What do hexbears think about pumped hydropower storage?
  • reallyzen reallyzen Now 100%

    You're talking about Thermal Storage, indeed a complex and costly field in the research for out-of-optimal conditions for electricity production I.e. nighttime for solar power

  • What do hexbears think about pumped hydropower storage?
  • reallyzen reallyzen Now 100%

    Well, it's in a tank. Atop a 250m high tower. Smack in the centre of a ring of mirrors focusing all their heat on it. Liquified to generate steam.

    I think the "corrosive" part is the least of the issues here.

  • What do hexbears think about pumped hydropower storage?
  • reallyzen reallyzen Now 100%

    The landscape footprint is huge, this type of equipment takes a lot, in size / materials / visual impact on the environnement. But that can be minimised, laws about industrial equipment out there in nature can be amended etc. And cf course, as already said here, require both water and elevation.

    The alternative is supposedly simpler, actually pretty costly and high-tech, while nerd-rejoicingly elegant, with an even worse visual impact : molten salt reservoirs. While not applicable everywhere like pumped hydro that needs water and relief, molten salt tanks require lots of heat and relatively even grounds on a huge area. But that dispositive has such a pharaonic, simplistic disposition to it you cannot not love it.

    Unfortunately, the Ouarzazate Noor experience in Morocco has proved it to be too costly and complex in a context where electricity is a competitive business where final price per kWh has actual importance for the end user, even on a state-sponsored project.

    Energy has a cost. Visual, material, human... Financial.

  • [Jeudi Tech] Posez toutes vos questions !
  • reallyzen reallyzen Now 100%

    Y'a-t-il des utilisateurs de téléphone Pixel ici ? Les prix, même en occase, même en vieux modèle, m'irritent la rétine, mais j'aimerais bien passer à GrapheneOS

    Question précise : la durée de vie de la batterie est aussi mauvaise que ça ? Y'a une différence entre modèle plus premium mais écran plus énergivore etc ? Descendre sous les 5000 mAh me stresse j'ai fréquemment de longues journées où mon téléphone me sert beaucoup, genre télécommander des machins, surveiller des bidules, envoyer des trucs. Glander sur Lemmy quand le spectacle est chiant, aussi.

  • [Jeudi Tech] Posez toutes vos questions !
  • reallyzen reallyzen Now 100%

    Quelqu'un connaît une app, de préférence F-Droid ou Obtainium, de suivi d'heures de travail prestées ? Pas de chichis, de tralala, juste un truc qui dit combien d'heures j'ai passées par projet / par entité avec laquelle je bosse ?

  • [Weekly thread] Which shows have you watched this week?
  • reallyzen reallyzen Now 100%

    1~4 of Babylon5

    Can't really get into the idea of a fifth season after 4' ending - or they should've done 10 more & get us the entire 1000 years of the entire galaxy then.

    Started Battlestar Galactica. For the fourth time I think

    Was disappointed by Resident Alien. Great premises, cringe execution

  • [Mercredi CinéSéries] Qu'avez-vous vu cette semaine?
  • reallyzen reallyzen Now 100%

    Fini 1~4 de Babylon 5 et je vois pas pourquoi ils ont tourné une cinquième saison - ou alors ils en tournaient 10 de plus pour vraiment nous raconter toute l'histoire de toute la galaxie quoi

    (Re-)commencé Battlestar Galactica, c'est la troisième fois je pense. Ou 4

  • Ladies, is it masculine to use flashlights??
  • reallyzen reallyzen Now 100%

    Mine's not bad: Long press will activate 2lm crawl-like-a-ninja mode, single-click activates Last State of normal operation, and back button bangs the 2000lm output

    When switched on "normal", long press will fade up or down

    It took a bit of research I must say

  • Ladies, is it masculine to use flashlights??
  • reallyzen reallyzen Now 100%

    Serious, use everyday:

    • ultra-low 2lm output for crawling in aisles, not bothering/disturbing anyone
    • ultra-high 2000lm for pointing at things, and for emergency illumination where the brightest, the best (point at ceiling to not blind anyone)
    • fade-up or down the mid-range for general work situations where ambiant light isn't sufficient (or you're just getting old, uh)

    Some people would argue about the strobe and S.O.S functions out in nature, or even sell the 2000lm as defence against aggression

  • Ladies, is it masculine to use flashlights??
  • reallyzen reallyzen Now 100%


    Long Live The Resistance!!!

  • Hexbear Linux users are the deep state of China
  • reallyzen reallyzen Now 100%

    So I guess the most important thing in your life is playing PUBG then?

    You do you, stay in your walled garden full of expiring licences, monthly subscriptions, invasive surveillance, ads - and so many bugs.

    I need windows and macos for stuff at work, I own such machines. Only I don't use them outside of that exact, momentarily need.

    Dual Boot is your friend.

