ‘predicted’ before Trump even fell ill. And if you think it’s only ‘losers’ and ‘suckers’ making these kinds of posts, the distrust goes much ‘higher’. Here, follow some of the ‘standouts’. 1. Donald Trump is faking his coronavirus diagnosis There are lakhs of posts about this but the most prominent among those claiming Trump was faking his coronavirus-positive diagnosis is left-wing activist and documentary film-maker Michael Moore. On his Facebook page on October 2, Moore claimed, “There is one absolute truth about Trump: He is a consistent, absolute, unrelenting, fearless, and professional liar.… Trump has a history of lying about his health… He may have it. But it’s also possible he’s lying. That’s just a fact.” Moore went on to claim that Trump badly needed to change the conversation after a string of bad press, particular about the president’s tax returns, and may use his illness to “push for delaying/postponing the election” – something which by even Moore’s admission is not possible under the US constitution – or use his illness as an excuse for losing. Others on Twitter variously claimed the president is faking his diagnosis to “milk quarantine for all it’s worth” to improve his favourability ratings, or avoid facing Joe Biden in another presidential election debate. 2. Donald Trump wants to promote hydroxychloroquine One US citizen who was ‘awoken in 2016’ claimed “…I think he didn’t test positive and just said so. He will then show miraculous “recovery” to say, “See? Nothing to it!” Or take Hydroxychloraquine [sic] to boost sales…” But the IgNobel award for science must go to John Cammo, who predicted a whole two weeks before Trump tested positive that “Trump’s October surprise will be the announcement of “his infection.” Fake, but quite dramatic…. Then, 14 days later, Trump will emerge, 100% cured by hydroxychloroquine.” The blame for these claims should probably go to Trump, who has regularly promoted the drug and said he had used it himself. 3. Trump wants VP Mike Pence to become president so the latter can pardon Trump To be fair to the following fine people, this conspiracy theory was first pushed by Trump’s own former lawyer and fixer Michael Cohen, who claimed earlier in September that Trump would “arrange to be federally indicted”, then pardon himself if he loses the presidential election. This of course lit many fires online after the president fell ill. >‘Under the rules of succession, if Trump becomes incapacitated Pence takes control and is sworn in to assume the presidential role. I would anticipate per their preconceived plan, that Pence would grant a presidential pardon to Trump. Helluva welcome back gift for Trump’ > ‘WHAT if Trump’s strategy is to use getting sick from COVID as an excuse to cease running for a second term, hoping Pence can win in his place, having negotiated a Presidential Pardon from Pence in return for dropping out of the race, to be granted right after Pence takes office… And maybe, just maybe, Trump decided to roll the dice and deliberately contract COVID to accomplish this ruse. After all, his other choice ends in prison eventually’ > ‘I would not rule out: 1. Trump using COVID as a way for Pence to pardon him, and after POTUS’s miraculous recovery, he resumes Presidency. 2. Trump lying about diagnosis for same goal’ Except, there are no convictions as yet for which a presumed President Pence can pardon Trump. Remember what Cohen said? 4. Trump purposely got infected so that he can grandly announce a new coronavirus vaccine just before the election >‘Just wait. He’s going to have it, be sick, recover and then BAM!! Just before the election…..a vaccine!!! On another note, did I just become a conspiracy theorist?? Only in 2020’ > ‘Timing is suspect. Mike Pence announced a vaccine within weeks. Now Trump and Melania are positive for Covid-19. Will they get the vaccine? October surprise?’ > ‘OCTOBER SURPRISE= Trump’s promised Covid vaccine “miraculously cures” him. (Translation:…. Bogus positive Covid test result)’ 6. Trump purposely infected Biden during the presidential debate This theory has gained a lot more hot air after presidential debate moderator Chris Wallace revealed that President Trump arrived too late to the September 29 debate to get tested and co-hosts Cleveland Clinic and Case Western Reserve University decided to use “the honour system”, meaning they allowed people arriving late from both campaigns to claim that they had already tested negative. While it is indeed fascinating that they decided to believe a man who has repeatedly spread misinformation about the coronavirus, there is a big difference between reckless behaviour and intentionally endangering someone. >‘[Donald Trump] is a very stable genius. He knew he had Covid and went to the debate anyway. He infected Biden and now Biden’s going to die. Ultimate power move’ >‘This is obviously an assassination attempt on Biden from team trump. They Knowingly went to that debate full of germs to Purposely infect Biden, knowing that at Bidens age covid could be fatal. Arrest them for attempted murder’ >‘We the educated Americans know it’s Biden’s mask wearing that stopped Trump trying to infect him at the debate’ 7. Joe Biden purposely infected Trump during the presidential debate on September 29 >‘We all knew Biden would find a way to weasel out of the debates. I guess we now know how. They infected Trump. In all the time he went without a mask he was fine. Now he was carefully wearing masks…and he got sick. proves masks help nothing, though’ >‘We know that you worked with China on this virus and that they gave you an antidote. You probably infected Trump and his bride at the debate. He will overcome because Trump was heaven sent’ >‘Biden has tested positive for a long time but he keeps it a secret. In that debate, Biden infected Trump. Ask Biden to test!!! This is why Biden never holds rallies, and always wears a mask. We should Punish China for China Virus. Arrest ANTIFA’ 8. The last word goes to… @mets_therapy: ‘Conspiracy Theory: Maybe there’s a new radical middle that was trying to infect both Trump and Biden at the debate.’

    _metamythical Now
    19 9

    _metamythical [he/him]

    _metamythical@ hexbear.net