Israel's end is near 😎
  • interolivary interolivary Now 100%

    Taking a stab in the dark here, but they probably don't like the genocide of Palestinians that the state of Israel is engaged in

  • What popular product do you think is modern day snakeoil?
  • interolivary interolivary Now 100%

    Yeah to expand on this, in professional settings you'll want a higher sampling frequency so you don't end up with eg. aliasing, but for consumer use ≥44–48kHz sampling rate is pretty much pointless

  • What popular product do you think is modern day snakeoil?
  • interolivary interolivary Now 100%

    Probably the latter. Seems like a cynical marketing ploy, really

  • What popular product do you think is modern day snakeoil?
  • interolivary interolivary Now 100%

    Surprisingly enough, some essential oils do have research-based actual uses, such as topical antibacterials, antifungals and antiparasitics.

    While there's quite a bit of woo woo around them, there's also a lot of interesting research into phytochemicals like essential oils. Same with a few other "plant-based" things like pine resin; there's even a clinically tested pine resin salve that helps with wound healing and is used for treating difficult wounds in some hospitals in Finland.

    The problem with essential oils is trying to filter out the snake oil claims from the actual research-based claims. Most vendors tend to have pretty, well, wild claims about what their products can do, so your best bet is or and the like

  • Microsoft's latest Windows update breaks VPNs, and there's no fix
  • interolivary interolivary Now 100%

    So because VPN works for you, it's impossible for it to not work for literally anybody else?

  • checkmate, big geology!!
  • interolivary interolivary Now 100%

    Huh, interesting. I didn't expect to learn about volcanoes today but here I am! Thank you for the explanation

  • checkmate, big geology!!
  • interolivary interolivary Now 100%

    Ohhh, I had no idea there were different kinds of volcanoes but it does make sense in hindsight.

    Well, I guess this might have been covered in primary or secondary education at some point but it's been about 3000 years since my last geography class

  • It’s the End of the Web as We Know It
  • interolivary interolivary Now 100%

    How do you propose these "open source journalists" make a living? Corporate grants or straight-up corporate jobs just like a huge chunk of Linux development, landing us right back at square one, if not even somewhat behind it? At least independent media exists nowadays, but if the assumption is that all news has to be freely available, like acastcandream said that'd just lead to journalism being very effectively locked out as a career path for anyone who's not independently wealthy or somehow able to make people actually donate or pay for a subscription despite the content being available for free – and that hasn't worked out too well for most publishers so far.

  • It’s the End of the Web as We Know It
  • interolivary interolivary Now 100%

    no one ever tactfully includes ads

    This is pretty patently hyperbole; I've run into many sites, including news, with non-intrusive ads.

    Whether it's class-based gatekeeping is another matter entirely. For-profit media employees have to eat too, and in the current economic system most can't just give people access to content for free without any sort of monetization mechanism and with a voluntary subscription, because that'll very often lead to income dropping off a cliff. Unfortunately people are very loath to pay for online services except for some more niche cases like the Fediverse where instances run on voluntary donations – although I've seen a couple of moderately popular instances struggling with upkeep being higher than what people are willing to donate (and it's not just services either; open source developers face similar issues.) In some countries we at least have public broadcasting companies, although eg. here in Finland the current extremist right-wing government is looking to reduce its funding by quite a bit and possibly even entirely dismantle it if they get their way.

    While I definitely agree that news should be available for free, railing against a for-profit publisher's paywall is, frankly, myopic; like it or not, in the current system even content producers have to make a living. None of us really has a choice in whether we want to live in this system or not


    One thing that pretty consistently drops me out of the flow state is having to dig through documentation for whatever I'm trying to use, or even worse having to dig through its source code because the documentation is either nonexistent or eg. plain wrong

    The Tech Baron Seeking to “Ethnically Cleanse” San Francisco
  • interolivary interolivary Now 100%

    Average conservative moment. What's scary is that calling for an ethnic cleansing of leftists isn't a fringe opinion anymore, and people like him are gaining more and more power by the year.

