Climate change is causing algal blooms in Lake Superior for the first time in history
  • BodyBySisyphus BodyBySisyphus Now 100%

    Global thermonuclear exchange: What am I, chopped liver?


    Don't ask the major party candidates about their positions on that, either: we DO NOT want the answer.

  • Fuck this place indeed
  • BodyBySisyphus BodyBySisyphus Now 100%

    Many such cases deeper-sadness

  • Sputnik 1 - New General Megathread for the 4th-6th of October 2024
  • BodyBySisyphus BodyBySisyphus Now 100%

    So I wake up this morning and the first things I see are Kamala Harris doing an unironic "Thank you for your service Mr dick cheney" and Tim Walz doing Zionist lebensraum

    Please my dreams were pleasant I want to go back to them

  • Fuck this place indeed
  • BodyBySisyphus BodyBySisyphus Now 100%

    I can't believe she keeps trotting the "lethal military" thing out as an applause line and no one has stopped and asked "Wait, want to elaborate on what you mean by that?"

    We're just in all mask off all the time mode and that is terrifying.

  • "Hire fans"
  • BodyBySisyphus BodyBySisyphus Now 100%

    nerd Comic book nerd: "Look, right here on page 52 of the August 1983 issue of Captain America World Crisis Hjorkajork Invasion (third in of the 52-issue series), it shows Cap wearing the Indivisibility Ring on his MIDDLE finger, not his RING finger; the canon reason for that is probably the injury he sustained fighting the Chartreuse Calavera in Alternate Universe Capitano Mexico's Foiled Fiesta, spring of '78. Cap took a burritorang straight to his hand that would definitely have left him with some recurring tendonitis. Your HAVE TO move the ring, IT'S A CRITICAL CALLBACK that HINTS AT Capitano Mexico's possible return from the Null Zone!"

    lt-dbyf-dubois Comic book illustrator: "Dude, '83, huh? Yeah, that was definitely before I dried out. Probably an absinthe year, I think. I put the ring on his middle finger, huh? Sheee-it, go figure."

  • US man, 81, sentenced to six months for creating giant hybrid sheep for hunting
  • BodyBySisyphus BodyBySisyphus Now 100%

    Heck Cattle

    Comrades, there can be only one solution to this threat. We must create the Heck Bear.

  • I know this is kind of a lib thing to complain about, but it really is insane how much electoral mileage the GOP gets out of the fact that its own voters don't understand marginal tax rates.
  • BodyBySisyphus BodyBySisyphus Now 100%

    Deliberately miseducated because the Hungry Ghosts needed factory workers and soldiers, not people who could ask questions. The tax code in particular is kept Byzantine on purpose.

    I sometimes wonder how much we can blame people; we're here because the programming didn't work on us, but probably for a bunch of different reasons, many of which are also outside of our control.

  • Bulletins and News Discussion from September 30th to October 6th, 2024 - Qassam, Qassem, Quagmire
  • BodyBySisyphus BodyBySisyphus Now 100%

    Translation: Mind if we obfuscate the government's eventual refusal to do anything about restoring power?

  • i paid for access to this textbook
  • BodyBySisyphus BodyBySisyphus Now 100%

    "We've done it! We've done it, Igor! We've created the perfect utility monster! Soon it will be ethical... for everyone else to suffer! Mwahahahaha!"

  • Anyone else much more angry than usual?
  • BodyBySisyphus BodyBySisyphus Now 100%

    meow-hug Thanks, this site has been an oasis of sanity and I appreciate everyone here.

  • Anyone else much more angry than usual?
  • BodyBySisyphus BodyBySisyphus Now 100%

    I'm a white hot ball of seething rage with no outlet crammed deep into the body of a boring American research analyst. Every where I look I see the way things are structured to prevent real change, to stop people from doing anything meaningful with their lives and I'm supposed to be grateful for it? I'm supposed to be happy that we're speeding headlong for a cliff at 75 miles an hour instead of 80? (Except it is actually 80 and we have collectively agreed to pretend it's 75 and that's Doing Something).

    Whatever happens in this dog-and-pony show of an election people are going to suffer and lives are going to be snuffed out but people - some of whom I used to respect and trust - are out there celebrating the possibility of being part-of-history

    I'm a pile of joyless negativity and I hate it.

  • Bulletins and News Discussion from September 30th to October 6th, 2024 - Qassam, Qassem, Quagmire
  • BodyBySisyphus BodyBySisyphus Now 100%

    It looks like in 2020 things settled on 60/40 Biden/Trump by October, but in 2016 they were roughly 80/20 Clinton/Trump and that's as far back as they go so it's not like we have much of a track record here.

