It is called 🍷
  • richardisaguy richardisaguy Now 100%

    Wine Is naturally Not an Emulator


  • Olá, amigos do computador! Não consegui encontrar uma comunidade como c/pergunteaadvogados... Como qualquer Brasileiro nascido no nosso grande Bostil, tive de completar 18 anos em algum momento, ai veio bater a minha porta o tal do alistamento militar obrigatorio. Tenho alguns problemas físicos, como um de respiração e outro de circulação de sangue, mas tenho receio de não conseguir um laudo para estes a tempo, então escrevi um documento como plano B, este que tem o objetivo de provar a minha incompatibilidade com o serviço militar. Aos estudantes de direito, advogados, ou quaisquer que trabalhem ou tenham interesse na area, humildemente, peço ajuda de vocês para analisar o meu documento Obrigado! > DECLARAÇÃO DE INCOMPATIBILIDADE MORAL COM O AMBIENTE MILITAR Meu nome é XXX, com 18 anos, sou nascido no estado do Piauí, porém sou brasileiro como todos vocês. > Neste texto, venho declarar minha posição em relação ao alistamento militar obrigatório, previsto na Constituição Federal. Antes de mais nada, faço claro que minha posição não vem de um lugar de desrespeito, desprezo, desacato ou muito menos ódio, muito pelo contrario, possuo um respeito profundo pelas Forças Armadas, dado seu papel crucial na defesa da soberania e da paz do Brasil. Sou grato a todos que fazem valer a nossa bandeira por meio de seu serviço às Forças, porém, por razões éticas e filosóficas inerentemente relacionadas ao meu código ético, não posso ser considerado compatível com o ambiente militar. > A Constituição Federal de 1988, em seu artigo 5º, assegura a todos os brasileiros a liberdade de expressão, consciência e crença. O inciso IV estabelece que “é livre a manifestação do pensamento”, e o inciso VIII reforça que “ninguém será privado de direitos por motivo de crença religiosa ou de convicção filosófica ou política”. Invoco esses direitos para expressar minha visão contrária à incorporação ao serviço militar, uma vez que este entra em conflito com meus valores, ao criar um ambiente que valoriza a obediência absoluta, a rigidez e, em última instância, a violência. > A liberdade de expressão é um dos pilares fundamentais da nossa democracia. Através desse direito, desejo externar minhas convicções sem temer represálias. O serviço militar exige a aceitação de uma hierarquia rígida, na qual a obediência cega e a complacência tornam-se componentes centrais. No entanto, não acredito que uma sociedade feliz, livre e verdadeiramente justa se construa dessa forma. Para mim, a obediência absoluta significa abrir mão da capacidade de pensar criticamente e de cultivar o pensamento construtivo, este que é tão necessário em um mundo no qual a cultura de massas se torna cada vez mais forte, onde a capacidade de questionar, por vezes, caminha em direção à extinção. O pensamento crítico e a livre reflexão são, para mim, o que nos tornam não apenas homens, mas pessoas. > O artigo 143 da Constituição reconhece que, em tempos de paz, aqueles que, por convicção filosófica ou política, não se sintam aptos a cumprir o serviço militar podem optar por prestar um serviço alternativo à sociedade. Apoio-me nesse dispositivo legal, pois minha ética me afasta das práticas militares. Não acredito que a violência, seja ela legalizada ou não, seja uma forma eficiente de resolver conflitos. Para mim, o caminho para a resolução de conflitos deve ser o diálogo, a negociação, a educação e o cuidado. Esses valores me fazem incompatível a incorporação as Forças Armadas, sendo centrais a minha visão de mundo, não podem e não serão colocados a mesa para negociação. > A minha recusa ao serviço militar não representa uma fuga das minhas responsabilidades cívicas, muito pelo contrário. Ela reflete um compromisso profundo com o meu povo e a minha nação. Desejo contribuir para o desenvolvimento social, econômico e humano do nosso país por meio de métodos que não se coloquem a trair os meus valores. Com o amparo da Constituição, peço que minhas convicções sejam respeitadas. > Nossa Constituição não apenas permite, mas também incentiva que cidadãos sirvam o país de maneira digna e coerente com seus valores. Em uma sociedade democrática, o direito à diversidade de consciência, não violando a liberdade dos demais, é um componente fundamental não apenas para a construção, mas também para o fortalecimento de uma nação soberana, satisfeita e verdadeiramente unida. > Como cidadão brasileiro, solicito respeitosamente que meus direitos à liberdade de consciência, expressão e crença sejam feitos a valer, conforme instala a Constituição Brasileira de 1988 e conforma os faz visto pelo Artigo 109 do capitulo XVI no decreto n° 57.654 de 20 de janeiro de 1966. > A vocês, eu desejo o melhor, > XXX de YYY. > Referencias: > > >

