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Day 191 Love is Understanding
  • ahimsabjorn ahimsabjorn Now 100%

    Your One True Home by Thich Nhat Hanh.

  • IN BUDDHISM, it is said that love and compassion are made out of one substance, which is called "understanding." If you understand, you can love. But if understanding is not there, it is impossible for you to accept and love someone. Why did he act that way? Why did he say those things? You should look deeply into these questions, and then you will see the causes of what you are dealing with. With this understanding, you stop blaming and criticizing. Your compassion is born of your understanding of the situation.


    176 Training for Happiness LITTLE BY LITTLE you must train yourself for life, for happiness. You probably received a college degree that you spent years working for, and you thought that happiness would be possible after you got it. But that was not true, because after getting the degree and finding a job, you continued to suffer. You have to realize that happiness is not something you find at the end of the road. You have to understand that it is here, now.


    148 Translation Place the word Tao Into your heart. Use no other words. Why do so many people seek foreign religions? Why are so many of our philosophies translations from other languages? Surely we are all human beings, with hearts and minds, two hands and two legs. Each of us needs spirituality, but why must we always look abroad? People who investigate Tao ask whether they have to be Chinese to benefit from it. It is true that part of the study of Tao is strictly Chinese. It is also true that this Taoism has never been exported unlike Buddhism, Islam, Hinduism, Chris-tianity, or Judaism—and has never been preached beyond the Five Sacred Mountains of China. It is elitist, to protect itself from coarse unbelievers. But this Taoism is not the Tao you need. The true Tao is of no nationality, no religion. It is far beyond the conceptions of even the most brilliant human being, so it cannot be the property of one race or culture. The need to understand Tao is universal; people just give it different names in their native languages. Tao is the very essence of life itself, so those who are alive always have the possibility of knowing Tao. It is meant to be found in the here and now, and it is within the grasp of any sincere seeker.


    I36 Feed Your Love, Not Your Suffering NOTHING CAN survive without food, not even suffer-ing. No animal or plant can survive without food. In order for our love to survive, we have to feed it. If we don't feed it, or we feed it the wrong kind of nutrients, our love will die. In a short time, our love can turn into hate. Our suffering, our depression also needs food to survive. If our depression refuses to go away, it's because we keep feeding it daily. We can look deeply into the source of nutrition that is feeding our suffering.

    Day 132 "Recognition"
  • ahimsabjorn ahimsabjorn Now 50%

    365 Tao: Daily Meditations.

  • 132 Recognition Spokes on the heavenly wheel Keep rotation constant. Those who follow Tao believe that Tao progresses through phases. They apply this principle to all levels of their outlok, from cosmology to the stages of growth in a person's life. On the macrocosmic level, they point to the rotation of the stars as evidence of smooth progression. In a person's life, they recognize the stages of aging beginning with childhood and ending with death. Each one of us must go from phase to phase in our devel-opment. If we stay too long in one stage, we will be warped or stunted in our growth. If we rush through a stage, then we will gain none of the rewards or learning experiences of that phase. Subsequent growth will be thrown off-balance; we will either have to go back and make it up, or, in the cases of experiences that can never be repeated, lose out on them forever. The proper discerning of these transitions is essential. As we go through our various stages in life, it is important to mark the shift from one stage to another. Recognition is very important. We must understand that we are leaving behind one part of life and entering another. Sometimes, we mark this with a rite of passage such as graduation or marriage. At other times, it may be a personal declaration made privately: Whatever the reason, it is important to know exactly when to sose one phase and when to open the next. That is why it is said that one counts the spokes on the heavenly wheel as It turns: It is the measure of our lives.


    I I 5 Be a Happy Formation THE "I" IS MADE up of the body and mind (namarupa in Sanskrit). The physical form is body, and all the other elements (skandhas) are mind. When we look deeply into these five elements, we do not see any absolute, permanent identity. They are impermanent. If you practice in such a way that harmony is established in the realm of the five elements, then joy, peace, and happiness will be possi-ble. Through breathing, through bringing your mind back to your body, through the method of deep looking, you will reestablish harmony and peace in the realm of the five elements. You will become a happy formation, pleasing to encounter, and you will be able to bring happiness to the living beings around you.