    If Harris loses PA and MI, she's definitely cooked, so given that those states are polling pretty thin margins, 50/50 doesn't seem unreasonable.

  • China dominates clean energy markets and materials while demonstrating strong political commitment to decarbonization
  • BodyBySisyphus BodyBySisyphus Now 100%

    Watching Westerners tie themselves into pretzels to attribute the acceleration of solar installation to anything other than the fact that China massively dropped the price of new panels would be hilarious if it weren't so enraging.

  • So, what are your predictions for WW3?
  • BodyBySisyphus BodyBySisyphus Now 100%

    I think the American bourg isn't dumb enough to think war with China would end well and hasn't figured out an exit strategy yet, but the problem is the military is getting increasingly stuffed with members of the least reality-tethered Christian subclades. Tension between the financier class and military's Dominionist moiety builds until one of two things happens: the loonies get one of theirs into the top brass and we get a bloodless coup when the president voluntarily turns the reins over to the military, or capital's contradictions build until the US finally implodes (likely because its fragile food production system collides badly with our increasingly volatile global weather patterns and causes another Dust Bowl) and we end up Mad-Maxing it while the rest of the world tries to keep us contained (option #5 fully on the table here). Regional conflicts continue to boil over and cause chaos in Eurasia in the meantime but nothing progresses to the point where we're fully embroiled in a world war.

  • Not sure what to do now
  • BodyBySisyphus BodyBySisyphus Now 100%

    Reverse Pyramid Training helped me break through when I started hitting plateaus on the beginner programs. It's pretty simple, you start your lift heavier and aim for 6-8 reps, then drop 10% and try to hit two more and then another 10% to complete the set. There are some guides online.

    Add weighted pull ups and dips to help continue your upper body gains, they make a huge difference.

    The other thing to start looking into is nutrition. If you aren't hitting your macros it gets much harder to progress after you start to get into heavy lifts. Protein is important but so are carbs because muscles burn calories and you need energy to build more. It can be time-consuming and I relied a lot on make-ahead freezer meals.


    According to [Michael Roberts](, that figure is currently at $1.3 tn including private investment, with only $100 bn in climate finance to poorer countries


    Last night I dreamed I developed a line of booty shorts that said "FROSTED SQUID" on the butt. Not sure if this is the secret key to happiness and wealth that I've been waiting for. Please advise.




    It's been a while since I've breadposted because I've been lazy and not baking anything particularly exciting. But this week I pulled out the grain mill and channeled my inner Poilane. The fresh milled component is a mix of wheat, spelt, and khorasan, and the balance is Sequoia AP. I converted my liquid starter to a stiff one, then did one feeding with the fresh milled flour. After the starter doubled, I mixed the loaf and gave it an overnight proof in the fridge. The forums said cutting the traditional three-day starter build down to one day doesn't make much of a difference, but I can't say the end product tasted substantially different from a decent whole wheat flour. Sprouting makes a much bigger difference but that's also _a process_. I think I'm going to have to just go the whole hog and try all the extra steps to see if it's worth it.


    Oil companies lobbied for - and received in the Inflation Reduction Act - better subsidies for carbon capture and storage while overstating its efficacy and selling captured CO2 for new oil extraction


    My self-discipline has been crap lately. My therapist thinks I have ADHD. I spend all my time in front of a screen. I don't exercise as much as I used to, I bounce in and out of the gym, and I haven't been out dancing in years because - while I'm not the most covid conscious - that many people in a confined space together gives me the heebie jeebies nowadays. I need something to right the ship. I did Korean martial arts when I was a kid but I never practiced on my own and was too much of a goofball to take it seriously. I need do something that requires enough concentration to get me out of my head and ideally involves some speed. Any thoughts on what's good? Things that worked for you?


    Vote Yellowstone Supervolcano for Erupting and Finally Putting a Stop to All This Nonsense 2024


    Please grab a pen and and bust a move in your skivvies


    The big AI models are running out of training data (and it turns out most of the training data was produced by fools and the intentionally obtuse), so this might mark the end of rapid model advancement


    Oh no, our system that enables frauds and liars who engage in relentless self promotion over people with actual capability has generated another disrobed emperor ![shocked-pikachu]( "emoji shocked-pikachu") > "He's one of the more intellectually dishonest guys in tech," another said at the time."I've had plenty of meetings with him where he says things where I'm like, 'That just cannot possibly be true,' but he can kinda get away with it." The cherry on top: > Axel Springer, Business Insider's parent company, has a global deal to allow OpenAI to train its models on its media brands' reporting

    BodyBySisyphus Now
    74 1.3K

    BodyBySisyphus [he/him]