    Corel Linux 1.1.2, 1999
  • richardisaguy richardisaguy Now 100%

    why does it look so much like windows

  • "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    Reddit Now
    What in the fresh hell is this?
  • richardisaguy richardisaguy Now 100%

    the worst part is that only one of these is an actual tablet pc

  • And in the morning, I'm ruling waffles
  • richardisaguy richardisaguy Now 100%

    he looks like scooby-doo

  • Feature request: Rounded corners, but in another way
  • richardisaguy richardisaguy Now 100%

    this looks like gnome 2...

  • Juno Tab 3 Linux Tablet Launches at $699 with Ubuntu 24.04 LTS - 9to5Linux
  • richardisaguy richardisaguy Now 94%

    $700 for a celeron, it would be a bit nicer if it was at least an i3

  • ![](

    Do any of you have M$ Word running in present form?
  • richardisaguy richardisaguy Now 85%

    Why do you spell it as "m$ office"?

  • anyone who uses Linux on apple silicon or another arm device
  • richardisaguy richardisaguy Now 100%

    Thank for the great reply!

    What do you mean when you say light emulation? GameCube, PlayStation 2 type of light emulation you mean?

    What other consoles have you tested? Any luck with ps3, ps4 and switch titles?

  • anyone who uses Linux on apple silicon or another arm device
  • richardisaguy richardisaguy Now 100%

    We do no kink shaming on this household

  • Don't fall for the false dichotomy. You have more than two options.
  • richardisaguy richardisaguy Now 66%

    My brother in christ, these are all dictatorships

  • anyone who uses Linux on apple silicon or another arm device
  • richardisaguy richardisaguy Now 100%

    I think the neural engine works, but you need an out-of-tree kernel module. The asahi wiki talks about that, they say it is yet to be merged on mainline.

    Gaming on arm is absolutely a thing... But not on the M's... About the other chips it's just on its infancy right now, fex-emu( and box64( are both capable of running wine, and of course steam. Games work, I don't think its 100% of native speed, and the compatibility must not be perfect, but like wine/proton I'm sure it's only going to get better.

    The apple silicon devices have 16k pages kernels, while x86 is 4k pages, that would not be a problem if we had 4k page emulation/simulation on Linux, but we don't, seems like macOS's way of emulating 4k pages is wasteful to performance, and the contributors do not wish to make a similar implementation, so we don't get one for now.

  • anyone who uses Linux on apple silicon or another arm device
  • richardisaguy richardisaguy Now 100%

    That is quite interesting, have you tried the edge kernel?

  • anyone who uses Linux on apple silicon or another arm device
  • richardisaguy richardisaguy Now 100%

    I don't think its that "bad" current, but I'm sure you will have to wait for a bit, Qualcomm's Linux kernel work is really not complete, and currently the only laptops you can get working with Linux are the thinkpad x13s and (maybe?) some other older models.

    Not sure how unbothered your experience is going to be on any of these, and they're all just as expensive as macs

  • anyone who uses Linux on apple silicon or another arm device
  • richardisaguy richardisaguy Now 100%

    Things are progressing really fast actually! Take a look at the feature support page

  • anyone who uses Linux on apple silicon or another arm device
  • richardisaguy richardisaguy Now 100%

    Since the first release of apple silicon I was quite a bit impressed with the hardware, of course im not really an apple guy, and so I initially thought "cool, but that's not for me"

    And then came asahi linux, and it changed everything, in a very short period they got the GPU working, and then came vulkan, opengl 4 and 4.2, most stuff seems to be working already, either on the bleeding edge kernel or the mainline; Take a look at the feature support page, it's really impressive.

