The popularity of Minecraft has probably led some children to believe you can swim up waterfalls
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    *While carrying 64 1m x 1m x 1m cubic blocks of stone in your hand.

  • void
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    I want to invent, like, the opposite of a water balloon. A cheap container that will hold a vacuum, or at least very low pressure air. I could sell them on eBay as your own personal void to scream into.

  • Convention Hallway
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    Man, I haven't been to a sci-fi con since before Covid. I know there's no 2025 committee - I hope someone volunteers to run one in 2026.

    (I know all about being the change you want to see in the world, but we're talking about organising an event space for a hundred people and I failed to organise dinner for two last night.)

  • What do cats think you are to them?
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    There's a theory that we were able to evolve our big problem-solving brains because we got access to higher-quality protein after teaming up with dogs as hunting partners. So did we breed them to be pets or did they breed us to be caretakers?

  • Man, 81, sentenced to 6 months in prison for trying to create giant hybrid species of wild sheep
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    We've already got goats with spider silk proteins in their milk.

  • quantum mechanics
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    Schrödinger was responsible for so much good work in science, but all we remember him for is his cruelty to animals. :(

  • When was the last time you started writing a comment but decided against it mid sentence?
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    Just a few minutes ago. It was a thread about someone losing a beloved pet rat to old age. I want to say something comforting, but can't think of anything that doesn't seem trite or cliched.

  • What's an obsolete or incredibly obscure word you think people should know?
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    Not to be confused with philatelist, a stamp collector. The word means to enjoy receiving something without the necessity of payment.

  • What are some humorous items I could sneak onto my partner's running shopping list?
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    I charge a husband tax too. 10% of her snacks are mine.

  • What are some humorous items I could sneak onto my partner's running shopping list?
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    Pretty much every day I get an update or two about how the James Webb telescope has kicked the legs out from under another one of cosmology's sacred cows.

    Great to know how wrong we've been, but now I'm waiting for updates saying we've figured out why.

  • Who is moo deng and why is lemmy obsessed with them ?
  • spittingimage spittingimage Now 83%

    So who held a gun to your head and forced you to open this thread?

  • How do our brains process reality? I heard our eyes were just low-res cameras and our brains were doing all the heavy lifting in 'rendering' reality.
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    Here's an interesting related factoid - your eyes are constantly making tiny micromovements called saccades. During these movements, you don't receive any visual information. Your actual view of the world comes in stuttering fits and starts. You don't notice this because your brain literally invents what you think you're seeing during saccades. It's good enough not to get you weeded out of the gene pool.

  • I have questions. So, so, so many questions.
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    Reminds me a little bit of Minecraft updates.

    With Minecraft you have the Herobrine story - a player claimed in a video that another player named Herobrine was showing up in his offline game and causing chaos. He was trying to create a creepypasta rumour that Minecraft was haunted by the creator's dead brother, and probably only failed because he was careless and let himself be caught on audio saying that's what he was doing.

    Ever since, the developers occasionally release update notes that include the line 'removed Herobrine'.

  • What's an obsolete or incredibly obscure word you think people should know?
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    The issue with pretending to be stupid on the internet to make a point is that there are so many people doing the same thing with no point in mind.

  • The 42 year old new hire at your job confesses to you that he has had 48 different jobs in his life. What is your opinion on that?
  • spittingimage spittingimage Now 100%

    That's going to depend a lot on context. Did he travel the world for five years, working a different temporary job at each stop? Or did he repeatedly get fired for pissing in the boss' in-tray?

  • Method of loci/memory palaces for memorizing professional knowledge or whole languages
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    I've read a comment by someone who put a staircase in their memory palace with a step for each entry on the periodic table of elements. Anecdotal, I know.

  • I was visiting Teotihuacán recently and all the kids were playing with animal toys like these. What are at the bottoms of its legs? I don't get it.
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    A cursed object! Those circles obviously represent the disc of the sun and the animal is a demon stamping it into the sea. I recommend anointing your eyes with the blood of a sacrificial bull so they don't get possessed by ghosts. We all remember what happened last time.


    I'm sharing this because any reduction in unnecessary packaging waste is good for the planet - and because I think laser-etching avocados is funny. 🙂


    I followed a Jaime Oliver recipe for curry, which started with grating onion, ginger and garlic. I liked the curry, but grating an onion is a miserable job. He said that technique unlocked the onion's 'sweetness'. How much difference do you think I'd notice if I used a food processor?


    cross-posted from: > cross-posted from: > > > 'Reef stars' restored Indonesia's blast-damaged corals in just 4 years


    I noticed that one of the monitors in the loom control room had "SKIN?" written on it in the dust that covered it. It seemed pretty mysterious and I was sure it was a detail that was going to be important, but it never came up as far as I noticed. Any theories as to what it's about?


    I've been on a cosmic horror kick lately, and what I'd really like to read is stories or novels of the awful and unfathomable on a spaceship. Stories where we go to them, poke what shouldn't be poked, scan what shouldn't be scanned, and things proceed from there.


    **Ingredients:** - 1 can chickpeas - 1 can diced tomatoes - 2 tbsp water - 1 cup frozen peas - 180g/6.5oz halloumi cheese - 2 heaped tbsp garam masala powder - 1/2 tsp vegetable stock **Method:** 1. Cube the halloumi and set it aside. 2. Mix all remaining ingredients together in a saucepan and place on the heat. Allow to come to a simmer, stirring frequently. 3. Mix in the halloumi and stir until heated through but not melting. 4. Remove from heat and serve with rice. I learned this recipe from a couple of vegetarian friends who eat it twice a week because it's cheap, easy and packed with protein. There's no need to add salt, the masala powder seasons it nicely.


    I recently watched a Wyloch's Armory clip about using painter's tape as edge-cladding for corrugated cardboard tiles. Has anyone tried this? Does the tape take acrylic paint well? If I let segments of tape overlap at the corners, how thick will it look?


    Those of you who've used both, what do I need to know about the difference?

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