so many other good covers of this song (Crash Test Dummies, Joan Jett, etc) but the slide whistle in this one takes it above The Replacements' original version dear god lol

Et tu Nintendo in 1995?
  • abc abc Now 100%

    DAMN i should've refreshed before hitting send. you and me both pulled from the same sources too lmao

  • Et tu Nintendo in 1995?
  • abc abc Now 100%

    It's Toad and Sarissa from Wario Woods. Not sure if it is a Gamegrumps bit that somehow managed to make it onto the Mario wiki since I've personally never played Wario Woods and the videos on Youtube of it don't have the line but reverse image searching pulls up Egoraptor's twitter profile and a tweet from presumably December 2015, which I'm not scrolling to look for, but......

    See this longplay.

    A point towards it being a legitimate line is the fact that Sarissa does open the match talking about how its ladies first and whatnot lol.

  • Soft, Strong, Beautiful - Frosmoth
  • abc abc Now 100%

    How could you deny this perfect pokemon?

    With literally any fire or steel type, get that stupid bug out of here. pika-pickaxe

  • What's one thing I can get/do to make my first "adult" apartment a bit nicer?
  • abc abc Now 100%

    I always suggest a decent sized rug/runner. Not only do they help tie together a room/hallway/entrance/etc in general, but they also help dampen noise. For example, when I moved into my current apartment - even with all my furniture and a bunch of stuff on the walls, walking around barefoot would echo really badly and god forbid I turned the AC on because the fan noise would echo. A rug and matching runner I got from the thrift store for $50 solved that and as a bonus, I can walk around barefoot without my feet getting cold from the hardwood dean-smile

  • Holy shit you just straight up don't need to add butter to instant rice
  • abc abc Now 100%

    the butter is good though

    Hell, even for those who used margarine, how much margarine did you end up wasting on a literal placebo?

    margarine IS GOOD TO ME angry-hex

  • Iranian Rockets falling from my House
  • abc abc Now 100%

    Stay safe comrade!!! rat-salutepalestine-heart

  • A reminder that Triceratops regularly destroyed T. rex's
  • abc abc Now 100%

    strong claim but I don't buy that triceratops were 'regularly destroying' tyrannosaurs. this is like saying walruses (the triceratops of the artic) regularly destroy polar bears (the tyrannosaurs of the artic) when really they have a toolkit meant to help delay or fend off attacks BUT THE POLAR BEAR ALWAYS COMES BACK.

  • is this good
  • abc abc Now 100%

    hmm upload didn't work for you either wtf...I will try uploading the photo in a few minutes gonna let the bear cool off...

    8 of Pentacles | Ace of Cups | Reversed Temperance

  • is this good
  • abc abc Now 100%

    no chariot pulled but upload didn't work for you either :/

    Queen of Swords | Reversed Justice | King of Cups

  • is this good
  • abc abc Now 100%

    oh hey it worked for you

  • is this good
  • abc abc Now 100%

    I'm always disloyal to my masters so I'm glad to hear my typical buffoonery will lead me to wealth in the near future.

    10 of Pentacles | 2 of Cups | Reversed Star

  • is this good
  • abc abc Now 100%

    Reversed 5 of Swords | The Devil | King of Swords.

    You'll get a photo if upload starts working again timmy-pray

  • is this good
  • abc abc Now 100%

    Hexbear won't let me upload the photo but you got:

    The Hermit Reversed | Wheel of Fortune | 4 of Wands

    I'll post the pic if photo upload in comments starts working for me, think I may be temporarily rate limited econony

  • is this good
  • abc abc Now 100%

    hope this helps

  • is this good
  • abc abc Now 100%

    Obligatory "there are no 'good' or 'bad' cards, every card has it's own interpretation that can have both positive and negative aspects to it"

    I think that's right too it's all about vibe.

  • is this good
  • abc abc Now 100%

    dunno if this is good or not but hope you like it

  • is this good
  • abc abc Now 100%

    that's right

  • is this good
  • abc abc Now 100%

    said your username and drew these...