    I started to study more and more the development of Linux on apple silicon, and even more so after my laptop's hinge has broken(tldr: I don't have a laptop anymore, it's just a PC); recently I've been wanting to buy a new laptop, so I can actually use it as one, of course, as any Latin American, I wish to buy for the long run, and all the options seem to be:

    1 - Qualcomm laptops designed for windows ridden with shitware, useless AI, and a ducking copilot key( also I have terrible experience with the firmware of my current windows first laptop, I do not wish for more)

    2 - Recent or older terribly power inefficient X86 laptops(mine is from 2021, the battery life sucked, even in windows, and it just heats up so easily, I don't think it can even maintain maximum clock for 5 minutes straight)

    3 - Apple silicon macs designed for macOS first that have a decent compatibility with linux, that will only get better with time.

    Of course, I do believe X86 will get better with time, as it has already gotten, but until then, I either stick with my current deplorable hardware and wait until the improvements get actually mainstream, or buy another older x86 laptop, just to retire it later on.

  • on our way to fascism
  • richardisaguy richardisaguy Now 100%

    "Bolsonarismo" in Brazil has an uncanny resemblance to fascism

  • No, android does not count. Is there anyone who daily drives Linux on apple silicon or other ARM hardware? If so, then how is your experience, would you recommend it? For at least 3 years, I've been wanting to get an apple silicon mac to daily drive Linux on, lately I've been seriously considering getting one of these machines, or even other ARM hardware, like the thinkpad x13s or even the new Qualcomm laptops. I'm pretty much sold on a used macbook air m1 at this point, but I still wish to hear what other people have to say


    being that you girlfriend, boyfriend, best friend, or whoever you decide to keep around


    Olá meus amigos! Completei 18 anos esse ano, e infelizmente, como todos os brasileiros (homens) fui obrigado a fazer o alistamento militar obrigatório, ontem fui até o tiro de guerra da minha cidade as 12:30 mais ou menos, onde tive de esperar das 13:00 até as 18:00 só para ter uma breve conversa com o sargento e ser liberado. Cheguei em casa bastante estressado por ter desperdiçado todo o meu tempo vendo videos de propaganda do exercito brasileiro em looping, pois era tudo que colocaram. Tudo isso só me ajudou a não querer participar disso ainda menos. Ainda tenho de retornar no dia 17 de setembro. Tenho diferenças ideologicas severas em relação as forças, e tudo que fui mostrado é que a tal “nação” brasileira que dizer lutar é uma completa fantasia e esta muito distante do real povo que vive neste país. Politicas aparte, para quem teve que lidar com essa inconveniencia a algum momento, independentemente do resultado, como foi a sua experiencia?

    When any online discussion accidentally mentions Brazil
  • richardisaguy richardisaguy Now 75%

    We also enslaved our indigenous people as well as Africans

  • Satan Rules
  • richardisaguy richardisaguy Now 100%

    Genious marketing

  • Brazil Piracy Concerns at USTR Follow MPA Anti-Piracy Deal Controversy
  • richardisaguy richardisaguy Now 100%

    Who do these people think they are? As a brazilian, i think our agencies should rightfully prioritise our content over foreigners', no complaints!

  • COSMIC Store Prototype
  • richardisaguy richardisaguy Now 100%


  • Hi, i'm not blind, neither do I have any vision problem, but I was always curious to how blind folks use technology, talking about the fediverse, for you, blind or vision impaired, how is your experience?


    im sorry, but this might be a bit long... hello people of lemmy, this is not a question to all of you, but some. For context, im brazilian, i was born in the northeast region of my country, i was raised mostly by my two parents, and a family friend, who i call my aunt, also northeastern. in 2010, we migrated to the state of São Paulo, since, Piauí, the state we come from, and northeast region as a whole is quite subdeveloped. Life was hard there, which forced us to move. I came to here at around 6, and grew around the locals. Brazil is quite a big country, at around the same size of the continental united states, and with a size comparable to Europe. Its also quite densely populated for such a big single country, as such that one region has a radically different culture from another(like northeast(my home region) and the southeast(the region São Paulo is located at)). I for example, as a norteastern developed a mix of accent between my home region and the local accent. I am curious, you, which have faced a similar situation, moving from one region to another with the same, or similar language. Being migrating within the same country, or between different countries, how do you feel like? how do you talk? what do you identify with?