    And it's not like this is just the US. Here in Europe, Italy is ruled by a party that is a direct descendant of Mussolini's Fascist Party; Hungary is… well, Hungary; extremist right wing parties are very popular in Germany; Finland's government has multiple literal neo-Nazis in it, with one extremist right-wing party eg. blocking legislation that would help guarantee the impartiality of courts; and the list goes on and on. It's pretty telling that at least here in Finland, the under-25's are much more conservative than Millennials or even Gen X – the majority of them voted for either a "fiscally conservative" party (ie. they've started down the "everything I don't like is woke" path and would be fine with concentration camps for leftists as long as they're privately funded) or an extremist right wing party, which has members who have eg. publicly fantasized about murdering gay people and who stan Breivik

  • It’s the End of the Web as We Know It
  • interolivary interolivary Now 100%

    Well, whatever the solution to this problem is, I'm fairly sure "put a blockchain on it" isn't going to be it. Distributed ledgers do potentially have some uses, but using them to carry "proof of humanity" information doesn't make much sense

  • It’s the End of the Web as We Know It
  • interolivary interolivary Now 100%

    Well, for many publishers the choice is either ads or paywalls. The fact that people feel entitled to get everything for free is a part of why things are going to shit, because ads bring with them a whole slew of perverse incentives (eg. optimizing for ad views instead of content quality)

  • Senate passes TikTok ban bill, sending it to Biden, who has already committed to signing it
  • interolivary interolivary Now 100%

    Oh yeah it absolutely is bullshit, I'm not saying that. Or, well, it is true they're likely collecting tons of data but it's not like US companies don't do it too and for reasons that are probably just as bad. This is why I tend to think that if you're going to ban TikTok for collecting data, you can't ignore Meta, Amazon, Alphabet, Apple et al

  • Senate passes TikTok ban bill, sending it to Biden, who has already committed to signing it
  • interolivary interolivary Now 100%

    Well, they're totally different platforms . The rationale behind the TikTok ban (and I'm not saying I'm in favor of it or opposed to it) is that they can do spooky spooky things with your personal data and your attention – your opinions can be nudged once there's enough data on you and your eyeballs are on the app half the day. And just to repeat, I'm not saying I agree with the ban (well, not with banning just TikTok anyhow…)

    Temu and AliExpress have their own problems (like the absolutely mind boggling waste of finite resources) but nobody's worried Temu is radicalizing boys or collecting tons of your personal data. And yes even Temu does collect data just like everyone else nowadays, but it's a shopping site; compared to a social network there's not all that much you can get out of your users or too many ways to really influence them outside of making them spend more money

  • The cycling revolution in Paris continues: Bicycle use now exceeds car use
  • interolivary interolivary Now 100%

    Are we assuming that everyone is always going to be biking with no other options? I don’t think anyone is even advocating for that.


    The people who seem to think that biking is an untenable option because you might have to very occasionally use other modes of transport make me wonder if that mindset comes from the fact that people feel that it's normal to only use one mode of transport pretty much ever, because that's how many people are with cars.

  • New ‘Matrix’ Movie In Works At Warner Bros From Drew Goddard
  • interolivary interolivary Now 100%

    … does USENET count as a forum experience? I think mine is from the Core War news group from like '90 or '91

  • happy sun
  • interolivary interolivary Now 100%

    Who says it's not‽

  • Gen Z is bringing back landline phones because they think they look ‘cool’: ‘I love to twirl the cord’
  • interolivary interolivary Now 100%

    I live in an apartment building that was constructed in '22 and a landline wasn't even an option anymore, it's all just gigabit ethernet.

  • By

    Memes interolivary Now 99%

    In today's episode of "weird shit I stumbled onto on the internet", I bring you: nuclear-powered pacemakers. ![]( Some of the earlier pacemakers made in the US, around the 70's, were powered by a very small amount of plutonium. If you've ever heard of the term radioisotope thermoelectric generator or RTG in relation to eg. satellites, that's what the pacemakers used. The upside of using an RTG was that the device could run for decades without needing to get its power source replaced. The downside is that you now have plutonium sown in to your chest cavity – which actually isn't as bad as it sounds considering the amounts used, but it's still a highly radioactive element and presents some fun challenges, some of which are discussed in the article. Here's an article on the technical details on how they, and thermoelectric kajiggers in general, work


    The image has a stock photo of a chemist with Samuel L. Jackson's head photoshopped on, and he appears to be looking a graduated cylinder with some colored liquid in it. Near the bottom there's the text "ah, yes". Below it are two rows that look like they were copied from the periodic table, with atomic numbers at the top, then the abbreviation in the middle and the full name of the element at the bottom. The first row of elements is Mo, Th, Er (molybdenum, thorium, erbium) The second row of elements is F, U, C, K, Er (fluorine, uranium, carbon, potassium, erbium) **edit**: corrected term to "atomic number"


    Description: Meme format image. The top half has a picture of Star Trek: The Next Generation's bridge crew with the text "the prime directive forbids us from interfering. We cannot share our technology". The bottom half has a picture of Stargate's SG-1 team and the text "all your gods are false. Here, take these guns."