  • is this good
  • abc abc Now 100%


  • is this good
  • abc abc Now 100%

    i am actually traveling in a few weeks so uh....

    said your username and got these hope they make sense

  • askchapo
    askchapo abc Now 100%
    is this good

    ![narukami-specialist-dance]( "emoji narukami-specialist-dance")


    our homes. #### No matter when it came, the wind carried the same thing...Death. But the winds that blew across the green fields of Hyrule brought something other than suffering and ruin. # I coveted that wind, I suppose. no other incarnation of Ganondorf has ever been this cool. Wind Waker my beloved...


    sorry to all my canines out there idk if that's derogatory to say but man I love not knowing what day it is, throwing up the contents of my stomach every time i try to get some amount of liquid or food in there, and my back hurting because all I've done for the past 24 hours is violently retch and curl back up for another 45 minutes to an hour in bed before starting the whole thing back over again. (thankfu anyways i blame my friend for not telling me their roommate and their husband have both been sick for a week, spent the weekend hanging out at their house & only heard "yeah I've been sick for like 4-5 days" from either of them after I woke up on labor day feeling like ass. IF YOU HAVE BEEN SICK FOR A WEEK WHY DID YOU EAT OFF MY PLATE AT TWO DIFFERENT RESTAURANTS YOU FUCK GFDGHTGEHRWQH # CHAT MY THROAT HURTS NOW TOO FROM VOMITING ALL DAY ![econony]( "emoji econony") i am going to take a shower now please pray it soothes my throat and/or stomach and/or back thank you


    chip butty? yeah sure that's basically my day-to-day diet anyways. Doctor Who? yeah thanks to my dad I've seen and committed to memory more of that series than I have any American sport - including shit like the War Doctor. miserable weather? actually my favorite kind. tea? I'm breaking from the pack here and asking for iced black tea but sure. Channel 4 shows? This post was literally prompted by me finishing my weeks long Taskmaster binge after being recommended an episode on Youtube; please help me!!!!!! ![bateman-desperate]( "emoji bateman-desperate")


    ![obama-socialism]( "emoji obama-socialism") Their theory is that (and I am assuming this is all celebrity gossip level stuff lol) Barack is dating Jennifer Aniston and has been separated from Michelle for some time (that's why he's in hawaii constantly?? not because of his other billionaire friends who also live there, but to hang out with Jennifer Aniston??); anyways their proof was showing me some article where Aniston's rep denied any affair so... I keep imagining Barack saying something like ![obama]( "emoji obama") "Michelle, I uh, invited Jennifer Aniston over for dinner. Perhaps later in the evening we could, uh, Very well..." "Jennifer, uh, I am delighted you came. Unfortunately Michelle is not feeling well. Let me get your coat; have you, uh, seen this year's playlist? I believe this is Chihiro." "Jennifer, let me be clear. Michelle would not let me sit in the Cuck Chair and it has caused a rift in our relationship." please help me


    ### The hearts of men are black with corruption and must needs be cleansed.. ## I call out to the skies.. and tremble as the brilliance of a thousand bolts blinds mine enemies and tears their flesh asunder! # Seven shadows cast, seven fates foretold.. yet at the end of the broken path lies **DEATH** and **DEATH ALONE**. # Open your eyes to the darkness and drown in its loveless embrace — the gods will **NOT** be watching.


    i just think its extremely funny...especially because the towing company they called has a suspended business license (![waow-based]( "emoji waow-based")) and the police basically went ![shrug-outta-hecks]( "emoji shrug-outta-hecks") 'sorry we can't make them give you your car back for free' when people called them lmao fast food/retail workers across the country, why haven't you told your most hated regulars that they can park their car in your lot & get them towed???