  • lizard people
  • reallyzen reallyzen Now 100%

    And they OWN that shit, they ain't just shilling it. 2 owns the liquid, one owns the solid. Uh.

    Wtf is wrong with these dudes

  • lizard people
  • reallyzen reallyzen Now 100%

    Who are these guys?

    What shit are they selling?

  • Ladies, is it masculine to use flashlights??
  • reallyzen reallyzen Now 100%

    Mark your position in a rescue situation, combining very strong light output and limited power usage to have it effective for a long time

  • Ladies, is it masculine to use flashlights??
  • reallyzen reallyzen Now 100%

    Some have many modes (high-mid-low beam, fade output, lock switch,... A lot) but most only have 1 push button - the combination of hold / click / double-triple click can get complicated.

    My Thrunite has "only" 4 main functions that I use, and probably at least 2 or 3 more that I am not aware of.

    Disclaimer: I'm a tech for theatre, I live in the dark and use it all the time!

    No, I don't get the gender part either. Tho I would go with rechargeable for someone not used to them, it's easier to plug when needed rather than cry because the batteries are dead and the shop is closed.

  • What percentage of phone calls (to your personal phone) do you answer?
  • reallyzen reallyzen Now 100%

    I have an app that blocks scam/spam so irl I answer 100% but technically I only pickup 50%

  • What game, book, TV show, and/or movie do you wish you could experience for the first time again?
  • reallyzen reallyzen Now 100%

    Game: Gunship 2000

    Book: the Murderbot Diaries

    TV: Firefly

    Movie: Casablanca no! Little Shop of Horrors!

  • Merci à vous toustes qui avez suivi cette minuscule série et joué le jeu de chercher ou pas, trouver parfois mais pas révélé ce lieu que j'adore et où, donc, je travaille tous les étés comme régisseur de tout ce fourbi Napoléonico-troglodico-moyennageux: concerts, son-et-lumière, expos,... Bebêtes nocturnes et plein de trucs et de machins (et peut-être un ou deux fantômes agacés par nos forfanteries aussi) https://fortlecluse.fr Et gros clin d'oeil à @un_aristocrate@jlai.lu qui est même venu nous visiter en vrai, qui s'est tapé les 850 marches de la Galerie Souterraine _et_ la visite guidée ! ![](https://lemmy.ml/pictrs/image/92c3712e-fae1-4c79-bbbe-d1a0f58b2572.jpeg) ![](https://lemmy.ml/pictrs/image/61bbcdc0-bf64-4df0-8a60-a2ba6847bbc1.jpeg) ![](https://lemmy.ml/pictrs/image/167b3515-158f-433d-a753-72629f7e0080.jpeg) ![](https://lemmy.ml/pictrs/image/7131d5cf-044b-4422-87d1-49699e6cce09.jpeg) ![](https://lemmy.ml/pictrs/image/672430f1-c88a-4751-b709-5c0472113b1d.jpeg) ![](https://lemmy.ml/pictrs/image/f23df76d-29fa-4388-b7f9-4770b9d93f71.jpeg)


    It has been asked among other thing 3 months ago, so I'm now bumping it as its own request: I am not on lemmy to see stuff from youtube, twitter, Murdoch-owned trash media, you see the point. Please add "block by url" to Filters, or have Keywords Filter parse the address the link points to too. Thanks in advance!


    Diam's "Marine" - 2006 (alt: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=mRqUYGccqro ; https://deezer.page.link/tTEwJVzBxFhVAwSh6)


    I was 25 when I bought my first motorcycle, a 1992 secondhand Enfield Bullet 350 Standard in gunmetal grey. Fast forward 30 years (and many other cool bikes) later, I just brought home today a black 2022 Royal Enfield Classic 350 Halcyon. Yes I went back to simple, I went back to cute. And I went back to slow, there's no denying it. There are 2 other motorcycles that I would, could go back to: the 1st gen Ducati Monster, and an Ural Sidecar.


    Si je me laisse aller, je serais à 5 ou 6 par jour.


    Update : [more games!](https://vt.social/@lina/112524118075585601)


    The link right here goes to 40:02 of Proton' boss on the TLE channel about Linux support, where a Drive Client is deemed _so difficult to achieve_ that they don't even have a roadmap for it. Nor is the word "Linux" featured anywhere on proton's pages about Drive. *cough*dropbox*cough* If I believe what I see on Lemmy, 99% of users here are on Linux, and the 1% remaining probably are just waiting on a Drive Linux Client to make the switch, right? Right? Please take the survey and maybe mention politely our deep sorrow and profound distress. https://form.typeform.com/to/L0UNpRar The accompanying message says "_Limited submissions. Respond now to ensure your voice is heard_." Let's go! Thanks!

    reallyzen Now
    33 411


    reallyzen@ lemmy.ml

    I have too many toothbrushes