Using vintage laptops in 2024: How do you make it work?
  • jmcunx jmcunx Now 100%

    The biggest impact would be to max out the memory. That will not help with browsers like Firefox, but will help with other items.

    Plus there is a whole world out there that many people ignore or do not know about, USENET and IRC. Accessing those will work with just about any Thinkpad, no matter how old. Plus there is toot for Mastodon (I need to get that working), but not sure if there is a text utility to access lemmy

    I have a Thinkpad which is a bit newer then yours (R51e) with OpenBSD on it. I get by quite well with dillo, links (need to try links2), mutt, tin (USENET) and irssi (IRC). All I did is maxed out memory to 2G. But, I never do banking on the Internet. All I do is need to do is get my pdf bank statement once a month which I use a newer Thinkpad for.

  • 2024 unethack postmortem
  • jmcunx jmcunx Now 100%

    I had a hard time getting into it too, but I got to it. So I will paste it in.

    From: via

    The number of participants stayed the same. There were 2722 more tournament games than last year, the proportion of all games played went up 6.6%. 9 fewer people ascended 13 fewer games, with a higher ratio of 2.9 asc/player. There was only 1 ascension in Fourk, Dyna and 1.3d. 81% of games were scummed, 58% of all scums that month, basically split 2:1 between 31PwnMoat (again) and hecatonheir (last year it was dedal). Medusa was killed 87 more times, again mostly by Valkyries, but also dwarven Anachrononauts. 3.7 was played even more, dnh gained 7 ranks (+3.9%p), Un lost 4th place to HackEM (-4.9%p), Splice stayed in 3rd place, Spork/Fourk were played least, but 1.3d shot up 4 ranks from last place. On the australian hardfought server 8x more games were played.

    And a comment from

    Clan DeepCavernGoobs managed to break all conducts in 19 games. malor ascended 11 variants; Merlek killed Medusa 9 times, only ascended 4, but got a trophy in all 21 variants. Only Umbire ascended 1.3d (uncrowned). jonosmalls and smurphy ascended Unnethack (jono even without Elbereth [also in xnh], killing all Riders and Baalzebub). Splice: finitelycraig got the Bell, stoicjin the Luckstone. Spork: Muad got the Bell, bleeko entered Gehennom. Grunt: Merlek killed Medusa and got the Luckstone, hothraxxa finished Sokoban. hothraxxa ascended NH4 without killing Vlad and the Quest nemesis. Fourk: recuerdo ascended, fitsf killed Croesus. FIQ: oh6 escaped in celestial disgrace, Merlek splatted on the Planes, Umbire killed Rodney. hothraxxa ascended DynaHack, bleeko reached Gehennom. fitsf and malor ascended SLASH’EM, ocnda escaped in disgrace. disperse and malor ascended SlashTHEM. Dictyostelium entered the Quest in HackEM. anselmus and malor ascended AceHack, ais523 and recuerdo splatted on the Planes. Noisytoot killed Demogorgon in nndnh.

  • For the 2024 junethack postmortem see: For the curious, this is the junethack site:

    Japan declares victory in effort to end government use of floppy disks
  • jmcunx jmcunx Now 100%

    No, to write to a CD, you need to use specialized software, not just a simple copy.

    Plus what about copying to replaced a files already on the CD ? I believe you need to clear it first then rewrite everything back. CD are about as inconvenient as a media can get.

  • Japan declares victory in effort to end government use of floppy disks
  • jmcunx jmcunx Now 83%

    Nothing except for the limited size. I believe even today, nothing exists today for temp storage that have the convenience of diskettes.

    USB Flash Drives comes close, but cheaper versions can in rare cases have firmware "virises". On a diskette, just do a format and all issues gone. Also I never even thought twice about mailing a file on a diskette expecting to never see that diskette again. Flash Drives, I still would like to get it back after mailing it out :)

  • NetBSD 10.0 @sdf
  • jmcunx jmcunx Now 100%

    Nice, I have NetBSD v10.0 on my Thinkpad T420, and issues I had with an external monitor has been fixed plus is is more zippy.

    The only remaining issue I have with 10.0 is when the system is under very heavy load, Xorg can get temporarily corrupted after about 1 hour of the job running. I create PR 58217 for that issue.