    asking because I heard a story about it on the radio when getting lunch and I thought it was the dumbest shit I've heard all day. people are paying $50k to clone their dead dogs?? bro they are like $50 at the pound just get a stray.... the researcher being interviewed relayed a story about how this woman got her pet horse cloned but, upon the clone's birth, she was like "uhh I expected you to keep it until it was at least a few years old?? i don't want a BABY clone" ngjrgthjrdgfh Paris Hilton cloned her chihuahua into two dogs?? no one knows where they get the 'breeding' dogs?? apparently they 'rent' the dogs from breeders across the country?? and also 'rent' the egg donor dogs?? seems pretty fucked up!!! anyways here if you're interested: this is the specific NPR podcast I was listening to on the radio (it's the most recent 'Should You Clone Your Dog'): the researcher's article in the New Yorker which is also a good read: >It’s possible to see dog cloning as merely an extension of what is already a bizarre and highly unnatural process. In Fort Worth, Texas, I met a clone of a dog called Eudoris. The clone’s owner, Jeff, who didn’t want his last name used, was on the phone as I approached, but Eudoris 2—or E2, as he’s known—turned to look at me. His body was shaped like a German shepherd’s, but he lacked the swayed back of the kennel-club German-shepherd lines, whose hind legs buckle in a way that people liken to frog legs. E2’s face was more vulpine, too. I made a sound of greeting to him, and he folded his ears back. Within half a minute, he had turned his rump toward me beseechingly, the universal dog body language for requesting a scratch above the tail. > >The original Eudoris was a mix of a Belgian Malinois and a Dutch shepherd, and had been bred by Joshua Morton, a trainer of tactical working dogs, who felt that Eudoris was the ideal specimen. He had ViaGen clone him, and not just once. Thirty-five clones have been made from Eudoris so far. Jeff got E2 as a protection dog for his wife, who travels frequently to compete in rodeos. E2 was their second Eudoris clone. The first, E4, drowned in an irrigation ditch four months after they got him. Jeff and Morton felt that E4 was so special that they sent some of his tissue to ViaGen. Since then, Morton has used E4’s cells to clone yet another line of dogs, which he dubs the Red Squadron Myrmidons, called M1, M2, and so on. “The DNA of M1 is the same as the DNA of E1 through E-whatever,” Jeff said. “And the same as Eudoris Actual, the biological Eudoris.” Hearing his name, E2 began wagging his tail. bro cloned his dog 35 TIMES??????????? 'drowned in an irrigation ditch four months after they got him' is doing a lot of leg work in that last paragraph. anyways, discuss - would you clone your dog/outdoor cat after it gets mauled by a coyote or tire/horse/ferret???? why? is this not real 'All that is holy is profaned' hours???


    fell to my knees when I went to the artist's site immediately after finding the OP to purchase a print of it...only to discover they don't ship outside of Japan and that someone else asked them if they ever would 2 years ago & they said no...... source: their site:


