😝😜💋🍺 Danke für die Suche! 😜
  • person person Now 100%

    Entweder habe ich aktuell einen Schlaganfall oder die Aussage dieses Bildes ist zu komplex für mich. Ich verstehe nicht mal im Ansatz, was es uns sagen will!

  • HLI dass Milch besser hydriert als Wasser
  • person person Now 75%

    Und dass du die Muttermilch von künstlich geschwängerten Tieren trinkst. 🤷

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • person person Now 100%

    Out of all current world events this is without a doubt the story I’m most invested in. Godspeed!

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • person person Now 100%

    You got this!! I once made it through a three day festival without pooping. I mostly lived off warm beer and Jägermeister. #constipationnation

  • Oh Gott Reinhold KOPFKINO 🤮🤮🤮
  • person person Now 100%

    Ja, es ist eklig. Halb Facebook ist voll mit sowas und die AfD-Zielgruppe zelebriert es, laut und stolz.

  • Oh Gott Reinhold KOPFKINO 🤮🤮🤮
  • person person Now 80%

    Ja, sollte man meinen. Ich bin vorhin explorativ durch Facebook-Gruppen mit "lustigen Bildern" gewandert. Die Grünen im Allgemeinen und ganz besonders deren Aussehen ist so mit das beliebteste Thema. Die Fans dieser Gruppen mögen tendenziell Schlagermusik, Autos, Fleisch und AfD. Rechtschreibung lehnen sie ab. Sie müssen andere abwerten, um sich selbst ein bisschen stark fühlen zu können und mehr Mittel als “Haha fett!!” haben sie halt intellektuell nicht.

  • ich🗣iel
  • person person Now 100%

    Viele denken ja, das sei originär von Johannes Bargeld. Ich renne nun auch nicht jedem Trent hinterher, aber das sollte man schon wissen!

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • person person Now 100%

    Sherlock emerges from the shadows of his contemplation, his penetrating gaze alight with a glimmer of the mind's razor-edged acuity, dancing over the hushed assembly.

    "Ah, a conundrum indeed! But the game is afoot, my good fellows. Let us untangle this web of mystery step by step."

    He begins to pace, his long fingers steepled in front of him, his sharp gaze distant.

    "Firstly, we must examine the peculiar constraints Mizu has imposed upon himself. He wishes to abstain from the natural act of defecation for three days, intending to consume food that occupies minimal space, while also reducing perspiration. He will stay in a well-equipped tent, with access to adequate sanitation should the need arise, yet he insists he will resist such necessity."

    He stops, turning sharply on his heel to face the crowd, the dramatic swish of his coat filling the silence.

    "Despite these restrictions, Mizu explicitly denies embarking on a hiking trip or attempting to smuggle contraband. Yet he is engaged in a journey of some kind, returning to his place of origin before embarking on the same route again."

    He taps his forehead lightly, his gaze thoughtful.

    "The desire to limit perspiration indicates a need to control body odor and moisture - potentially to avoid detection or discomfort. The same logic may apply to his endeavor to restrict bowel movement. This points to a need to stay confined in a small, potentially shared, space for extended periods."

    He turns away, pacing once more as he traces the threads of the narrative.

    "His choice of diet - minimal and compact - suggests a limited ability to dispose of waste. This, coupled with the significant investment in a large, air-conditioned tent, speaks of a measure of affluence, yet a necessity to live in a manner that does not align with this status."

    He spins around, eyes gleaming with realization.

    "Consider the pattern of his journey. It is repeated, yet with a sojourn at his original location - a pause that allows for the resumption of normal bodily function."

    He points at the crowd, his voice ringing out with certainty.

    "Mizu, my dear audience, is not embarking on a mere trip. He is engaging in a performance, a role that demands these unusual conditions. But what performance could that be? Think, ladies and gentlemen, of an endeavor that requires one to remain in a compact, enclosed space for days, sharing it perhaps with others, yet intermittently returning to a home base."

    His voice drops to a hush, his eyes intense.

    "A role that demands a significant investment in a temporary abode but necessitates confinement in close quarters. A role where control of bodily functions and odors becomes vital. And what is that role, you ask?"

    He raises his arms, his voice echoing dramatically in the silence.

    "Mizu, ladies and gentlemen, is partaking in a competitive reality television show or a similar endeavor. A program that demands participants to live in close proximity, often in limited spaces like a train compartment or a shared tent. This necessitates careful control over body functions to minimize discomfort. The mid-journey return to his origin represents a break in the filming schedule, allowing him to revert to his normal physiological routines before starting the second leg of the journey."

    He sweeps his arm out, his eyes twinkling with a triumphant gleam.

    "There you have it, my dear fellows. A peculiar request, indeed, but quite understandable under the unforgiving lens of reality television. Not as mundane as a hiking trip, not as nefarious as smuggling, but every bit as demanding."

  • ich🗣iel
  • person person Now 100%

    Danke! Ich brauche einfach dieses Gefühl puren Hasses, um etwas zu spüren

  • ich🗣iel
  • person person Now 95%


    So nicht, Angelsachsen-Sympathisant, es heißt "Verzeiht, guter Herr"

  • ich🗣iel
  • person person Now 100%

    Semi-verwandt: Ich hätte es nie erwartet, aber ich vermisse /r/ichbin40undlustig. Wann Födes-Entsprechung?

    EDIT: Ich war das Wechselgeld, welches ich in der Welt sehen wollte:

    👉 https://feddit.de/c/ichbin40undlustig

  • 7.5 million Baby Shark bath toys are recalled after they cut or stabbed children
  • person person Now 100%

    That “TRY ME” reads like a warning, I guess those kids couldn’t read

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • person person Now 91%

    Nut Butters: Peanut or almond butter in small jars or packets. They are calorie-dense and can be eaten in small quantities.

    Crackers: Plain crackers are low in fiber and can be filling.

    Cheese: Hard cheeses like cheddar can be easy on the stomach and don’t require refrigeration for short periods.

    Protein Bars: Opt for bars that are low in fiber.

    Dried Meat: Such as beef jerky, can be a good source of protein.

    Nuts and Seeds: In moderation, these can be good sources of energy.

    Bottled Water: You’ll need to stay hydrated, but since you mentioned you can’t pee very often, drink just enough to not feel thirsty.

    Electrolyte packets or tablets: To keep your electrolyte balance in check without consuming too much liquid.


  • Welche Redewendungen gehen Euch ohne eigentlichen Grund tierisch auf den Sack?
  • person person Now 100%

    Ich hab da mal einen Anschlag auf dich vor

  • Welche Redewendungen gehen Euch ohne eigentlichen Grund tierisch auf den Sack?
  • person person Now 100%

    Keine Redewendung, aber ich liebe es ungemein, wenn Menschen jedem zweiten Satz ein "GANZ ehrlich:" voranstellen. Und dann am besten noch enden mit "feier' ich!".

  • ich🇭🇺iel
  • person person Now 100%

    Protip: Werde Dienstleister für Intersnack und du kriegst eine Riesenkiste mit 50 Tüten zugesendet. Danach willst du nie wieder Chips essen.

    ok, für ein paar monate

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