    The post's link is to the summary of the research report, and the full 100-page report is linked to at the top of the page. Here's the summary: > # Escalation in the War in Ukraine > > ## Lessons Learned and Risks for the Future > > Despite the devastating losses experienced by the Russian military and both the Ukrainian military and civilian population following Russia’s February 2022 invasion of Ukraine, both sides have refrained from pursuing several escalatory options to date. Although Russia has escalated its attacks on Ukraine in several ways, including strikes against critical infrastructure and the civilian population, it has refrained from other options—notable given the high stakes for the Kremlin and the potential capabilities Russia could bring to bear in the conflict. However, if Russian territorial, personnel, and materiel losses continue to mount without improvements on the battlefield, President Vladimir Putin will face an unpalatable set of choices. In the extreme, the conflict offers plausible scenarios for Russia to become the first state to use nuclear weapons in warfare since 1945. > This report evaluates the potential for further escalation in the conflict in Ukraine, including the prospects for escalation to Russian nuclear use. It does so by evaluating Russian and Ukrainian behavior in the conflict to date and identifying and assessing the escalation options still open to both sides. The report is intended to inform U.S. and NATO policymakers as they consider how to avoid further escalation of the conflict while assisting Ukraine in its efforts to defeat the Russian invasion and to better inform the public debate around these issues. > > > ## Key Findings > #### Further Russian escalation has likely been restrained by three main factors > * The factors are (1) acute concerns for NATO military capabilities and reactions, (2) concern for broader international reactions, particularly the potential to lose China's support, and (3) the Russian perception that its goals in Ukraine are achievable without further escalation, making risker actions not yet necessary. > > #### Russian escalation to date has seen limited effectiveness > * None of Moscow's escalatory measures appear to have altered Ukrainian or NATO behavior in the ways that Putin and his inner circle likely sought. Instead, they have largely hardened Ukrainian and NATO opposition to Russia's invasion. > > #### Further deliberate escalation, including Russian nuclear escalation, is highly plausible > * Both Russia and Ukraine may still choose to deliberately escalate the conflict further. Six plausible options for Russian escalation were identified that would have the potential to fundamentally alter the nature of the conflict, ranging from a limited attack on NATO to the use of nuclear weapons against Ukraine. The most likely potential trigger for Russia to escalate the conflict is a perception that battlefield losses are threatening the security of its regime. > > #### Russian nuclear use could be surprisingly extensive > * Should Russia decide to use nuclear weapons, it may be relatively unrestrained in their employment inside Ukraine. > > #### Inadvertent escalation risks persist > * Inadvertent escalation could still occur as a result of military activities that are commonplace on both sides but happen to lead to different outcomes. The longer the conflict drags on, the more such risks will accumulate. > > ## Recommendations > * U.S. and allied policymakers should prioritize maintaining Alliance cohesion regarding the escalation risks of providing support to Ukraine. Doing so is vital both for ensuring long-term support for Ukraine and for maintaining deterrence of Russian aggression against NATO members. > * U.S. and allied policymakers should carefully evaluate the trade-offs between enhanced support for Ukraine, including the provision of weapons systems with longer ranges, and managing escalation risks, which may become more acute over time. > * U.S. and allied policymakers should be prepared to interrupt escalatory spirals from more-intensive Ukrainian attacks inside Russia. > * U.S. and allied policymakers should robustly plan for how to respond to further Russian escalation, including by prioritizing the maintenance of diplomatic and military communication channels with Russia that could become vital to arrest an escalatory spiral.


    > One of Ukraine's staunchest allies, Poland, has said it is no longer supplying weapons to its neighbour, as a diplomatic dispute over grain escalates. >Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki said Poland's focus was instead on defending itself with more modern weapons. Other conservatives will likely want to follow suit

    interolivary Now
    76 1.1K



    Currently between olives