    loyal worker cities


    **Previous Threads:** - [Year 1]( - [Year 2]( # The Journal of Cog "Abc" Itebirid, Mayor This journal was written as the fortress has entered its third year and elected me as Mayor on the third day of Granite. As we continued to strike the earth and forge the halls of our new Mountainhome, I must confess to the feeling of trepidation that crept into my bones after being given the reins to this fortress. The beginning of Spring has always been both a blessing and a curse in my eyes; the surface becomes lush and abundant - but with this bounty the new year also brings new horrors and tribulations for every dwarf.. Time moves quickly when you have been elected by general consensus to strategically lead a fortress of your fellow dwarves. The miracles, trials, and moments of suffering that I detail below will be broken up by the month. Specific dates will only be provided if I had the foresight to write them down. (If you're wondering, yes I did actually keep a notepad..) #### **Granite 102** As I settled into my new role, I pondered what I wanted my long-lasting legacy of this fortress to be. Certainly my predecessors were Dwarves among dwarves, so to speak. Porkroll had supported our burgeoning industries and delivered unto the entire community master crafters and smiths. Valentina had quite literally struck the earth to bring the fortress out of our collective hearts and minds. I feared becoming the progenitor of destruction and famine. Would any endeavor I decided upon be fruitful? I did not know but I came to the conclusion I would first invest in public works across Roomtheaters, as any good leader should, by building bridges - both literally and metaphorically. A great number of bridges in fact. ![]( A caravan of Elves arrived in the second week of Granite as bridge construction was nearing completion. At first, I doubted they would have anything great, Roomtheaters is small and elves are no great crafters of metal, but I had the broker meet with them. A fool I was! The Elves, normally a blight upon hardworking Dwarves, had brought an auspicious beast for purchase. I, of course, immediately gave them what they were asking for to save the creature and bring them into the fold - a pittance if anything. ![]( I took the sale and freedom (through purchase) of Hex the Grizzly Bear as an omen of the year to come and immediately assigned her to be our War Bear and later entrusted her to the Militia Commander. The remaining days of Granite were peaceful and unremarkable, save for the slight expansion of the tavern, The Craft of Posts. #### **Slate 102** Slate was marked by continued expansion. The month began with the construction of levers in The Craft of Posts and their linkage to the fortresses' various bridges. Since many dwarves tend to listen to the bards there on their days off, it is an ideal location to ensure there is always at least one or two idle dwarves an arm's length away from retracting a compromised bridge or sealing an area. ![]( Additionally, the Chapel of Safety's petition for further expansion into a temple was completed. A slightly audacious building, I authorized the construction of a 2x8 platinum floor since we discovered a bit more of it and 16 blocks for like 6000 zone wealth was worth it in my eyes after dumping like 6 statues and slabs in there and engraving everything but failing to meet the temple requirement. ![]( Perhaps it was the display of excess wealth in the Temple that drew a new migrant later that week. As a Dwarf who does not believe in borders, I immediately accepted their petition to join. Please welcome al ustobot, dingo woman poet, to the fortress. ![]( An additional 10 migrants from the Mountainhomes made their way to the fortress shortly after Al. This brought our population to 70 on the 12th of Slate. The only other event of note as Slate drew to a close was the completion of the Mayoral room. By all accounts, it is more suitable for a Duke and a waste of space - but I have hope in my heart that I will not be re-elected again and it will be bequeathed to subsequent Mayors to make them happy. ![]( #### **Felsite 102** Felsite brought the appointment of a High Priest to the newly completed temple in the Chapel of Safety. A visitor dingo woman also brought a number of rumors from afar of Goblins marching upon a neighboring dwarf fortress. Many in the community were clamoring to go out on a raid in response to this, but I did not want to incite any deaths. #### **Hematite 102** The rumors of conflict on the horizon spurred me to create a new Squad during Hematite. You, dear reader, may wonder what I decided upon. A squad of Marksdwarves named Books of Meeting was established. (I completely forgot Marksdwarves squads are still tricky to get working/bugged until I noticed months later that they were not properly grabbing bolts...) Hex, fortress mascot and warbear, kept getting into fights with wild horses that wandered into the pasture. In an effort to keep her alive and also prevent other wild animals or invaders from attacking our defenseless pastured animals, I have scheduled both squads to assign a single dwarf to guard duty when it is their month to train. This has cut down on wild horse fights significantly and, when the Captain of the Guard chased down a horse and cut its head off so viciously with a swing of their axe that the horse & its severed head landed in the river, provided hours of new songs for the Bards to recount in taverns worldwide. #### **Malachite 102** Malachite brought another 8 new migrants - bringing the population to 78. A human bard, presumably enamored with the dope ass bear we have, also requested to join - bringing the population to 79. Malachite was the month a spark of inspiration struck me. My legacy would certainly be in Public Works for the fortress! I ordered the construction of four windmills upon the peak of the mountain (small hill really) we call home. #### **Galena 102** The month of Galena saw the construction of what many would call the pinnacle of Dwarven engineering. In an effort to ensure good morale across the entire fortress, I approved the construction of a mist generator above the Craft of Posts and central stairway. ![]( The windmills were connected from above to power it. ![]( Everyone loves it. #### **Limestone 102** Another month, another group of migrants. 