what addiction have you kicked? no matter how insignificant you feel it was
  • franzfurdinand franzfurdinand Now 100%

    Those are hard seltzers. The ones I'm thinking of and drink are all just fizzy, flavored water and nothing else!

  • what addiction have you kicked? no matter how insignificant you feel it was
  • franzfurdinand franzfurdinand Now 100%

    Have you tried seltzer at all? Throw some fresh citrus in and it's really good. Might even scratch the same soda itch.

  • what addiction have you kicked? no matter how insignificant you feel it was
  • franzfurdinand franzfurdinand Now 100%

    I feel that. Quitting alcohol is big suck territory

  • what addiction have you kicked? no matter how insignificant you feel it was
  • franzfurdinand franzfurdinand Now 100%

    Hey, stay strong. Shit gets easier, I promise. Six years sober, two years without nicotine here. I did it, and you can too.

  • Designing a new printer
  • franzfurdinand franzfurdinand Now 100%

    I'm not ready to make the jump to Klipper just yet. I want to iron out hardware issues first.

    I have a couple important takeaways. First, build the damn thing to be actually rigid out of the box. I thought I could keep it cheap with only 2020 extrusions, but I'm honestly paying a helluva lot more to add some stiffness to it.

    Second, plan for your wiring at any given point to double. I got really tidy with my wiring at first and now it's an absolute nightmare. I gave up and half of it dangles off the back on the floor. It works but I really could have done a lot better with some better planning. It is truly a shameful sight.

    I did add an extra pair of motors to the Z axis, bringing me to a grand total of four. I'm waiting on some stepper drivers to get it going again.

    I don't have any pictures on hand, but could take some later.

  • Designing a new printer
  • franzfurdinand franzfurdinand Now 100%

    I built myself a 400x400x500 CoreXY machine from scratch.

    Honestly, my prints are dogshit unless I go slow, and then sometimes they're dogshit anyway. I have found the entire exercise as one of futility and massive frustration... but I low key love fucking with it. I can't help myself, I keep building upgrades and improvements for it. I keep sinking time and energy I don't have (and cash that I do) into this fucking heap of shit and I can't help but love it to pieces. It's dumb as fuck and it's pretty fun to work on.

    Honestly the vibes are about the same for a project car. Don't daily it or you will hate yourself, but if you put it together and tune it right, you'll have a blast.

  • Best ad-free search results?
  • franzfurdinand franzfurdinand Now 100%

    I signed up for it last night for exactly that reason.

  • What's the men's version of Victoria's Secret?
  • franzfurdinand franzfurdinand Now 100%

    Not an answer I was expecting, but one I'm glad to see

  • People who are 1s and 2s on this scale, do you watch adult video?
  • franzfurdinand franzfurdinand Now 100%

    Nope, not at all! You've got it right.

  • People who are 1s and 2s on this scale, do you watch adult video?
  • franzfurdinand franzfurdinand Now 100%

    I'm definitely a 1, and generally I don't. I do, however, really like interactive fiction in both work safe and non work safe contexts. I think I really enjoy being able to visualize it in my mind more than I do watching it.

    I'm not sure if it factors into your pet theory, but I'm asexual so the appeal of physical forms is also very lost on me. That's a different can of worms that I'm happy to open if interested, but I'll leave it be if not.

  • what are some furry communities on lemmy??
  • franzfurdinand franzfurdinand Now 100%

    Oh rad! Keep your eyes peeled for conventions!

  • what are some furry communities on lemmy??
  • franzfurdinand franzfurdinand Now 100%

    Speaking of, Anthrocon actually just wrapped up this year. You should go next year! It's always a blast!

  • When is it "enough" money?
  • franzfurdinand franzfurdinand Now 100%

    Ah, well, fair. Would have made for a great story! 🙂

  • When is it "enough" money?
  • franzfurdinand franzfurdinand Now 100%

    A big swing, but I'm genuinely rooting for you.

  • What’s the worst piece of technology you’ve ever owned?
  • franzfurdinand franzfurdinand Now 100%

    I bought my parents a laser printer after years of them being incredibly frustrated by inkjets. I got them the same model as me, as well as a spare toner cartridge.

    I'm still on my original toner cartridge, and I've had it for probably six years or so.

    My parents are in their late 40's and early 50's. I think I might have accidentally gotten them a lifetime supply of printing.

  • franzfurdinand franzfurdinand Now 100%

    I uh... Don't really have a lot to help you with your direct situation, but I do know that nair is designed to (mildly) chemically burn you. That's how it destroys the hair. Make sure you have it all off of you so it doesn't continue to work (it sounds like you did but it bears repeating). From there it should just be time until it stops feeling uncomfortable.