    In reality, I think very few people will ever run into this problem, but hoping for a 10.x fix some day :)

  • Why I run a BSD on a PC
  • jmcunx jmcunx Now 75%

    Nice, "No BigTech" is the main reason I may very well be 100% BSD rather soon. Right now I use BSD 50% of the time to ensure objects I develop on Linux works everywhere. By testing on both OpenBSD and NetBSD, I have found many memory issues Linux has been quite happy ignoring :) These are items have written for use on AIX, soon to be RHEL :(

  • U.S. government in hot seat for response to growing cow flu outbreak
  • jmcunx jmcunx Now 100%

    Because if the funding has not been cut, there is a good chance we would have been ready. This is not the first time Bird Flu made an appearance, it is just with the low funding level more important issues came up, like covid. Not to mention, a lot of good researchers went into private companies due to threats to them from the orange clown.

  • U.S. government in hot seat for response to growing cow flu outbreak
  • jmcunx jmcunx Now 100%

    I guess that is what you get when you cut funding to the CDC.

  • After 48 years, Zilog is killing the classic standalone Z80 microprocessor chip
  • jmcunx jmcunx Now 100%

    I remember working in a warehouse that stored many ICs when I was very young. IIRC, Zilog packaging was quite good. Some other brands packages would crack or open up if nor handled with "kid gloves". This brings back memories,

  • Oklahoma ban on state business with 'woke' banks could topple, or it could expand
  • jmcunx jmcunx Now 100%

    The list are all the big banks, good luck with the next bond sale, I would not be surprise of OK will need to pay a bit more interest due to cutting out all these banks.

  • ‘It’s going to delay their mail’ USPS plan would force mail from Tulsa, NW Arkansas regions to go through OKC first
  • jmcunx jmcunx Now 100%

    First the current Post Master General needs to go. He cancelled an order of electric vehicles and reordered them as fossil fuel. Biden forced him to undo that IIRC. These are vehicles that are used in Cities to pickup mail and for mail carriers to use. At most they do 100 miles per day, and that is an over estimate.

    But the USPS would not have to do that plan if the GOP did not cut there funding to the point were the stopped making a profit using creative accounting 20+ years ago. So Tulsa and Fayetteville, you get what you pay for :)

  • Sliders - Intro (S01) (1995)
  • jmcunx jmcunx Now 100%

    One of my favorite shows. The show started out very well, then morphed into a shoot-them-up type show in the later seasons, which I did not like. But I stuck with it.

    Too bad it went the way it did :(

  • Highlander: The Series - The Gathering (S01E01) (1992)
  • jmcunx jmcunx Now 100%

    I binged it a year ago or so, yes it holds up well and is still entertaining :) I use to watch it when it came out, but I missed most of the first season back then.


  • That Old NetBSD Server, Running Since 2010
  • jmcunx jmcunx Now 100%

    I saw this a while ago, very nice. What was the end result, was it upgraded to a newer NetBSD ?

  • NetBSD 10.0 reached RC1
  • jmcunx jmcunx Now 100%

    You should probably check

    The Guide and FAQ should answer your question.

  • NetBSD 10.0 reached RC1. You can get it from here:

    OpenBSD 7.4 Released
  • jmcunx jmcunx Now 100%

    I use to use FreeBSD 20 years ago, but when OpenBSD dumped Linux emulation, I decided to try it and it worked out fine for me. Plus I find networking much simpler with hostname.* and join.


    I am a bit surprised no one posted this here yet, but OpenBSD 7.4 was released:

    What are people using to host blogs on SDF?
  • jmcunx jmcunx Now 100%

    I decided to move to gemini on SDF. Data is far easier to maintain and you can use any editor to add/change files.

    In case you do not know what I am referring to:

  • 90s_tv
    90s TV Now
    An actual road safety ad from Australia in 1991
  • jmcunx jmcunx Now 100%

    The add seems fine for me, just replace the fight with Cell Phones and you are good to go.

    But in 2023 with all the movies with blood and gore, this being NSFW in 2023 is a bit over kill :) Never mind the fact here is the US we now get see children being shot for real in news casts :( And accidentally showing a certain body part in a sports event, you get banned for life.

  • Wayland on OpenBSD
  • jmcunx jmcunx Now 100%

    No sooner then I posted I ran across this:

    Once I am forced to use Wayland, hopefully that will still be active :)

  • Wayland on OpenBSD
  • jmcunx jmcunx Now 100%

    Yes, that is what people keep saying, but isn't sway a Tiling Window Manager ? I do not like Tiling, if something that works exactly like cwm, then I would not be too concerned about Wayland.

    So far, the only choices for Wayland seems to be GMOME3, KDE, soon XFCE, the rest are tiling like sway. I just heard about Hyprland, which is also tiling.

    So seems for me and I am sure others, the selection is very limited.

  • jmcunx Now
    3 31



    Developer in a large company on AIX and SAP. I use both OpenBSD, NetBSD and Slackware as test systems for my work on AIX (plus for my own personal use)