10 this time. The population stands at 89. A trade caravan from the Mountainhomes arrived. Nothing of note was for sale, but I did purchase two hens and two gobblers for eggs. In two years time we may have a bountiful flock. Hex was injured again by another wild horse - so she has been pastured in the Craft of Posts, where the mist and numerous passerbys can ensure she doesn't die. #### **Sandstone 102** The Craftdwarves unionized and petitioned for a guildhall. I of course, an ardent supporter of the labor movement, begun construction on a guildhall immediately. Tis perhaps quaint compared to the ostentatious wealth displayed in the Temple or even in the Mayor's room, but the Craftsdwarves were happy with it. ![]( I constructed a room for Valentina, Captain of the Guard. Also perhaps better suited for a Duke - but she's worth it. ![]( Finally, I created a room for the new Dungeon Master as well as a Dungeon and future new barracks (the hospital deserves more space). ![]( #### **Timber 102** The start of Timber brought fear into my heart when the Giantess, Lecitala Sted Irol, arrived on the 8th. ![]( Honestly it seemed like she just wanted to sight-see and I did not want to hunt an intelligent creature like her, but I only had a single cage trap placed near the windmills and she refused to walk near them... When she begun chasing a poor child who was just wandering outside, I regretfully had to send a squad to intercept. ![]( ...A single axedwarf caught up with her and made shockingly short work of her before the rest of their squad arrived. Actually horrifying, I thought she would at least put up a fight... Rest in Peace Lecitala Sted Irol, 8th Timber - 15th Timber. #### **Moonstone 102** Not much of note happened as Winter arrived. A human soldier petitioned to join the fort and of course, still believing in an open border policy until the first necromancer appears, I allowed him to join bringing the population to 90. Two dwarf children were born shortly after, bringing the total population to 92. #### **Opal 102** Nothing happened in Opal beyond the Bone Carver entering a trance and creating a masterpiece Horse Bone Weapon Rack. Someone will surely enjoy it...? #### **Obsidian 102** Obsidian brought the close of winter to the fortress. Another Human, this time a Lasher, petitioned to join for the purpose of soldiering. The population stands at 93. A bunch of wild dingoes appeared and killed one of the pastured dogs. I kicked off the years' end celebrations with a military wide Dingo Hunt. ![]( Hex certainly had fun, although I have heard reports of the Militia Commander muttering about how "no one should have to see a grizzly bear treat a dingo like a chew toy" into their drinks at the tavern... ## **Results** - Population grew from 58 to 93 by years end. That's 35 new dwarves, which is more than half of what we began the year with! - We did not lose a **single** dwarf to death, disease, drowning, or beasts! - We have two squads now and they are all armored/kitted out. - The fortress has expanded significantly across all areas, except below. - We've created a ton of wealth and the majority of the population is damn near ecstatic to be living in communist harmony. ![]( ## **Recommendations for the next Chair of the Dwarven Communist Party** - The Marksdwarf squad could probably be changed to a sword or spear squad and be even more effective. At last glance though, they may not be **completely** bugged as it does seem like the majority of them have raised their marksdwarf skills, but I did witness a dingo get beat to death with a crossbow instead of being fired upon - so.... - We need way more bedrooms. I did begin construction on more, but only finished a handful. I believe a number of dwarves remain without beds but thankfully the mist generator has prevented everyone but the children from being dangerously unhappy. - The troglodytes remain below and have actually given birth so there are a number of them. I am confident the militia can easily take them, but did not break the seal. - The corpses of the troglodytes in our refuse stockpile above keep depressing the children and should probably be tossed, since they will not be used for anything since troglodytes are sentient. - I did start constructing some additional defenses for the pasture and main gate of the fortress (walls for what were supposed to be the epic marksdwarves to stand upon and fire from), but they remain unfinished. Do what you will. - The Soap industry needs to be started, as it is the only thing holding the hospital back. There is an Ashery and Soap Maker workshop already built. Just needs lye or fat (dingoes maybe??) - Be sure to choose a dwarf and give yourself a nickname!! - ## **Dig!** Save File:

    56 There's an auto-queue and at the time of writing this there's like 3600 people in it (and an estimated like hour wait), so no guarantee of anything being in stock by the time you read this; but I figured I'd post this in case anyone was waiting on them to restock. ![palestine-heart]( "emoji palestine-heart") ![palestine-strong]( "emoji palestine-strong")


    they're dope and you can see them pretty far south tonight - I've seen people in London and even like South Carolina posting pics!!!


    not me finally spending $80 on a new pair of joycons LITERALLY TWO DAYS AGO.....

    abc Now
    71 1K

    abc [he/him, comrade/them]