    I'm currently trying to find a remote job opportunity which relates to Linux and tech, but companies seem to be using the worst websites iminaginable to receive resumes. Where do you recommend me to search for opportunities?


    I personally like to map it using an app called keymapper so that it controls multimedia


    Meu nome é Richard, tenho 17 anos e sou filho da grandissima nação piauiense. Desde muito criança eu escrevia e criava coisas, e finalmente consegui escrever algo que posso compartilhar com o mundo. Atualmente estou finalizando o ensino médio, infelizmente o ensino integral se tornou a regra aqui na minha cidade, o que significa que perco, na pratica, 9 horas do meu dia com em maior parte, nada. Esse horário abusivo não só toma parte na minha saúde mental, como também na minha energia, tornando a escrita destas meras 60 paginas de conteúdo muito mais difícil pra mim. Gostaria, de não só divulgar o meu trabalho, como também conseguir opiniões sobre o mesmo, com criticas construtivas, planejo encontrar maneiras de aperfeiçoar as minhas habilidades para assim, fornecer conteúdos ainda melhores. Por enquanto, apenas a versão em inglês está disponível publicamente, porém, sua versão em português esta na sua ultima revisão, e ficara disponível logo; lhes perimitirei saber de tal lançamento quando possível. Obrigado!

    "Initials" by "Florian Körner", licensed under "CC0 1.0". / Remix of the original. - Created with dicebear.comInitialsFlorian Körner
    writing richardisaguy Now 100%
    Tears of blood: A book about grief, horror, war, and immigration

    I hope this is allowed here, if not, feel free to remove my post, mods My name is Richard Silva, I'm a young Brazilian writer(17) who just published their first book. Since I was a kid I wrote things, but for the first time, I made something I am going to share with the world. Currently, I'm finishing Brazilian integral high school, which in other words, wastes 9 hours of my day with mostly nothing. It's very stressful, and leaves me with not much appropriate time for actually writing quality content, so you might imagine how many reviews this book had to get before I felt like I was satisfied. I would like to encourage you to read my book, and share your thoughts on it, of course, it's me first one, so constructive criticism is very welcomed. My desire is to be able to make a living out of my art, and when reading this book, you are helping me make this dream possible :) And please, if you did enjoy it(even if it's a little bit), leave me a review on google play saying how much you like it, and why you like it. As for you, fellow Brazilians, a version in Portuguese is coming soon!


    I hope this is allowed here, if not, feel free to remove my post, mods My name is Richard Silva, I'm a young Brazilian writer(17) who just published their first book. Since I was a kid I wrote things, but for the first time, I made something I am going to share with the world. Currently, I'm finishing Brazilian integral high school, which in other words, wastes 9 hours of my day with mostly nothing. It's very stressful, and leaves me with not much appropriate time for actually writing quality content, so you might imagine how many reviews this book had to get before I felt like I was satisfied. I would like to encourage you to read my book, and share your thoughts on it, of course, it's me first one, so constructive criticism is very welcomed. My desire is to be able to make a living out of my art, and when reading this book, you are helping me make this dream possible :) And please, if you did enjoy it(even if it's a little bit), leave me a review on google play saying how much you like it, and why you like it. As for you, fellow Brazilians, a version in Portuguese is coming soon!


    I hope this is allowed here, if not, feel free to remove my post, mods My name is Richard Silva, I'm a young Brazilian writer(17) who just published their first book. Since I was a kid I wrote things, but for the first time, I made something I am going to share with the world. Currently, I'm finishing Brazilian integral high school, which in other words, wastes 9 hours of my day with mostly nothing. It's very stressful, and leaves me with not much appropriate time for actually writing quality content, so you might imagine how many reviews this book had to get before I felt like I was satisfied. I would like to encourage you to read my book, and share your thoughts on it, of course, it's me first one, so constructive criticism is very welcomed. My desire is to be able to make a living out of my art, and when reading this book, you are helping me make this dream possible :) And please, if you did enjoy it(even if it's a little bit), leave me a review on google play saying how much you like it, and why you like it. As for you, fellow Brazilians, a version in Portuguese is coming soon!

    richardisaguy Now
    26 96