    In the interim, you could take something OTC to manage the pain, if appropriate. Motrin/ibuprofen/paracetamol, whatever you've got on hand to deal with aches and pains. That should help you deal while it's actively hurting, and hopefully by the time the medicine wears off, it'll be back to feeling normal.

    Edit: I'm not sure what Destin is - double check to make sure it doesn't interact with whatever pain medicine you take.

  • As a new, one year, software developer who retrained late. How do you know when you're ready to apply for a new role with more money?
  • franzfurdinand franzfurdinand Now 100%

    In this industry, change is the only constant and your ability to learn, grow, and adapt is going to be more important than any singular technology you can learn.

    I can promise you're not as stupid as you may feel you are. You've made it a year, and that means something.

    I've been pushing myself hard to get some certifications to really deepen my skill set. You may find that's valuable to you, or you may not. I've found that it's improved my ability to take a step back and understand the systems I'm building from an architectural perspective. It's been helpful for me.

    I've helped coach interns and new hires at my company before. I actually like when they ask me questions even if it's something I've answered before, because it shows me that they want to learn. And even better is when they ask "why do it that way?", because it forces me to check my own understanding of the problem set. It also means that I can really dig into the explanation and hopefully they walk away with at least one more tool in their toolbox.

  • What popular product do you think is modern day snakeoil?
  • franzfurdinand franzfurdinand Now 100%

    You're right, but I was thinking of the buckets that are basically terrible quality slop that's borderline inedible.

    I might still call it a grift because they're asking for payment as "donations" to skirt paying taxes on them. That, and like you said, it's not a great value for what you get. Maybe not pure snake oil, but there's definitely still enough dishonesty involved imo that I'd be comfortable calling it a grift.

  • What popular product do you think is modern day snakeoil?
  • franzfurdinand franzfurdinand Now 100%

    Anti-5g dongles? That's new for me, but I consume a lot of these grifts secondhand through a few podcasts I listen to. I might be behind.

    Sounds like the bones of a good scam are there though, assuming the anti-5G conspiracy still gets traction and clicks.

    Edit: Do you know if someone like bigclive got one? He takes those sorts of devices apart a lot to explain them and I'd love to see what's inside. I just don't want to pay the money for one to fund the grift.

  • What popular product do you think is modern day snakeoil?
  • franzfurdinand franzfurdinand Now 100%

    I have a couple from the hip actually, because America has grifting baked into it's soul. In no particular order:

    • MMS (Drinkin' bleach)
    • Crystal healing (most sellers)
    • WitchTok kits (TikTok influencers selling expensive spices)
    • Brain pills
    • Any product peddled by a megachurch (see the Baker bucket for a great example)
    • Chiropractors

    As more of these come to me, I'll try to expand the list.

    Update: I can't believe I forgot chiros! They turned themselves into a religion at one point to try to dodge medical licensure laws.

  • Hey y'all, I managed to hack together a printer from scratch and I'm struggling to get it to print well. It's a CoreXY system that's being controlled by a Octopus 1.1. Dual z screws, the works. I have it moving under it's own power and all. It's able to actually print, but the results are atrocious. I'm just trying to diagnose what's wrong here. ![](https://lemmy.world/pictrs/image/aa55ee14-4782-46bc-98b6-7d958ea4e6af.jpeg) ![](https://lemmy.world/pictrs/image/cb91e325-c79f-429f-9121-d42eb4564b25.jpeg) The bottom/first layer actually looks kinda good. It's just completely shredding subsequent layers. ![](https://lemmy.world/pictrs/image/f60a0b38-344d-4fa6-a62d-d1cd1e279307.jpeg) ![](https://lemmy.world/pictrs/image/228c8211-58dd-404b-bfd1-6e365734eca5.jpeg) Any advice would be appreciated!


    Howdy y'all, much like the title says, I'm looking to build a Hypercube. I have what was once upon a time an Ender 3 V1 that I've rebuilt with an Ender Extender kit. I'm not happy with the aggressive ghosting I get from the 400x400 bed so I wanted to cannibalize the electronics and build the frame from scratch. I was also planning on keeping the bed since it's got a stick on heater and thermistor that'll work well with the new setup. Hotend too, probably, since it's an all metal Micro Swiss. Any gotchas to look out for? I know belt tension is a biggie once I get it together, but any gotchas to look out for in the build process? I'm not too nervous about throwing together a custom firmware for this, it's not my first custom firmware and I'm a software guy by trade so it's pretty straightforward for me.


    I've been putting these things together for a few years now and I wanna show them off a little bit. I originally started making them to solve a problem - I'm kinda tall, and I like having a blanket that can cover me up from my head to my feet. I hadn't found any that could do that, so I started making these 6'x12' blankets. The example here is fleece on top and flannel on the bottom! The heart is my maker's mark. Orange because leggy.

    franzfurdinand Now
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