    Day 106 Worrying
  • ahimsabjorn ahimsabjorn Now 75%

    This is the correct title and author. 🙏🏻

  • III Taking Care of the Future THE FUTURE IS being made out of the present, so the best way to take care of the future is to take care of the present moment. This is logical and clear. Spending a lot of time speculating and worrying about the future is totally useless. We can only take care of our future by taking care of the present moment, because the future is made out of only one substance: the present. Only if you are anchored in the present can you prepare well for the future.

    Day 104 Stream of Life
  • ahimsabjorn ahimsabjorn Now 66%

    Your one true home by Thich Nhat Hahn.

  • Passage 31 from The Tao of Yoda
  • ahimsabjorn ahimsabjorn Now 100%

    Certainly. Thanks for sharing this translation as well.

  • New Community for The Crow
  • ahimsabjorn ahimsabjorn Now 100%

    Try it now. It should work.

  • Day 60 The Liberating Power of Insight
  • ahimsabjorn ahimsabjorn Now 80%

    Your one true home by Thich Nhat Hanh

  • Dune Part Two - Fan First Premiere Discussion [SPOILERS]
  • ahimsabjorn ahimsabjorn Now 100%

    Post is fine since you clearly marked it. Thanks!

  • Day 33 Defense
  • ahimsabjorn ahimsabjorn Now 100%

    Sure. 365 Tao: Daily Meditations.

  • Flowers and Garbage
  • ahimsabjorn ahimsabjorn Now 66%

    Your True Home by Tich Nhat Hanh

  • October 24th at 10 AM
  • ahimsabjorn ahimsabjorn Now 100%

    I don’t recall. Interesting question.

  • Steven Yeun on Why He Dropped Out of Marvel's 'Thunderbolts'
  • ahimsabjorn ahimsabjorn Now 88%

    I’m sure he would have been good but I appreciate him opting out for artistic reasons if that is what happened.

  • Why We Suffer
  • ahimsabjorn ahimsabjorn Now 66%

    From Your One True Hime by Tich Nhat Hanh.

  • I Have Some Things to Say, Please Read | By Maxwell Jacob Friedman
  • ahimsabjorn ahimsabjorn Now 100%

    I read the article and regardless of what people think of MJF, he appears to be a thoughtful person and deserving of whatever success lies ahead for him. It seems like he could use a break so it won’t surprise me to see him lose the match and title at World’s End after likely multiple interferences. I could see him coming back in a few months or so with a vengeance to reclaim the title later in the year. One thing is for sure, pro wrestling is better because of AEW and MJF.

  • Day 346 What Separates Us
  • ahimsabjorn ahimsabjorn Now 66%

    Your true home by Thich Nhat Hanh

  • Day 336 "Wisdom"
  • ahimsabjorn ahimsabjorn Now 100%

    365 Tao: Daily Meditations by Deng Meng-Dao.

  • [SPOILER]Alright who do we think is under the mask?
  • ahimsabjorn ahimsabjorn Now 100%

    I’ve heard and scene that too. It would be insane, but I don’t think the world has gotten that insane yet. 😉 My current guesses are Cole, Baker, or Swerve.

  • [LIVE] [SPOILERS] AEW Dynamite November 08th, 2023
  • ahimsabjorn ahimsabjorn Now 100%

    I thought every match was great, Penta/Swerve especially. Some elite wrestling top to bottom of the card.

  • [SPOILER]Alright who do we think is under the mask?
  • ahimsabjorn ahimsabjorn Now 100%

    It may have been a different group from the first time. A couple of them seemed bigger.

  • ahimsabjorn Now
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    ahimsabjorn@ lemmy.world